Gone Fishin'



Mar 13, 2025 1:53 pm
Fishing is definitely not Gertrude's favorite pastime. Miles from it! It sounds like the most boring thing one person could ever do. Tough as she dragged her feet all the way up to the watering hole, she did wonder what her favorite pastime is...

Taking a breath as she arrives, Gertrude gives the lake an apathetic glance. The morning sun's reflection dancing on the calm water almost makes the exhausting hike worth it. Still, she would much rather stay at the B&B and sleep a bit longer. But Amelie would not let her crash for long in the laundry room before trying to clean her out of there. And anyway, it's not like she is particularly busy or anything, not having many friends anyway. She might just as well get out of Amelie's way and not be a burden for once. Maybe fishing is ok. Worse case, Parish will cook something nice this evening.

Wait! Parish needs to cook something! "Oh! I forgot to pick up a fishing kit after breakfast. I guess I'll just sit here and watch you guys" Not even waiting for anyone's reply, she looks around for a quiet place sheltered from the sun where she could sit down and be left on her own.
Mar 13, 2025 7:41 pm
Parish LOVES going fishing! It is a pastime... but above all it is a sport! One thing doesnt have to be one or the other! and this is the case for fishing and Parish. He is able to disconect from the world, from the 15ths of september, and even from his love for cooking... Fishing is... his reset zone... and the thing he enjoys the most after cooking. Would this 15th of september be the day when he finally catches the big pray of the lake? However, despite fishing is a sport for him, he does not kill his preys. He likes to return them back to the lake, so they can grow bigger and catch them another day! Also this lake is special and there are... special creatures in it!

Many days Parish goes fishing alone, but today it seems that other guests of the B&B are joining! That is... wonderful!
Parish wears today his special fishing hat, and his shorts. Ah! and a beautiful blue-shirt full of strawberries. He takes a lot of care of his equipment! His beautiful and flexible pole.... the fine thread... and the items he temps the lake's creatures with! He has a box full of different items: gold coins, mirrors, a spoon,... And of course, his fishing chair.

He waves a happy Hi! to Gertrude when he sees her approaching.
Mar 14, 2025 10:34 am
Sal rifles through his makeshift fishing kit, its exterior adorned with stickers from one of his favorite bands, Wormstönk. The fishing rods are old and beat-up and the lures are less lustrous than they might be, but he considers fishing to be a pastime and not a sport, so it's all good with him.

"Here, Gert. I've got an extra rod you can use," he says to Gertrude. "No stress, though. We're just here to chill and vibe out."
Mar 15, 2025 10:35 am
"Ey Sal! Welcome broooo" says Parish to Sal trying to be cool and crossing his arms as a rap singer might do...
Whoopsie: Try to be 'hip' and mess up in the process.
Take a token from the table.
"I can borrow you a lure, come and choose if you want" he says to Gertrude offering his box full of lure treasures: gold coins, mirrors, a tiny silver spoon, a little yellow duck...
Mar 16, 2025 2:17 am
Sherry comes down the trail after everyone else has arrived. She is dressed in her typical fashion - fashionably. Well, fashionably for generations ago. Definitely not fishing attire. In one hand she holds her massive silver sun umbrella, a must for daytime outings. In her other hand, she holds a rod and a few fishing lures as well as a long tube for holding her umbrella. She found them in the B&B's lost and found.

"Why I agreed to do this is beyond me," she complains as she arrives at the fishing spot. In truth, she knows exactly why she agreed to do this. She was bored. Yola had gone off on some trip two days ago, leaving Sherry mostly alone. She made a habit of driving others away, and had gotten quite good at it. Perhaps too good.

Sherry squints through the reflected sunlight as she looks over the water. Fishing seemed like a very inefficient way to kill things, but maybe it was just right for an old vampire.

"Parish, you look ridiculous when you make those gestures," she says after the frog makes his attempt at being hip. "Now, will someone help me set up my umbrella."
Sherry approaches fishing as a pastime.
Last edited March 16, 2025 2:20 am
Mar 16, 2025 2:50 am
Fishin' Table

When you spend a token to go fishin', roll d12 to see what you catch!

