Mathis's Journal of Events

Feb 1, 2017 3:11 pm
Mathis would like to start writing a journal if thats ok. Kind of his own recap of whats going on, as well as a place to put his collection of pictures and things he has found. He is hoping that putting it to paper will help him (and me, lol) make more sense of it all.
Feb 1, 2017 4:14 pm
Great idea! If you need any help recalling anything, let me know


If your character reads this journal, it should be treated as a Mythos Tome.

Currently, the information within, if read by someone that wasn't present during the events results in

+1 Cthulhu Mythos
-1d2 Sanity
Feb 1, 2017 4:46 pm
August 14th, 1929: Well it begins. I have been accepted to go on the class field trip to Cobbs Corner to help gather local folklore for further study. Some of the students in the group i will know, and some I will not. We leave Miskatonic U on August 15th, to head to a place called the Old Maclearan farmhouse. Robert Blaine is in charge of the expedition. The only person I really know is Roderick. But it will be good to have atleast anyone that i know along. Because i know Teams of students led by Professor Harrold conducted research in Vermont this time last year. The expedition ended in tragedy. One student, Boyd Paterson, was found dead from a climbing accident, while two others, Daphne Devine and John Jeffrey, were classified as missing. To date, no-one knows what happened to Jeffrey or Devine. Robert Blaine was a member of the same team, however he fell ill and did not join them towards the end of the expedition. I know this is a rather short first entry, but I have to rest. We leave early tomorrow.
Last edited February 1, 2017 5:03 pm
Feb 1, 2017 5:45 pm
August 15th, 1929: We set out on our journey very early in the morning. There is idle chit chat, and i get a few minutes to BS with Rod. Everyone seems to be worried about how the last expedition went. Its the main topic of conversation. At about 1330 we finally get to the house we are staying in. What a dump. This place is a wreck. Of course Blaine takes a room all to himself, and us being gentlemen give Clarissa a room of her own. That leaves most of up triple bunked in cots around the house. We do have a phone line, but no gas or electric. The barn out back has fallen down, the yard is all over grown. I can't stand this confined space. I'm just gonna camp while I am here. Nature makes a better companion than people anyway. Angel Martin joins me to walk the perimeter of the property and get a feel for the place. He seems like a decent guy. I draw out a map of the place as i walk, to keep my mind on whats here.

We stumble across a perfect circle flower garden. This thing is obviously being cared for, but god knows by who. It plus a vibe i got at the house makes me think something is watching us out here. I will have to be extra alert to not get taken by surprise by whatever it may be, or maybe I'm letting myself tell ghost stories in my head. Who knows. But I do know that I made use of this clearing to set camp here by these flowers. The rest of the perimeter was pretty uneventful, but we are completely surrounded by sugar maples, which is nice. Maybe I can set some traps and rustle up some wild grub. Its always been my favorite.

Blaine decides to buy us all lunch, so we can have a meeting. He gives us all a map of the town.

The sheriff comes in and interrupts our lunch. He is a real ass hole. I am trying not to start anything, so I excuse myself from the table. I stay engaged in listening though, and pick up some local lore that might help us out with our jobs.

Agnus Bellweather is considered to be the town "witch".
Reverend Earl Wilson is the towns baptist preacher.
Holly Rydell is the towns school teacher.
Dr. Owen Perry is the town doctor.
And Richard Wendell, the town reporter, just wants to make us all look like idiots.

I did also get an interesting story about the place we are staying. And i quote. "The farm used to belong to Sheriff Spencer’s sister Sarah and her husband James Maclearan. James was a rough character, who got into lots of fights and such, but he always treated Sarah like gold and loved her dearly. They lived a good life on that farm Unfortunately, there was something wrong with Sarah and they couldn’t have kids."

"About twenty years ago Sarah got real sick. Turned out it was the Consumption and there was nothing anyone could do for her.
It took some time for her to die. Jimmy went crazy about then and went back to the bottle After her death he claimed he
could still see her sometimes. It all went downhill. The bank took possession of the farm and, even though the sheriff still
thinks of Jimmy as a brother, he doesn’t want him in his house."

