Playtest Opportunity: Strive to Survive

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Dec 12, 2016 6:03 pm
So no clue if there is interest at all, but what the heck. I drew up a relatively rudimentary set of rules for a game similar in flavor to Rust/Minecraft/DayZ. I've admittedly done ZERO research on other systems that may support something of this nature, instead just went with something that made sense in my head.

The premise: Your characters wake up in a remote location wearing nothing but some tattered rags. The goal is to survive. How you do that is up to you and your ingenuity along with what supplies you can manage to find.

General System Thoughts: Checks are made with a d100. Typical target is 70. If you meet or exceed the target, you do the thing. If you fail to meet it, you fail. The larger the margin of success, the more impressively you succeed. Having some training in a skill lowers your target for that check. Using appropriate tools lowers your target. Your base attributes let you add additional dice to the roll to try succeeding.

I'm looking to run this with a small group of folks (no more than 4 or 5 players ideally) to try to hash out the mechanics and such. Make sure they aren't too clunky and all that jazz.

There's no specific setting information, any DM could drop the system into any appropriate setting as they go.

Any interested, game is here.

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