1- A Giant Isopod (0 points)
2- A Three-Eyed Fish (1 point)
3- A Talking Fish that Promises to Exchange One Wish for Freedom (1 point)
4- A Nice-sized Lake Trout (2 Points)
5- A Cave Shark (2 points)
6- An Orange Goldfish (2 points)
7- A Weird Snowglobe (2 Points)
8- A Golden Fish Statue (3 Points)
9- A Little Talking Turtle Pet (3 Points)
10- A Beautiful Ceramic Figure of a Dancer (3 points)
11- A Rainbow Trout (4 points)
12- A Massive Chthonic Catfish (4 points)
Mar 16, 2025 4:34 am
"Allow me, Lady Sheridan," Sal says, moving to assist the elderly vampire. He finds a nice shady spot for her and stakes the umbrella down into the soft dirt so the wind won’t blow it away. "There you are! All spick and span!"

He returns to the water’s edge as he starts to spool the fishing line through his rod. "This is going to be fun. Fishing’s, like, super easy. I know that I’m gonna catch the biggest fish in the pool!"
Whoopsie: Fake confidence.
Mar 16, 2025 9:39 pm
Parish smiles to Sherry despite her words to him. He knows how she is... and she is fond of her "Ma'am... may I say that you look fabulous under this light?"

"Oh no my dear Sal... Easy you say? Fishing is an art! You must relax and become one with your pole and your lure... move if just a little... then slightly more.... and then... just follow the beat of your heart and your deepest instincts The creatures that inhabit this old watering hole are intelligent creatures, and they are going to bite your lure so easily... Look at me... You see... this soft movement of my wrist... tap tap there you go... once more... tap tap.... you see... the water is moving softly.... I imitate the steps of a fly... can you imagine a fly walking? oh... Hmmm Know I am hungry... I could eat that fly myself... I have to think about dinner...." Parish keeps muttering about flies and food... and moving his rod with care, whithout taking attention if Sal is listening to him or not... he is too concentrated in fishing right now
Whoopsie: Lose track of reality while caught up in the flight of fancy
Take a token from the table.



Mar 17, 2025 12:02 pm

Gertrude looks up to rod and then at the myriad of lures inside Parish's box. "Oh thanks but, but it's ok. I'll just sit here and watch how you do it." She rejects the help with a unmotivated monotone as she hides under the shade of a large boulder.

She mostly keeps to herself but, as soon as Parish starts explaining how to fish, she intently listens to every word, carefully mirroring his wrist movements and studying the small waves produced.
whoopise: Reject the help from someone
Mar 24, 2025 10:42 am
Sal shrugs at Parish's instructions. "That seems like a lot of work. How about I just toss the line in and see what happens? Yeet!" With a flick of his wrist, Sal casts his reel, sending the hook and sinker into the watering hole with a *PLOP.* He then kicks back, pops open a soda can, and sips as he waits.
Spending a token to go fishin'. Rolling on the table!
After a while, the line goes taut as the hook snags something. "Alright, I got one! Come to Sal!" He reels in his catch, pulling forth a golden statue of a fish. "Huh? That's weird. Looks cool, though. Think I'll keep it!" He tosses the statue into the cooler with a grin.


Fishin' Table - (d12)

(8) = 8

Mar 24, 2025 10:45 am
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Mar 24, 2025 2:28 pm
Parish smiles smiles at Sal's catch
"Oh my! Look at you! You really have a talent for this! Isnt it a great feeling to get something? But... you really want to keep it? If so, next day, there will be one thing to fish less....

Oh! Look! I got something too!
Now with precision I need to bring it to the surface... Slowwwwwly.... slowwwwwly"

12- A Massive Chthonic Catfish (4 points)

"Uoooo That is... massive! Look at that! The great Salomon I will call you! But... I will free you... allow me... allow me... noooo dont bite me big fish! I want to catch you again!"