"Jimmy pretty much lives in the jail nowadays, coming and going as he pleases until the sheriff finds him drunk and locks
him in a cell till he’s sobered up. Jimmy’s got a vile temper and he’s more than a little crazy, so most people do well to avoid him."
Deputy Cutter.

Then the deputy gives us a town tour. There is a large cannon in the middle of town that is pretty cool. Its part of the civil war memorial. There is a ring of flowers here that reminds me of the one at the Maclearen place.

The deputy tells us of the story of Sarah's shade. It turns out the locals the the farmhouse is haunted, and most children can't even muster the courage to stay their over night. The deputy knows very little of the story, but says Dr. Owen is the resident expert on the tale. He then bids us good night and i retire for the evening.

Strange dream 1
You open your eyes to find that you are not in your tent and instead lay upon a flowerbed. The immense night sky
is full of twinkling stars and a huge gibbous moon rises directly above you. The moon is somehow sinister in a way that you cannot properly explain. As you rise from the flowerbed the flowers make a rustling noise, and as you stand, you realize the rustling noise continues. Turning around you see the flowers seem now to shudder of their own volition. Backing away in fear, you find your gaze is taken towards the dark woods. Ugly shapes and creeping shadows move between the tree trunks, somehow almost human but twisted and smaller. Suddenly a myriad of glowing eyes appear in the tree line, blinking and feral. The rustling stops and from deep within the woods you hear a man’s cry, long and painful. You hear your name shouted
aloud, twice. The second time so loud it wakes you. You are in your tent, sweating, confused, and frightened.
Last edited February 1, 2017 6:02 pm
Feb 1, 2017 6:58 pm
August 16,1929: I awake after my strange dream and try to shrug it off. We get dressed and head into town for breakfast. One of the students, not sure who he was, decided this wasn't for him and quits. At breakfast we discovered that we all had the same nightmare last night, except we all heard our own name screamed from the woods. This is weird, i have never experienced anything like it before. I couldn't stomach my breakfast, i need answers more than food. So I went and found the doctor. He believes Sarah's shade to be a vampire. He is his quote.

"You know son," the portly Doctor says, sitting himself down with a loud sigh, "When I came to Cobbs Corners I really thought I'd found a nice quiet town to settle down and ease into semi retirement. Boy was I wrong. I've seen many strange things, starting the night I was called out by Sheriff Spenser to look at the sheriff's sister's grave. See, a group of men had been apprehended digging up Sara Maclearan's grave. The sheriff wanted me to see if the grave robbers had done any mischief to the body.

After removing the remaining nails, I lifted the lid to the coffin and to our horror we found the remains of a calf, its legs broken to allow it to fit inside the casket. The grave robbers were let go with a stern warning. We covered over the grave and cremated the coffin and its contents.

In addition to that, on occasion, when a youngster dies, their bodies are sometimes missing large quantities of blood. I examined bodies of children that apparently had died from accidents, yet there was little or no blood at the site or in the bodies. I tested the blood from one of the accidents. It was pig's blood. This..this ghost you've come to ask me about is not that sir, it is Nosferatu"
He gives me a book called A Treatise on Vampyres by Dr. Alex Dalston.

He warns me to keep an eye on my friends for changes in behavior, and to get a crucifix and some garlic. I acquired both. I then rigged an alarm around my tent and settles in to study. I learn of weapons to use against these unholy creatures should I encounter one. They are Garlic, Holy Water, Holy Symbols, Flowing Rivers, Stakes of Hawthorn, Sunlight, Silver, and Fire.

This same day some of my companions heard strange tales of problems with school children. They form groups and perform strange rituals. They danced around as one boy gutted a cat in the center, and then threatened her with death if she spoke of it. She gave us a few drawings she took from them for reference.

