What he did not expect was the manifestation of arcane abilities, and he was taken by surprise because of it. His parents had no explanation for this, and now he wants to go beyond the homeland's borders, to understand its origin and limits. And, deep inside, he is just curious of the wide world.
Fenian and the Fantastical
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What he did not expect was the manifestation of arcane abilities, and he was taken by surprise because of it. His parents had no explanation for this, and now he wants to go beyond the homeland's borders, to understand its origin and limits. And, deep inside, he is just curious of the wide world.

Observing the tower from the cover of the trees you see floating orbs of different colors drift through the air, their glow shifting with magical energy.
Fenian Valthyra: Test DC: 5 - Adv (as an outrider) - (3d6)
(516) = 12
Vigilant: Better to stay ready than to get ready. (original) You gain Advantage on Initiative Tests. I have expanded this to include sensing threats etc. So you are not consciously more observant but still very hard to startle and can estimate threats when you see them => (revised) You gain Advantage on initiative and Tests to sense to danger, seen, unsee, and even in your sleep.
Perceptive: What has been seen cannot be unseen. You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.

Inside, his first thing to do is setting his weapon down at the base of the wall, as the situation seems to be not about combat. He takes a deep breath, and runs his thoughts through all he knows about the arcane.
A voice enters your mind
The Trial of the Unseen is your first test and is threefold. Find the unseen stalker. Find the key to escape. Pierce the illusion to find your way. As the voice speaks you see an image of a predatory reptile that fades from view, a simple key but made of silver, and a jumbled maze with an exit leading back to the woods.
The darkness is then filled with a thick mist of random colors and sounds surround you. Instead of a tower in the woods you now stand in a strange place with shapes of various materials, color, and texture jutting from every angle. You realize the shapes creating a near approximation of the tower interior but are not quite right. Likely the world around you has been draped in illusion, the problem is that if this is the case it becomes hard to determine exactly where things are. And to make it all the more intense, through the cacophony of strange and random noises that surround you a low rumbling growl from afar but getting closer is heard.
After a moment Fenian decides to close his eyes, as they are basically useless now. And he is used to that, traveling in darkness, or stalking in darkness. That's it, boy, much better now, use your hearing and other senses. When he loses the little sparks and impressions on his field of vision behind closed eyes, the elf decides to use his arcane power to enhance the one he hopes will be the most useful against the unseen stalker: his hearing. He then draws his sword, eyes still closed, and focuses on the growling.
I suppose I can't use the Spell-touched trait for all magic, that would be a free all-around-bonus. However, in case you think Outrider or Vigilant can help, I roll three dice. Ignore the last one if I don't get advantage.
Fenian Valthyra: enhance hearing by Spell - (3d6)
(255) = 12
In my games magic is a common element so I allow most magics to be sensed by most creatures. Magic can be hidden but this takes time, effort, or skill, like a hidden trap door under a rug.
As for the advantage given by Outrider there are some limits to it. Trades grant advantage in a field of knowledge and some simpler tasks but are not supposed to be as potent as Traits. For ex: outrider would have advantage to recognize numbers of prints but not to track itself, as that is the Tracker trait. They would have advantage on creating a screen to hide, but not hide instantly as that is the Sneaky trait.
FYI : Vigilant vs Perceptive is something that has only come up a couple of times so I may not have it clear in the descriptions.
Perceptive: What has been seen cannot be unseen. You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.
Vigilant: Better to stay ready than to get ready. You gain Advantage on Initiative Tests. You also have advantage to sense threats and danger Green is a portion I added as I do not use Initiative in my games much and it seemed to go with the intent.
So Perceptive is enhancing your 5 senses while Vigilant is more mentally tracking changes you sense with them and your hunches or intuition as well. This could have overlap say in application but I would say Perceptive might see/hear flaws in the illusion while Vigilant would be more aware of risky it might hide. Go ahead and roll with advantage where you feel it applies but my responses will lean more towards the insubstantial and imprecise.
I am fine with creative use of Spell touched but typically will not allow it to replicate other trats, like perceptive. However as this is against a magical event I can see it being applicable
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Fenian Valthyra: attack - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Fenian Valthyra: evade - (2d6)
(22) = 4

drake attack - (2d6)
(23) = 5
drake stealth - (2d6)
(31) = 4
Eh, no luck this round.
Fenian Valthyra: focus for the attack - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Fenian Valthyra: sword attack - (2d6)
(24) = 6
The Trial of the Unseen is your first test and is threefold. Find the unseen stalker. Find the key to escape. Pierce the illusion to find your way.
Fenian focuses on sounds, with eyes closed, letting out a constant high-pitched low-volume noise, hoping to simulate the bat's 'sight'.
Fenian Valthyra: using magic for echolocation - (2d6)
(36) = 9
This means that you begin the game with your Heritage Trait, +3 traits of your choice, 1 weapon type proficiency, and 1 weapons mastered from the type of weapon you are proficient with. Go ahead and update your character to match this.
All I ask is you do some kind of contact weekly if possible, even to say HI! Then I say something ridiculous "Whats up puddytat?
If at any time you need a break just let me know and I can archive the story till you are back.
I used three dice, discard the last one if it's not applicable.
Fenian Valthyra: feeling around with hands - (3d6)
(415) = 10

Will you accept my invitation?