Mar 15, 2015 7:44 pm
My name is Colin. I'm a gaming enthusiast, player, GM, and would be designer (currently working on a PbtA hack). I heard about the site from the Sharkbone Podcast, love that show; shout out to Devon Kelly for keeping the show going for all this time for our enjoyment.
You can find me on G+ as +Colin Matter. I'm not really on FB or the Twitter that much, tho.
I'm currently playing in a D&D 5E game being run by my friend Matt (we used Microscope to build up our history for the setting which was super fun) and I'm running a Space Opera game using Fate that I've heavily modified from Core.
I've dabbled in PbP before and I've been disappointed by the experience. I heard that this site is trying to make PbP to be as much like gaming at the table as possible so I'm hoping to re-ignite my interest in this avenue of gaming.
Hoping to have a lot of fun!
P.S. - I'm currently in the process of moving, so I might not be terribly active to begin with, but I'll be on more in about a week.
My name is Colin. I'm a gaming enthusiast, player, GM, and would be designer (currently working on a PbtA hack). I heard about the site from the Sharkbone Podcast, love that show; shout out to Devon Kelly for keeping the show going for all this time for our enjoyment.
You can find me on G+ as +Colin Matter. I'm not really on FB or the Twitter that much, tho.
I'm currently playing in a D&D 5E game being run by my friend Matt (we used Microscope to build up our history for the setting which was super fun) and I'm running a Space Opera game using Fate that I've heavily modified from Core.
I've dabbled in PbP before and I've been disappointed by the experience. I heard that this site is trying to make PbP to be as much like gaming at the table as possible so I'm hoping to re-ignite my interest in this avenue of gaming.
Hoping to have a lot of fun!
P.S. - I'm currently in the process of moving, so I might not be terribly active to begin with, but I'll be on more in about a week.