After I finished my book, I decided to take a stroll in the woods. I was looking for running water to have a way to protect myself should the vampyre show itself, but I had no such luck. I did however encounter an entirely new species to me. Something I have never seen nor heard of in all my years of outdoor activities. I have a few sketches of them to remember them, and research them in the future. The little buggers were using knives, and acted like they were intelligent and just didn't speak my language.

When i told the others of this, Jon admitted to also seeing them. Jon also found a very old artifact (an arrow head) down at the dig site. Not sure if thats important. Another student whose name i can't recall got this quote from one of the locals about the creatures.
"And I quote, Rats! Them things are everywhere in the woods. Big brown things leaping around the trees like they're monkeys. Ugliest rodents I ever did see and no use for trapping what with that foul fur and meat. Damned nuisances! I think they been breeding them in the Maclearan farmhouse and fled the place when you college folks arrived. Watch yourselves at night. Those vermin come back, they might eat you in your sleep. Heh, heh, no really!"

Perhaps they have something to do with whats going on around this town. Maybe they are carnivores and feast upon the children. Maybe they make pacts with them to get them to perform these strange rituals. Them being ratlike, i wonder if thats why the children pick cats for their sacrifices? I Shall have to study this more. Maybe they have power in our dreams, or slip in while we sleep and drug us to cause these horrible dreams. Or perhaps they call to us. I don't know for certain. I may simply just be losing my mind.
Last edited February 1, 2017 7:37 pm
Feb 1, 2017 7:38 pm
Strange Dream 2
You awake in complete darkness. Not due to a starless
night or curtained room, but rather the absolute darkness
of the void. Frozen and immobile, there is no possibility
of movement. Though your eyes feel open, nothing can
be seen through the impenetrable blackness. The only
sensation is a slight buzzing in your ears, and this, through
slow increments, grows in volume until it becomes a
terrible buzzing. You think you can hear words throbbing
through the uneven tones. A sharp, excruciating pain
follows, and the darkness is replaced by a sudden influx of
light as nebulous shapes come into focus.
Discordant images flash before you. A fragmentary
vision of a forest of huge twisted oaks thick with
loathsome fungoid growths appears first, the sky barely
visible beneath the canopy of leaves. This scene is
followed by a city of sky blue marble. Slender minarets
are visible, as are high walls lined with bronze statues
dressed in medieval garb. The scene then shifts to a
windswept and desolate place spotted with squat granite
huts. Unclear humanoid shapes lurk nearby, dancing
and capering around flickering green flames. A massive
vista of cylinder-shaped towers follows. A twilight world
illuminated by sickly yellow orbs. A sudden cold fear
builds as you stare at the shadows lurking beyond the
city’s thirty-foot high doorways.
These visions fade and you find you are still immobile
but now seem to be in an overgrown clearing of twisted
weeds surrounded by trees. Sugar Maple trees. It is broad
daylight, yet no bird sings. Powerless and immobile, you
sense things moving nearby. From nowhere you hear a
gut wrenching woman’s scream. You awake back in bed,
frightened and confused.
Last edited February 1, 2017 7:38 pm
Feb 1, 2017 8:52 pm
August 17, 1929: I awoke after another strange dream even more alarmed than I was last night. I decided to go check the traps I set yesterday to see if I had any luck. (I baited them with meat and human blood, god I am going insane). Whatever these things are they are smart. They took the trap apart, down to pieces, and took the bait. I reset it in hopes of better luck, but I think it's going to be a bust. These things are intelligent. I went back to the farmhouse and found out that others want to form a party and go out into the woods. I volunteered to lead them, as i have the most wilderness experience and the most experience in these particular woods as well.

As we expeditioned the creatures followed us through the trees, but never approached. Finally we reached a clearing with a large stone in it, almost like an obelisk made of stone. The creatures flee when we approached this region. Inside this clearing near the stone, another strange creature appears.
It appears as if it intends to attack us. We fight back and manage to destroy the beast. But father simon loses his mind, and runs off. Joseph is attacked by the rat creatures, and we save him and i stabilize he wounds so he doesn't die. Then i volunteered to go dig, to see if any answers could be gleaned from this new site.

