Character Generation Process

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Jan 30, 2017 6:20 pm
Once you're in, create your own thread for each character you want to generate. That way it all stays clean.

General Method:

Roll 2d6 6 times. Assign the values to: STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, SOC (Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social) as you see fit.

Determine your modifiers based on those scores.

Pick 3+EDU DM Background Skills. These are ostensibly obtained from time growing up on your homeworld, so think of a good backstory for why you have what you have.

Term 1:
Determine if you want to do Military Academy, University, or go right to work. Which roll you make will depend on the path you take.

Further Terms:
Case-by-case, essentially keep on going until your Traveller is complete.

Mustering Out:
Exit the career and character generation phase. Get your bonus goodies and now you are all set to take on the world (or in this case park the character until a later date)!
Jan 30, 2017 7:14 pm
The way I would recommend doing this is once you roll your stats and get them assigned, then pick your background skills, you'll do one post per term.

Structure like this:
Initial Post - indicate what you are doing that post (which career you are going to pursue (continuing existing or starting new). If a new career, include your qualification roll (if you know it, otherwise I'll provide it to you). or you can choose to muster out and finish the process).
Then, through edits, make the following rolls:
Mishap if you don't survive, Event if you do survive. I'll let you know if you need additional rolls for any of these.
Advancement/Commission if you do survive.
Aging (If 34+ if Term 4 or beyond)
Final edit as "End of Term". At this point, if you'd like, you can include a narrative about the last 4 years. What you did, who you did it with, what happened to you. When you are ready to move on, put up a new post for your next action.

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