Fenian and the Fantastical

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Mar 14, 2025 12:58 pm
PC thread
Fenian was brought up as a regular child in the elven enclave in the forest. He loved exploring and nature, so it came naturally for him to be an outrider, someone watching and protecting the borders.

What he did not expect was the manifestation of arcane abilities, and he was taken by surprise because of it. His parents had no explanation for this, and now he wants to go beyond the homeland's borders, to understand its origin and limits. And, deep inside, he is just curious of the wide world.
Mar 14, 2025 1:18 pm
You have been invited by an unknown person to meet with them The message appeared mysteriously in your room a week ago. The words on the letter all glow with magical energy and direct you to a small ruined tower deep within the woods on this day. Knowing of the tower and curious about the invitation you decided to at least check it out.


Observing the tower from the cover of the trees you see floating orbs of different colors drift through the air, their glow shifting with magical energy.
Mar 14, 2025 4:49 pm
For a few minutes Fenian just watches the tower and its surroundings, simply marveling at the air of mystery and age radiating from it. Then, if nothing dangerous seems to be around, he walks up to the side entrance, to check it for usability. On the way to the tower, he glances up at the floating orbs, but can't make heads or tails of it, so he leaves them alone -- for now.
Ok, I forgot to add the reason for the roll, it was meant as a Perception check, just being wary and alert.
Last edited March 14, 2025 4:51 pm


Fenian Valthyra: Test DC: 5 - Adv (as an outrider) - (3d6)

(516) = 12

Mar 14, 2025 10:06 pm
[ +- ] Advantage
Fenian Valthyra does not have "Outrider" on their sheet and that has nothing to do with perception anyhow. But if you are rolling to check for threats then it is perfect.
Vigilant: Better to stay ready than to get ready. (original) You gain Advantage on Initiative Tests. I have expanded this to include sensing threats etc. So you are not consciously more observant but still very hard to startle and can estimate threats when you see them => (revised) You gain Advantage on initiative and Tests to sense to danger, seen, unsee, and even in your sleep.
Perceptive: What has been seen cannot be unseen. You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.
Other than the floating orbs you do not see anything and though you can feel magic in the area it is mild and unthreatening. Looking through the open doorway you see a multitude of lights moving erratically around its interior. You see a red one that looks to be burning bobbing along, a fast moving white one, a bluish green one sliding along surfaces, and more. As you pause to examine them you feel a trace of magic trigger off of your presence and hear a voice from thin air.

Welcome mageling. I noticed your aura while passing through the area and left this test for you should you be interested. If you wish to be tested simply step into the room and the trials will begin. These are simple test designed to test your arcane skill and understanding, not your combat prowess. All test must be solved with magic you inherently control. You may leave at any time but should you pass my test I will present you an opportunity you may not find again in many years.
Mar 14, 2025 11:06 pm
Fenian muses a bit about who the person can be, but if they wanted him to know, they would have shown themselves, instead of just projecting a disembodied voice. He then eagerly enters the tower, excited about the test, primarily, but also because of the opportunity mentioned.

Inside, his first thing to do is setting his weapon down at the base of the wall, as the situation seems to be not about combat. He takes a deep breath, and runs his thoughts through all he knows about the arcane.
Outrider is his Trade, right below Belief.
Mar 15, 2025 1:52 pm
It jus threw me as "Outrider" is also a trait. Explain what you mean by outrider to make sure we are on the same page. I am getting a ranger or scout vibe.
Entering the large round room littered with leaves, old broken bits of furniture, and a rickety ladder leading to the levels above you prepare to take on this wizards tests. As you finish your preparations a dark ball previously unseen descends from above and expands. As the blackness washes over you you feel a loss of most senses.

A voice enters your mind
The Trial of the Unseen is your first test and is threefold. Find the unseen stalker. Find the key to escape. Pierce the illusion to find your way. As the voice speaks you see an image of a predatory reptile that fades from view, a simple key but made of silver, and a jumbled maze with an exit leading back to the woods.

The darkness is then filled with a thick mist of random colors and sounds surround you. Instead of a tower in the woods you now stand in a strange place with shapes of various materials, color, and texture jutting from every angle. You realize the shapes creating a near approximation of the tower interior but are not quite right. Likely the world around you has been draped in illusion, the problem is that if this is the case it becomes hard to determine exactly where things are. And to make it all the more intense, through the cacophony of strange and random noises that surround you a low rumbling growl from afar but getting closer is heard.
Feel free to use either exact action descriptions or general plans you wish to do or a combination of the two. Add rolls for activities that may fail or oppos your environment (pierce the illusion, listening for sounds though the jumble of noises, navigating correctly through the altered space...)
Mar 15, 2025 6:20 pm
Illusions, misdirection, trickery. Oh my.

After a moment Fenian decides to close his eyes, as they are basically useless now. And he is used to that, traveling in darkness, or stalking in darkness. That's it, boy, much better now, use your hearing and other senses. When he loses the little sparks and impressions on his field of vision behind closed eyes, the elf decides to use his arcane power to enhance the one he hopes will be the most useful against the unseen stalker: his hearing. He then draws his sword, eyes still closed, and focuses on the growling.
Yes, for me outrider meant a forward scout when troops move.
I suppose I can't use the Spell-touched trait for all magic, that would be a free all-around-bonus. However, in case you think Outrider or Vigilant can help, I roll three dice. Ignore the last one if I don't get advantage.


