Erin and the missing chapters from Elden Hollow

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Mar 14, 2025 1:22 pm
Erin was a librarian in his town. He loved reading and becoming a librarian was an obvious choice.
He has travelled just by books but never left his town before... never needed it!
However.... a great adventure book arrived to his hands.... It is the best story he ever read! Unfortunately it is unfinished.
He starts his search for the finished version of the book... or perhaps to meet the author?
Mar 14, 2025 2:12 pm
Erin sits on the wagon as the small caravan pulls off the the side of the road and into a large clearing outside the small town. Traces of the records that came with the book have lead to this region. However faint this has been the best trail to date with multiple copies of the book being copied by a monastery that burned down. The book you seek was not kept in the monetary and all they had to go on was the original records that pointed to this town.

The wagons all park and begin unloading in preparations of the festival that is to happen tomorrow. An annual production sponsored by the mayors family dating from the end of the Dawn War. The village looks to be quiet and spread along the sea shore as well as further inland. As you drove into the area you noticed that many of the households and paths you passes soon began emitting people all heading to the clearing you are not in. Hopping off the wagon as directed by the driver you are engulfed by a cheerful chaos as locals, merchant, and porters unload, arrange, re-arrange, argue over the arrangement, and begin setting up stalls, tents, platforms and roping off sections of the field.

Enroute to this place you inquired about the local and any who may be the source or author of the book. Though not a large or prosperous town it is known to have several old families that include a minor noble, a merchant clan, and a wizard family. With most people barely literate in the low common script, a ideographic and runic script used for labels and directions, those three families are the most likely source of the book or to have knowledge of it's origins.

As you ponder your next step you hear a commanding voice take charge of the area instantly resolving several ongoing disputes about the stall arrangement. The elderly figure is dressed neatly, though of common materials, and has a bearing of authority and from the quick obedience he elicits from the crowd, both local and caravan member, make it clear this man is known and respected.

Mar 15, 2025 2:05 am
I wait for the situation to be solved and then observe this man from the distance. I can assume from his clothes that he is from one of the region's old families, either a noble, a merchant, or a wizard.

Once Erin sees him walking alone, he approaches him

"Good morning Sir, sorry for interrupting you. My name is Erin, I am a librarian from far away. I just arrived to this land in the search of a book. Perhaps... you may have a library of your own? May I humbly ask for permission to visit it?"


Persuasion - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Mar 15, 2025 2:59 pm
Catching the man between events does not seem to have earned you much time as he does not even do more than glance your way as he strides through the organized chaos. However his answer does catch your interest. Not much of a library here about, unless you're a friend of the Corvaynes. The Arkwrights is more likely to have ledgers and House Vaelthorne would have genealogy and history books. What exactly is it you are looking for? The man continues shouting instructions and settling disputes but a glance back at you lets you know he has not dismissed you out of hand but simply has other issues to deal with as well. But he seems to know much about the area and people in it as well as giving you time, limited as it may be, and information while dealing with other matters.

If you need a guide I can find you a local lad, all to glad to help for a copper or two to spend at tomorrow fair the man suggests to Erin between other conversations. He waves over a nearby youth who runs up immediately looking at you and the man expectantly.
Mar 15, 2025 9:11 pm
Erin takes quick notes of the surnames mentioned

"Thank you Sir... you have been very helpful... I am in debt with you. Shall you need a storyteller for tomorrow's festival... or another situation just tell me! I will be honored"

Then turning to the lad "I am in need of a guide, would you help me for a couple of coppers? And a breakfast! I need something to eat, join me and tell me the history of this city, deal?"
Mar 16, 2025 4:25 pm
The bit looks at you with an odd expression then asks What do you eat? You l look like a plant. But if you paying then sure he says with a smile.

The boy leads you out of the field and into a cluster of buildings that looks to serve as the rotten center. Though there are numerous building this town is more spread out with large gardens, small orchards, animal pens, and stretches of land that are empty of any structures or cultivation. You brief passage into town ends at a large building that upon entry reveals almost the entire first floor is open with only beams holding up the second floor and one side of it enclosed and by the sounds and smells good the kitchen.

The cavernous room is nearly empty but a couple tables hold merchants from the caravan you arrived with and a local or two. A young girl gets you and Tom saying to take a table and she will be with you in a bit. After settling down Tom goes into a brief history of the town
Mar 16, 2025 4:36 pm
Elden Hollow is a remote town on the southern coastline of the kingdoms. It is a peaceful place surrounded by mist-laden forests and low hills. Though it is mostly a boring and peaceful place, it has members that have influenced history in the wider world. Tom tells of how a great general of the Dawn War was from the town and helped secure the safety of millions in his service. He recounts several stories of his valor, courage, and strategic prowess, highlighting of course how none by the great general could do these things. He then got into a talk of how one of the towns families traces it's origins to one of the greatest storm wizards of the Dawn Age. The wizard was said to have had the power to control the weather as far as he could see and was responsible for the shape of the region by using storms to flatten mountains and carve out the town cove.