The fish is bigger than Parish and it is quite a comical and dangerous show to see him freeing the big creature, and he almost fells to the water... but he manages.

Spending a token to go fishin'. Rolling on the table

Edit, rerolling as already out
Last edited March 24, 2025 2:32 pm


fishing - (d12)

(8) = 8

rerolling fishing - (d12)

(12) = 12



Mar 25, 2025 9:59 am
Gestrude marvels at how easily Parish and Sal manage to catch... something. She wish she'd be that good at something... anything. Maybe she'd have some friends if she was...

"Oh no!" Gestrude stands up as Parish catches the massive fish, struggling to release it back to the lake. "Here, no wait, grab this" She stumbles towards Parish trying to help him, but ending up pushing him into the lake with the immense Catfish. As she feels her whole face warming up in embarrassment, she is sure the catfish resurfaced just to laugh at her clumsiness before diving back into the depths of the watering hole.
whoopsie: Mess up something I though I could handle
"Aaahh. I'm just an idiot. Sorry." Gestrude simply shies away, not even trying to help Parish getting out, in case she makes everything worse again.
Last edited March 26, 2025 9:35 am
Mar 27, 2025 11:29 am
Sal chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah, don't worry, Gert. He's a frog. He swims. He'll be fine. Kick back, relax. You'll give yourself hives."

He follows his own advice, munching on some pretzels as he watches Parish flail and flop in the pool.
Whoopsie: Coast on by. Take a token.
Mar 27, 2025 6:01 pm
Parish tries desperate to return to the shore
"Wait! What! Heeeelp!!!! Heeeelp!!! The could eat me!

When he reaches salvation he sits again "I am a frog, but speed is crucial in these situations... I am tasty!"
I forgot, but perhaps trying to free the giant catfish could be Whopsie: chew more that he can bite?
Then he smiles to Gertrude "Dont worry girl... come on, join us!, you see, it is funny... the worse could be a little bath!"
Mar 27, 2025 9:25 pm
While the others are fishing, Sherry fusses with her equipment. And then fusses with it some more. Then stops, sets up a little camp stool she brought, and sits down with a huff. She tries to be aloof, but that turns out to be boring.

"When I was in my prime, I could call animals to do my bidding. LIke, like," she looks around. "There!" she says, pointing to a large bird in a tree. "I could just call down a bird liek that. Except, a fishing bird. A Kingfisher or an osprey. They'd just bring me fish. Alas..." Sherry stares off into the distance and sighs.
Whoopsie: Complain bitterly about the good old days.
Mar 28, 2025 7:33 am
Sure, gesges, that's a good use of that Whoopsie! :)
[ +- ] Chapter Status



Mar 28, 2025 11:09 am
Reassured by Sal, Gestrude chuckles as Parish struggles to get out fast enough. Encouraged by the frog's enthusiasm, she picks up Sal's extra rod and tries to copy Parish as much as possible. Maybe if she caught a fish for dinner Yazeba would let her stay a little bit longer... just until she is back on her feet.
1 token for fishing - A Talking Fish that Promises to Exchange One Wish for Freedom (1 point)
"Oh wait! What? aaaa" Gestrude struggles to figure out what to do at first, but she manages to pull a little fish out of the water. "Oh! It talks the little one!" she carefully grabs a bucket and fills it with water. Once she puts the fish inside, she moves to a quiet place to chat with it alone. Could it be that she might make a little friend on this fishing trip? No, she never makes any friends. Why would she do it now?
Not doing the promise yet, but count as if I released it back already. She has a very obvious wish to ask for to "fill her track"
Last edited March 28, 2025 11:21 am


fishing - (d12)

(8) = 8

that's in the cooler already - (d12)

(3) = 3

Mar 28, 2025 11:16 am
Something tugs on Gertrude's hook. She reels it in, pulling up a mundane-looking little fish. But then the fish suddenly speaks!

"Noble maiden! Prithee, release me, and I shall grant you a single wish! Anything your heart desires!"
load next

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