After some discussion it is decided that we need to take Joseph to see the doctor and find the priest. I drive. Joseph is cared for, and i collect the priest from the sheriff with a story about him running around with a shotgun, acting like a lunatic. After he is collected, I went back and got joseph, and we all decided to go to the library to see if we can learn anything about these crazy creatures. When we get to the library it is scene of utter chaos. Stacks of books in the floor with barely an isle to walk between. So we ask the librarian for help. She is a strange old women, and the library seemed almost of no use. Joseph does get some more information on the town from a pamphlet.

Cobb’s Corners lies in the mountainous woodlands of western Windham County, just to the north of the state highway, which joins Bennington and Brattleboro Visitors coming from Arkham need to take a twenty-mile drive from Brattleboro to Wilmington, and then turn due north for just under ten miles to reach Cobb’s Corners.
The town is blessed with a booming trade industry due to its location on the Deerfield River and the fecundity of its farms Chartered in 1787 by a group of farmers out of New Hampshire, the town was named after Franklin Cobb; the leader of the settlers, and the surrounding land is often referred to as Cobb’s Corners as well The farmland in the valley has garnered a growing reputation as the "Breadbasket of Vermont" due to the variety and abundant yield of its crops in a region usually known for its rocky, if not infertile, soil A small tributary of the much larger Deerfield River bisects the valley Cobb’s Corners is a place of great scenic beauty, a Rockwell painting come to life Small shops line the unpaved Main Street leading to the waterfront district consisting of a couple of warehouses and a few short piers Spread out behind the stores are a collection of homes, a public library, the town hall, a local sheriff ’s office, the office of the Cobb’s Corners Gazette, a one room schoolhouse, and an assortment of other buildings.
Access to the valley is by a two-lane road that meanders through the surrounding mountains Beyond the town proper lies the Gismend River Bridge (great for bass and trout fishing) Farming covers hundreds of acres of tilled soil bursting with a variety of crops, such as sweet corn. Any inch of land not used for farming boasts a cluster of trees, with thick forests of elms, oaks, and hickories in danger of taking over abandoned farms Standing majestically in the background, the Green Mountains rear up like a bulwark against the rest of the country.

I search for any kind of connection between constellations and our current happenings, but to no avail.

The librarian had made mention on books about ancient cultures and civilizations disappearing, so i go to talk to her about that. Its a dead end.

The storms start so we all drive back to the farm house. Blaine bursts in soaking wet with a story about getting seperated from the group in the storm. This guy seems fishy to me. But then the sheriff shows up and says he found our truck stuck trying to cross the river. We all load up to go try and get them out. I was set ready to leave, blaine attempts to convince clarissa to stay here by herself. Everything this guy does is getting weirder and weirder. who would want her to be there all by herself in the middle of a horrible storm with the phones out?

We get there and jon is hurt. I attempt to fix his dislocated shoulder, and it doesn't go well. The Clarissa lets out a startling scream and points at the water. I catch a glimpse of some kind of creature in the water. Its a pink blob with tentacles, and a claw coming out of the water.

Joseph has fallen in the water, and everyone is just standing around watching him get drug away. They throw ropes half assed in his direction, but no one is even getting close. so I tied a rope to the car, and to me, and swim in and get him. I get to him and we haul him out. The monster is gone. I don't know whats going on here, but it's clear that i was chosen to help. I can't sit idly by while this stuff happens around me. I will figure this out, and I will put a stop to all this. I don't care how long it takes me. These monsters are going to stop killing people if its the last thing i do.