Mostly the town folks are farmers, fishermen, with a few woodsmen but their access to the sea ensure they are on several trade routes that keep them tied into news from the wider world. Tom then goes on to talk about how some Lord tried to make the town a bigger port shortly after the Shattering, a couple generations ago. but the locals resisted this and with the help of the three big families they were able to ensure they kept their home the way the like it. You can tell from the boys time he had great pride of his hometown.
Mar 16, 2025 9:26 pm
Erin smiles to Tom
"Indeed.... I dont eat as you do... but I eat too... I need nutrients, and liquids... "

He listens to Tom's detailed report about Elden Hollow "Uoooo I never meet a descendants of one of the storm wizards of the Dawn Age... Tales of them are... exciting! And... are his (or her) descendants as powerful? And a great general of the Dawn War... Indeed this city provided great power in those days...
I can understand why you want your home this way... I come from a calm place too... and big cities...stress me...
I came to Elden Hollow looking for a book. It was written during the Dawn Age... I have a copy but it is unfinished. Where do you suggest I can start?"

When the cantine girl cames, Erin orders a big jar of rain water with polen. He encourages Tom to order something for himself.
Mar 17, 2025 3:58 am
You are served a drink of water with what you guess to be honey that turns out to be not too bad, while Tom ha s thick porridge with some sausage. As you eat Tom answers your questions. Oh yes the family is still known for their weather magics. Not all of them are wizards or even study magic but it is a bit of a tradition I guess. he responds about the wizarding family.

Tom though for a minute after you asked about books. Well, most of us don't read much, books being rare and expensive and all, but I guess that the three great families all have some. And like I said not everyone from those families does their family business so I guess it could be any of them.

After pausing to think for a minute he brightens and suggests Lets go see sheriff Tallowbrook. He's from House Vaelthorne but doesn't live on the estate and is much friendlier, unless you get into trouble. Most folks think he is a good sheriff and respect and trust him but his family does not seem to like his job. Rumor has it that they think he could be great, like that old general I was talking about, only he doesn't want to be and so gets into fights with them all the time I know he has books and likely knows about his families books and the others as well.

When you finish up Tom takes you to the sheriffs home. As you wander the streets of the area you notice someone is following you. But when you try to get a better look all you see is a cloak vanishing down a side street. Was it just your imagination you wonder. But then Tom leads you out of the central cluster of buildings, saying the Sherriff's office is closer to the town entrance, where the caravan is setting up at the fairgrounds, and again you hear sounds of someone following you. Looking around the field you are crossing you see the road enter a small orchard with thick hedges along the roadside and behind you the town center with its various buildings and gardens but no obvious signs of whatever was making the sounds just then.
Mar 18, 2025 8:52 pm
Erin likes the idea of visiting sheriff Tallowbrook.
He doesnt know where to start... so anyone is a good starting point.
During the way to the Sheriff's home, Erin observes the city, the streets and the people... Are there more like him? Or he is calling the attention of people around?

When Erin notices the follower, he whispers to Tom
"Tom... I am afraid we are being followed... do you have any enemy?"
sorry for delay. Baby has been ill


Perceptive : trying to get a glimpse of the stranger - (3d6)

(464) = 14

Mar 18, 2025 10:59 pm
local rogue
Using the local scenery to your advantage you time your glimpse back and manage to catch sight of a tattered and dirty looking animalkin with long ears skipping along, almost causally, and vanishing behind a clump of brush and and trees where he vanishes. The rabit-kin are known for their rapid movement and keen hearing but are not usually seen in the less savory professions. However the fact that he was wandering off the trail and has yet to re-emerge makes you even more suspicious.

Tom seems confused at your question and turns to look behind but does not see the figure who has by then vanished. Well, Billy has a crush on my sister and I warned him to lay off till after the harvest or I would past him good. Bit he's not dumb enough to try something this close to fairtime. He looks around a moment then shrugs and turns back to your destination.
Mar 20, 2025 6:53 am
Erin smiles, and scratches his back
"It must has been my imagination... What can you tell me of the different races that live in Elden Hollow" he wants to keep Tom talking as she continues looking for the stranger

Perhaps, if they do a turn, he will grab Tom to be quiet and observe if they can catch by surprise the follower

mysterious rogue


Mar 20, 2025 12:45 pm
mysterious rogue
You continue on your way, with most of your attention on the area behind you when a minute later the path winds through a small thicket and are about to enter when that same beastkin steps out of the path, apparently distracted by something and bumps into you. Ashe does you feel a tug at your waist and a flash of metal is seen as the figure ties to cut your purse free but you step back and avoid the rogues hands and blade

Tom seems surprised and jumps back in alarm shouting for help. Panic enters the rabitkin's eyes and he prepares to run for it, you have but moments to do something before he flees.
[ +- ] Combat rules if you wish detain him, or evade, or run away/after


pick pocket - (2d6)

(13) = 4

cut purse - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Mar 20, 2025 2:34 pm
Erin tries to get advantage of his height and feet/roots to try to stop the stranger
"Not so quick!"

