Hey all! My name is Javier Palenzuela

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Mar 17, 2015 10:07 pm
My name is Javi and I'm in Los Angeles. I have a gaming web series and a new RPG. I've been gaming since I was 13 years old.

Growing up, when I would DM a game for my friends, I would get frustrated because the sessions would rapidly de-evolve into a barrel of raunchy laughs and wacky shenanigans. Soon enough, I embraced our play group style and started writing adventures that were more like raunchy cartoons. After all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

When we created the Game Knights half-animated series. We needed a prop, parody version of D&D for the characters to play, so Beasties & Bygones was born! We ended up filling this fantasy game world with so much satire, silliness and raunchy comedy that we had another realization, that B&B was too big for just a TV series, so we began work creating the full Beasties & Bygones RPG.

Nice to meet you,
Javier Palenzuela

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