Jan 30, 2017 6:20 pm
Once you're in, create your own thread for each character you want to generate. That way it all stays clean.
General Method:
Roll 2d6 6 times. Assign the values to: STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, SOC (Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social) as you see fit.
Determine your modifiers based on those scores.
Pick 3+EDU DM Background Skills. These are ostensibly obtained from time growing up on your homeworld, so think of a good backstory for why you have what you have.
Term 1:
Determine if you want to do Military Academy, University, or go right to work. Which roll you make will depend on the path you take.
Further Terms:
Case-by-case, essentially keep on going until your Traveller is complete.
Mustering Out:
Exit the career and character generation phase. Get your bonus goodies and now you are all set to take on the world (or in this case park the character until a later date)!
General Method:
Roll 2d6 6 times. Assign the values to: STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, SOC (Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social) as you see fit.
Determine your modifiers based on those scores.
Pick 3+EDU DM Background Skills. These are ostensibly obtained from time growing up on your homeworld, so think of a good backstory for why you have what you have.
Term 1:
Determine if you want to do Military Academy, University, or go right to work. Which roll you make will depend on the path you take.
Further Terms:
Case-by-case, essentially keep on going until your Traveller is complete.
Mustering Out:
Exit the career and character generation phase. Get your bonus goodies and now you are all set to take on the world (or in this case park the character until a later date)!