Not achieving it, he tries to move afterwards
Last edited March 20, 2025 2:35 pm


Stop stranger by placing a feet (or root) on its way - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Move after stranger - (2d6)

(32) = 5

mysterious rogue


Mar 21, 2025 2:35 pm
[ +- ] Tests
[ +- ] Advantage
Your attempts to trip up the assailant are lightly hopped over then the rabitkin turns to dash off

mysterious rogue
My mistake. Catch you next time bloke he taunts you as he scampers off


running away with advantage (heritage) - (3d6)

(544) = 13

Mar 21, 2025 2:52 pm

Watching the figure quickly vanish in the trees you realize you have no hop of catching the quick footed rabitkin. Tom seems a bit put off and a little concentered as he does not recognize the rabitkin. Likely an out of towner here for the fair. I didn't like the way he looked at you. We can tell the sheriff when we see him.

The two of you continue on and after another couple of minutes reach a two story home built of stone, stout timber, with the first floor looking a bit like a ship with large open doors. You enter with Tom and see a large entry chamber with a couple smaller rooms to one side, some cells on the other, and stairs leading up in the back. As you enter you hear a voice call down followed by footsteps .

Sheriff Rowan Tallowbrook
A strong and keen eyed man descends the stairs. Before he even reaches the ground floor Tom has gone into a rather exaggerated retelling of your encounter with the probable rogue and the man listens with obvious concern but also a hint of amusement at the lads obvious embellishments. When Tom finishes the man acts concerned Hmm, one of those eh? Well Tom, why don't you run along and tell the mayor then round up all the lads and make sure they escort all the nice mam's and missus around town for the day. We wouldn't want someone like that to upset the town now would we? and Tom is sent on his way with a heroic and noble expression.

As soon as the boy is gone the man sighs then chuckles. Turning to you he holds out his hand Name Rowan Tallowbrook, sheriff of this county. What can I do for you? As he greets you he looks you over and it is clear he is not quite sure what to make of you.
Mar 22, 2025 10:12 am
Extends his arm to greet the Sheriff
Well meet Sheriff, It is my pleasure to meet you. My name is Erin... just Erin. I come from distand lands.... I have travelling long in the search of knowledge... Look, I own a book that is incomplete... After reading it my mind couldnt stop thinking about it, I had the need of looking for its missing last chapters. I had many stops and talk to many people, and finally, I found a lead that brought me to Elden Hollow.... Perhaps you have heard or read before about the Missing child prophecy?"

Sheriff Rowan Tallowbrook


Mar 23, 2025 1:37 pm
Sheriff Rowan Tallowbrook

The man seems a bit taken aback and replies Well, I wasn't expecting any literary troubles this week and chucked at his own little joke. Seeing your earnestness he somber and thinks as he gathers up a few thing for a moment before heading for the door and telling you to Walk with me, today is going to be busy.

I, personally, have few books and do not recognize the title so if there is another copy it is not in my home or office. Do you know the author and content? If you give me a bit more information I may be able to point you in the correct direction.
Mar 23, 2025 8:11 pm
Erin smiles
The author was what lead me to this town. Abrahamam Stries. I followed the records of the Stries family and the last thing I found was about an Stries lady in Elden Hollow. But perhaps the surname is now lost in time... The content... well
... the Missing child prophecy.
May I ask why do you think today is going to be busy? The festival?"

Sheriff Rowan Tallowbrook


Mar 25, 2025 1:53 am
Sheriff Rowan Tallowbrook
Rowan listens to your explanation but shakes his head and indicates he is not familiar with the book. Well, if it is a prophesy it would either be House Vaelthorne or The Corvaynes. The Vaelthorne are more likely to keep it secret as knowing bloodlines of potential is a noble passetime. I would try the Corvaynes first. But they are a bit hard to get information from unless you have something to trade that is.

As for being busy, yes the festival draws in many of the outlying families and some form the neighboring towns and villages too. Along with them are the inevitable outsider, like you and the one that bothered you. You just seem to have bad timing. The other, well, I'll try to have a chat with him

He keeps walking back the way you came, though by a different way. Along the way he talks a bit about the festivities and local gossip as well as a short introduction to the Corvaynes. The Corvaynes are the keepers of lost knowledge in Elden Hollow. Their family has long been dedicated to understanding magic and protecting arcane secrets. They live in Hollow Spire, an ancient tower that predates the town itself.
I am revising my character creation process so that players all start at the normal character creation point
This means that you begin the game with your Heritage Trait, +3 traits of your choice, 1 weapon type proficiency, and 1 weapons mastered from the type of weapon you are proficient with. Go ahead and update your character to match this
They have been the town’s healers and scholars, curing diseases, advising leaders, and solving supernatural mysteries.
Their family library contains centuries of rare knowledge, including local history, forgotten spells, and ancient maps.
They have fought back mystical threats, ensuring the town’s safety against dark forces lurking in the valley.

Just as he finishes telling you this he points of to one side. Take that trail if you want to visit their tower. Some of them are in town, I can show you the house if you like, but their main library would be in the tower. I leave the choice to you. and pauses a moment to let you decide.

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