I went home to talk with the rest of the group about what the hell is going on, and see if there was anyone i could count on. As soon as i start talking about it, blaine runs off. This guy gives me the sensation that he knows more or is involved in more than he wants anyone to know. Some of the other students believe this too. I got angry, really angry. But i put it away and decided it was time to talk to blaine. I walk out to the outhouse where he said he was going, and he isn't there. I has been lying to us. I keep trying to track him until he just shows up back in the house. I went and confronted him. He played dumb. The rest of the group backed him, and called me crazy. The will see, that snake in the grass is gonna get us killed. Angel wants to leave, but i am not going anywhere. This is happening here, and i am here for a reason. Blaine starts telling a story, about a link to this place, and ancient indian stories. Maybe there is something to that. He was into Daphne, and wants to find her. I still don't trust him.

I decide to check out the green mountains. Its where the tragedy of the last expedition occured. maybe there are answers there. I do some prep for tomorrows trip, and then read on the vampyre some more. maybe its connected, but i seem to be finding nothing. maybe the vampyre is a dead end, and the doctor is crazy. Maybe its really the rat things. i don't know. I decide to sleep.
Last edited February 2, 2017 6:27 pm
Feb 2, 2017 6:27 pm
Strange Dream 3
You are on a cold, earthen floor. It’s dark here, but not so
dark that you don’t realize you are in a root cellar. Gnarled knots of decayed vegetables droop above your head, root tendrils brush against your face and bare shoulders when you stand. You are naked, cold, and vulnerable. You see long wooden shelves lining two walls, holding jars containing pulsing, slightly glowing objects. Could they be brains? As you begin to approach, you turn as you hear a low, ugly growl that makes your hairs stand on end. The growl transforms into guttural words speaking a strange language you don’t understand. Panicking, you run towards the stairs but, in true nightmare fashion, the stairs never get any closer as you run and run.
The roots grow thicker as you attempt to escape; grasping your hair and limbs. It is only when the strange voice reaches a booming crescendo that the roots part and you finally stumble onto the stairs. Darting upwards, you see a sturdy looking trap door barring the exit. The voice issues a final scream of rage as you hammer at the trap door and somehow manage to break it open, flooding the cellar with starlight. Sweating and panting, you climb outside to see that you are in a clearing surrounded by Sugar Maple trees. You take a few cautious steps across the wet grass.
Something cold and sticky wraps around your ankles and begins to drag you back towards the cellar. Painfully, you are bundled down the stairs and the last thing you hear before complete darkness descends is a roar of bestial laughter. You wake up, shaking in abject terror, the laughter still echoing in your ears.
Last edited March 8, 2018 2:56 pm
Feb 2, 2017 6:50 pm
August 18th, 1929: After awaking from another terrible dream, I am even more sure that I was there for a reason. I didn't notice it till to late, but something i think was trying to communicate with me. Maybe I can go back to cobbs corner later and try again. But for now, back to writing about that day.

Joseph awoke and found a note in his uncles old journal about the rat like creatures. Apparently they are called zoogs. I copied the notes down here for future reference.

"Zoogs, pesky and cunning. Small brown creatures with a rodent like body and general outline. Small tentacles dangling from snouts. Eat fungi and fresh meat. Feign docility but work in packs to take down prey. Seen brandishing basic weapons. Beside this is a small illustration"

Joseph tells me there is nothing else of use in the journal, so i decide to go interview the "Witch" bellweather and then start setting up our camp. Just then Angel bursts in and exclaims that they have found bones in the flower garden. I go and look and confirm this to be true. Then we call the sheriff. He comes and removes the skeleton from the garden. I believe it to be Sarah, the girl who lived in this house with an abusive husband. I ask the sheriff if he knows anything and he refuses any answer except "I'm not prepared to speculate but I will be investigating." I am about done with all the people in this town burying their damn heads in the sand. I'm going to keep working on my investigation and to hell with them.

