Apr 1, 2015 7:13 pm
Lemme start by saying I'm super happy people are using Gamers' Plane, and I'm honored by it as well. I'm hoping you're all enjoying what GP has, and I promise you it'll keep growing. I was originally gonna put up a post today about how GP was going to shut down because I can't afford it, blah blah, as a stupid April Fools joke, but meh.
More so, I've noticed that growth has stagnated, and that's partially my fault. I haven't been promoting GP on Twitter as much as I used to, and I used to message everyone who followed me about GP, asking they check it out. I got a bit big-headed and stopped doing it, as it seemed people were signing up on their own accord (and I never particularly liked the tactic). However, you guys seem to be liking it, and I'm nowhere near ready to give up on the project. I'm still working on features and new systems.
Unfortunately, between my day job, GP development, two other projects, and trying to find time to do a bit of relaxing (unsuccessfully), I'm at a limit. So I'm turning to you guys! A have a few things I keep meaning to get to, and clearly not getting to at all.
1) Gamers' Plane has a Facebook page. Did you know that? I sorta forgot. It's inactive, even though its a prime method of getting activity. I don't expect a ton of activity, but when new games are made, announcements come up, or interesting threads get going, there should be matching posts on the FB page. I'm hoping I can get one or two of you guys to help me with that; it won't require a ton of work.
2) Twitter is nice and all, but there's more to the world than 140 characters! I'm sure some of you are involved in RL groups/organizations, meetups, post on other FB groups about RPGs, Reddit, etc. I'm hoping I can get your help spreading the word about GP and its features more. Would a form letter help? A more itemized list of features/functionality? And if you do make a post somewhere I can see/access, let me know, and maybe I can keep and eye/back it up. The only exception here is other Play-by-Post sites. Specially after that guy tried to link back to rpol.net a few weeks back, I've firmed up my commitment to not be a jerk and outright steal users. I wanna compete fairly, by being the best.
3) Are you on/do you run a podcast? Do you follow one in particular, or know someone who runs a gamer/RPG podcast? Let me know, specially if you think they'd be interested in a guest host or partnership of sorts. This extends to blogs as well. The more we can get GP's name out there, the more games we'll get up, and the more players we'll have.
4) As always, if you have thoughts about the failings of Gamers' Plane, let me know. I'm always out to improve the site.
I don't have any direct method to reward/thank you guys right now. I'm getting a few donations right now, which have helped offset server costs for this month and part of next, so they're nowhere near the point of giveaways or prizes yet (remember, if you want to help support the site fiscally, I have donation links at the bottom, or if you're buying what you'd already be buying from DTRPG or Amazon, use my links for that too). The best I can offer right now is when I get the XP system built, I'll make a special banner for your assistance, and an XP potion. Yummy, yummy, digital XP potion. Maybe I can come up with a drink called an "XP Potion"...
More so, I've noticed that growth has stagnated, and that's partially my fault. I haven't been promoting GP on Twitter as much as I used to, and I used to message everyone who followed me about GP, asking they check it out. I got a bit big-headed and stopped doing it, as it seemed people were signing up on their own accord (and I never particularly liked the tactic). However, you guys seem to be liking it, and I'm nowhere near ready to give up on the project. I'm still working on features and new systems.
Unfortunately, between my day job, GP development, two other projects, and trying to find time to do a bit of relaxing (unsuccessfully), I'm at a limit. So I'm turning to you guys! A have a few things I keep meaning to get to, and clearly not getting to at all.
1) Gamers' Plane has a Facebook page. Did you know that? I sorta forgot. It's inactive, even though its a prime method of getting activity. I don't expect a ton of activity, but when new games are made, announcements come up, or interesting threads get going, there should be matching posts on the FB page. I'm hoping I can get one or two of you guys to help me with that; it won't require a ton of work.
2) Twitter is nice and all, but there's more to the world than 140 characters! I'm sure some of you are involved in RL groups/organizations, meetups, post on other FB groups about RPGs, Reddit, etc. I'm hoping I can get your help spreading the word about GP and its features more. Would a form letter help? A more itemized list of features/functionality? And if you do make a post somewhere I can see/access, let me know, and maybe I can keep and eye/back it up. The only exception here is other Play-by-Post sites. Specially after that guy tried to link back to rpol.net a few weeks back, I've firmed up my commitment to not be a jerk and outright steal users. I wanna compete fairly, by being the best.
3) Are you on/do you run a podcast? Do you follow one in particular, or know someone who runs a gamer/RPG podcast? Let me know, specially if you think they'd be interested in a guest host or partnership of sorts. This extends to blogs as well. The more we can get GP's name out there, the more games we'll get up, and the more players we'll have.
4) As always, if you have thoughts about the failings of Gamers' Plane, let me know. I'm always out to improve the site.
I don't have any direct method to reward/thank you guys right now. I'm getting a few donations right now, which have helped offset server costs for this month and part of next, so they're nowhere near the point of giveaways or prizes yet (remember, if you want to help support the site fiscally, I have donation links at the bottom, or if you're buying what you'd already be buying from DTRPG or Amazon, use my links for that too). The best I can offer right now is when I get the XP system built, I'll make a special banner for your assistance, and an XP potion. Yummy, yummy, digital XP potion. Maybe I can come up with a drink called an "XP Potion"...