[CLOSED] Black Hack 2e - The Behemoth's Wake

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ClosedThe Black HackPrivate1 / dayQralloq
The Behemoth is no mere landbound creature—it is an airborne leviathan, a floating, mountain-sized beast that drifts across the endless Red Expanse. Beneath its shadow, landships and mounted riders wage war for control of the ever-changing landscape it shapes in its wake. It is a relic of an older world, an organic dreadnought said to carry forgotten secrets of the ancients within its flesh.


The players are warriors, exiles, or treasure seekers, either riding great leaping raptors, insectoid drones, or strapped to primitive rafts pulled by reptilian bulls. When rumors spread that the Behemoth is descending, something unheard of in a thousand years, factions across the land race toward its projected crash site. MOUNTED COMBAT WILL FEATURE HEAVILY.

Mar 16, 2025 7:47 pm
The Red Expanse is a vast, shifting wasteland of crimson dunes, jagged crystal spires, and hidden ruins from a long-dead civilization. The air shimmers with heat by day, while at night, the sands glow faintly from buried veins of unknown energy.

Winds sculpt the terrain into ever-changing labyrinths, and sudden "sandquakes" expose forgotten relics or swallow entire warbands. Towering bone monoliths stand as grim markers of past battles, and in the deepest reaches, ancient, half-buried war machines sleep beneath the dunes, waiting for the right call to awaken.

The ground is a battleground for riders and war-wagons, while nomadic clans, scavenger barons, and beast-riding warlords carve out shifting territories. In the distance, the Behemoth drifts like a living mountain, casting its shadow over the Expanse—an omen of change, power, or doom.

The Behemoth travels slowly over and across the land, its wake reshaping the terrain and leaving behind a strange, fertile ecosystem in its wake. Rivers reroute, forests sprout overnight, and forgotten ruins are unearthed by its strange passing. This "Behemoth" is an ancient, possibly divine entity, and its migration has drawn scavengers, warlords, and scholars hoping to unlock its secrets.

The Behemoth is no mere landbound creature—it is an airborne leviathan, a floating, mountain-sized beast that drifts across the endless Red Expanse. Beneath its shadow, landships and mounted riders wage war for control of the ever-changing landscape it shapes in its wake. It is a relic of an older world, an organic dreadnought said to carry forgotten secrets of the ancients within its flesh.


The players are warriors, exiles, or treasure seekers, either riding great leaping raptors, insectoid drones, or strapped to primitive rafts pulled by reptilian bulls. When rumors spread that the Behemoth is descending, something unheard of in a thousand years, factions across the land race toward its projected crash site. MOUNTED COMBAT WILL FEATURE HEAVILY.

Game System: We are playing The Black Hack second edition, an OSR-style game that has spawned many further hacks. Rolls are all player facing and roll under; you either roll for your action or make a save to resist something.

Themes: survival, violence, war, dystopia. A cross between Dark Sun and John Carter of Mars.

Character Creation: I am looking for 4-6 players. Character creation will be standard as per the game.

Game Commitment and Post Frequency: I'd like to play through an adventure. From there we can decide if we want to experience the more complex exploration of the world, or leave it there. As to post frequency, I'd like there to be daily posts (not necessarily from every player), and I will be available to post responses in my evenings most days.

Specialised Resources: Everything will be on Gamers Plane. A Discord server is available if we find the needed for OOC to flow better there.

Player Experience: None needed. This game is specifically open as part of the initiative to welcome new players to OSR style games. Player selection will be in order of - gamers who have expressed an interest in TBH on Harrigan's OSR thread, and then everyone else.

GM Experience: I've run TBH once but have wide experience with many OSR games. I'm also a forever GM across many games and systems and love to try new things. I tend towards free form setting creation with only a partially sketched idea of where the game will go, preferring to follow player interests to directing traffic. However, for the first adventure, there will be strong guideposts.

How to Apply: Here! I retain discretion to put together what I think might be the most optimal player mix.

Welcome All: This game is explicitly welcomes friends from all groups.
Mar 16, 2025 8:17 pm
This sounds amazing and I'd love to play if you have enough space.
Mar 16, 2025 8:24 pm
Kier01 says:
This sounds amazing and I'd love to play if you have enough space.
I'd be glad to have you. If there is enough interest, I might run a second one (with a separate adventure in the Red Expanse, rather than the same adventure twice).
Mar 16, 2025 10:11 pm
Put me in the count for the potential second game, I won't ask for a space in the first at all as I didn't express interest earlier but the setting has me intrigued.
Mar 16, 2025 10:12 pm
As mentioned in the OSR thread, I'd like to apply if there's still a spot free after first dibbs.

Wishing everyone a fun game either way! :D
Mar 16, 2025 10:32 pm
Same! I'd love to play; I am especially interested in this setting and the idea of mounted combat! I've never explored that in an OSR game.
Mar 17, 2025 1:45 pm
The setting is awesome! I am willing to play in it, regardless of the rules system!
Last edited March 17, 2025 1:45 pm
Mar 17, 2025 3:41 pm
Looks like there's lots of great interest. I'll wait until tomorrow evening (Western Canadian time) and then pick the first crew. I'll also noodle on a similar adventure for a possible second game to introduce more of you to TBH.
Mar 17, 2025 7:26 pm
Thank you for opening an adventure! It seems like you have a lot of interest and I am in quite a few games. I will defer for now to your possible second game or as back-up in case of attrition.
Mar 18, 2025 12:33 am
Hey, if you've got space I'd be down!
Mar 18, 2025 12:20 pm
Esidrix throws his other hat into the ring and heads back to the closet for another hat or three. :)
Mar 19, 2025 3:23 am
I've sent invites to Phil_Ozzy_Fer, Drgwen, Kwll, TheGenerator and Esidrix as the earliest to express interest (in the OSR thread).

For the others, I'll look at adding the second game tomorrow and invite the next batch to that one.
Mar 19, 2025 6:00 am
Have fun! Excited to see who's added to the second game as well. :)
Mar 20, 2025 1:44 am
Added a second game, and invited the other five who posted here.
Mar 20, 2025 8:09 am
Good luck to the other group. See you in the wastelands! :D

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