I wanna play stuff, but live too far away to

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Jan 25, 2017 12:47 pm
I live on the wrong side of the planet and haven't played anything in 2 years. I wanna play stuff. I'm not too picky, since I'll usually try any game except Dungeons and Finders (I am less than fond of those games).
Jan 25, 2017 2:22 pm
Welcome to GP! OK I have to comment. A "hey I have been there" post.

I live in Bangkok and we have a vibrant rpg scene here. It took me a long time to find it but I did and it is awesome. I used FB to find the rpg groups. It is mostly expats but I play with people from all around the world (though for some reason most of the DnD guys are Canadian). If you are in a big city in Japan there may be games. Also what we have found is that in Thai culture (not sure about Japanese culture) people don't have any of the hang ups about rpgs that they do in the America and Europe. There are no dnd geek memes in Thailand. So you can just invite people to play and they are up for it! Biggest barrier is language.
Jan 25, 2017 4:44 pm
Hey ScooterinAB! Welcome to GP; hope we can scratch your RPG itch. I'm a bit surprised there isn't more RPG gaming in Japan, but if there isn't, maybe we can help you get something kicked off! After all, we're talking about the home of some of the best RPG video games of all time :)
Jan 25, 2017 5:00 pm
Welcome, ScooterinAB! I, too, am surprised there isn't a lot of gaming in Japan. I'm from the Philippines, and there's always been a thriving RPG community here, which has exploded in the last few years. No matter, you're here now, so everything is going to be fine! :-)
Jan 25, 2017 10:09 pm
I was under the impression the scene was huge up there. Sure I'm thinking of the local games and I do t know how good your Japanese is...

I think there is a much heavier focus on one shots then campaigns, and they tend to run games in these cool kind of mini convention style events. Maybe the apparent lack of games is just your looking for the wrong things.

But we're glade to scratch the itch for you. New games pop up quite regularly here so it shouldn't take too long to get into one.

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