Fenian Valthyra: enhance hearing by Spell - (3d6)

(255) = 12

Mar 16, 2025 2:43 am
[ +- ] My thoughts/reasoning
Fenian is able to block out many of the distractions that surround him with a bit of magic. Leaning in to his instincts he realized that directly facing his foe with his blade might cause it to be more cautious than he would like. Letting the blade drift, but keeping it ready you soon sense something approaching. A slight scraping sound, the clatter of stone falling and bouncing. Whatever it is, the thing is moving high on the wall to your right, and moving the circle behind you.
[ +- ] Combat
Normally attacking an unseen opponent would force all attacks to be at Disadvantage, but with your good roll I am saying you are tracking the creature well enough at this time for 2 regular attacks once it is in range.
Mar 16, 2025 7:36 pm
The elf listens to the thing circling him, and resists the temptation to turn towards it. It would prematurely inform it that its invisibility did not help it. So, when he feels the time is right, he turns like a whirlwind and attacks with the same motion. And, just after the attack, he immediately dodges left.
[ +- ] OOC
Last edited March 16, 2025 7:37 pm


Fenian Valthyra: attack - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Fenian Valthyra: evade - (2d6)

(22) = 4



Mar 16, 2025 10:26 pm
Timing your strike just right you land a blow, revealing your assailant as your blow opens a gash on a draconic looking beast.

The creature hisses at your, lashing out once them fading from view as it scrambles back. However the blood from the wound and noise it make reveal it's location all to clearly for you.
You can attempt to pursue as you still know the rough area of where it is. If it had succeeded its stealth check, attacks would be at disadvantage unless you use an action to determine its location with Vigilant. However it failed so you can attack as normal as long as you keep it engaged.


drake attack - (2d6)

(23) = 5

drake stealth - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Mar 17, 2025 4:33 am
This is my chance to be bold and decisive! Fenian tells himself. He pursues the creature to keep his advantage, pressing the attack. Another arcing slash with his sword, but putting all his focus on the strike now.
[ +- ] OOC
Last edited March 17, 2025 4:35 am


Fenian Valthyra: focus for the attack - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Fenian Valthyra: sword attack - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Mar 17, 2025 12:49 pm
[ +- ] Focus
Focus only takes 1 action, no roll required
Foucing to ensure your strike lands rather than going for additional attacks you close in on the beast and land another blow. The creature returns to view only to dissipate into a swirl of magical energy, indicating it was a magical summon or creation. With one hunter out of the mix you still yourself to check for other threats. After a minute of stillness you find nothing else to be amiss in the slightly jumbled chaos of the illusions. Thinking back you recall the rest of the instructions.
The Trial of the Unseen is your first test and is threefold. Find the unseen stalker. Find the key to escape. Pierce the illusion to find your way.
Mar 17, 2025 5:45 pm
Find the unseen stalker: done. The next task is finding the key, then. Silver key, simple shape. The elven scout searches his mind to find a solution to the next puzzle. I need to see without my eyes, to find the shape. What animal does that? The bat, for example. It sees in the darkness, using sound instead of light. Let's try this, I've never done anything like this, anyway.

Fenian focuses on sounds, with eyes closed, letting out a constant high-pitched low-volume noise, hoping to simulate the bat's 'sight'.


Fenian Valthyra: using magic for echolocation - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Mar 18, 2025 1:31 am
Your spell emits a high pitched tone designed to resonate withe metal and objects shaped as a key. The results work a bit better than expected but the end result allows you to dowse for the key by honing in on the loudest echo. Guided across the room you fumble through the illusions with closed eyes till your hands close on what you seek. Suddenly all the noise stops. Taking a quick peek you find your surroundings have shifted to a simple grey cloud that surrounds you limiting sight, hearing and all of your other senses to the extent you can not even see the floor. This mist is obviously magical illusion but has a different feel to it . . . and you suspect there is a deeper mystery tied to the cloud.
I am revising my character creation process so that players all start at the normal character creation point
This means that you begin the game with your Heritage Trait, +3 traits of your choice, 1 weapon type proficiency, and 1 weapons mastered from the type of weapon you are proficient with. Go ahead and update your character to match this.
Mar 27, 2025 6:40 pm
Am I still good to continue this?
Mar 27, 2025 8:00 pm
Sure, I have a 2 week no contact policy to remove players but even then am willing and have had some take me up on, letting them back in the story. I just remove idle payers as some people ghost games and I need to be able to focus on active players. Life happens, no reason to stop having fun when/where you can.
All I ask is you do some kind of contact weekly if possible, even to say HI! Then I say something ridiculous "Whats up puddytat?
If at any time you need a break just let me know and I can archive the story till you are back.
Mar 28, 2025 7:05 pm
Fenian stands in the grey clouds now convinced it is doing more than just presenting false information. It is also limiting his senses. Still with key in hand all that is left is to find the exit or perhaps the keyhole and you should be free of these trials.
Mar 30, 2025 6:11 pm
The one sense that I still have, hopefully, is touching. The elf slowly crouched down to feel the floor with his hands. He hopes to find it, at least, this way. If he feels the floor, he starts measuring up his surroundings with his hand, once again closing his eyes. This is so very hard, closing my eyes when I can see.
Ok, I'll check the sheet.

I used three dice, discard the last one if it's not applicable.


Fenian Valthyra: feeling around with hands - (3d6)

(415) = 10

Mar 31, 2025 12:41 pm
After a bit of exploration you find your way to a door, that you are sure was not there before. Taking the key you insert it into the lock and with a turn the grey mist vanishes and the room returns to normal. A familiar voice sound out from behind you

Dasyra Valdi
Very nicely done. Not the best performance but still passable. I would like to extend an invitation to you. Should you accept I will move you to a place where I can teach you and you can learn thing that you may not have been able to elsewhere. After you finish your training or decide to leave I can send you back to this place.

Will you accept my invitation?
quick post, I will add more detail later, train is almost to destination

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