Blaine takes us by car to the campsite. We get setup and then hike down to talk to Mrs. Bellweather. Clarissa wants us to go back to the farmhouse tonight, but I can't. I think something important is waiting to be found at the campsite. So we decide that john will stay with her back at the house tonight. We then all head off to see the old women. Mrs. Bellweather quickly advises us that she is not a witch, but that she does know some town history. When we asked what she knew, she said "When Franklin Cobb and the original settlers were moving toward this valley, they was halted by a group of Indians.
It seems the Indians tried to warn the settlers this was cursed land. They told Franklin that, long ago, a tribe settled in this valley and evil spirits wiped them out in a single night. According to their legends, the tribe died in the most hideous ways: frozen, burned, or ripped apart.
The remains of those massacred were found and buried at the foot of a hill in the valley. But on that evening, the evil spirits took to the air, screaming curses and threats, but the Indian’s wise man had powerful magic and he was able to keep the spirits at bay while the his tribe made their escape.
Now I believe that there’s some truth in it. There ain’t no bugs in the valley, no bees, and no skeeters. Birds don’t fly overhead going south for the winter, and no bear or mountain lion comes down to terrorize us. The only things living in this valley are man and the things man brings. Did you know that farmers here don’t have to worry about weeds? They won’t grow here! Least not
in the crops. So many things do grow here though; if we couldn’t sell it all off to the cities, we’d be drowning in crops and cows! And all this produce coming from thin, rocky soil. Every so often I wonder why we was granted this bounty, but more than that, I wonder what we’re paying for it." She claims the land has been this way for many generations. I had a notion that the town officials might be performing some type of ritual to make this happen, at some terrible price. Though I don't have any proof and have yet to find any. Looking back as I right this, and knowing some of the zoog legend, I wonder if they aren't the reason for the missing children. Zoogs love the taste of flesh. But I didn't know that then. Maybe if I go back one day.

Back to the events. When I arrived at the campsite I was told they had found the mass indian grave, I believe it's the same one Agnus Bellweather was just telling us about. I have a very bad feeling about this, and I attempted to get everyone to leave the sight for the night. Most of them refuse so I abandon the idea, and begin to set protective preparations. I set trip wire alarms and get a fire going to make dinner. We then set a watch schedule. We then settle in. I can tell Angel thinks I am losing my mind. I'm not, but I can see why they think I am. We talk a bit and keep first watch. We then go to sleep. When I awoke again, my life would never be the same. The three of us are awoken to the sounds of screams and cold air hitting you, as the tents are ripped out of the ground and fly off into the air. The camp is in confusion, and I see Jason Trent scrambling on the ground when a dark figure on wings swoops and grabs him. More winged figures, over a dozen, swoop round, unclear as a fog seems to have descended. None of the other students can be seen, but multiple screams echo round the hill. I catch one silhouette of something with some kind of rifle. A wood stands off to my left, giving an escape route. As we approach the road a car comes up. It's the deputy. He asks us to get in so we can go make a report. Once we are in the car he starts accusing us of being drunk and unreliable. When we get to the jail the sheriff puts us under arrest and disbelieves everything we have said. I am pissed, and I mean pissed, and make an escape attempt. The deputy caught me though, and they cuff me. And once I am defenseless he hits me hard enough to break my jaw. We sleep in the jail and the school comes and gets us in the morning.

Last edited March 8, 2018 4:56 pm
Mar 8, 2018 5:16 pm
August 20th, 1930

As soon as I return I hit the hospital for treatment. My jaw is wired shut for a while. I decide to work on my locksmith skills before school starts back up. I then go to the library and find jon studying there. He shows me "Wandering through the Dreamlands" by Terrence Deeks.

Moon-beasts are "great greyish-white slippery things which could expand and contract at will, and whose principal shape — though it often changed — was that of a sort of toad without any eyes, but with a curious vibrating mass of short pink tentacles on the end of its blunt, vague snout". They live on the dark side of the Dreamlands' moon which, unlike the moon of the waking world, has great forests and oily seas.

The Moon-beasts sail black galleys between the moon and the Dreamlands, trading rubies for both slaves and gold, at the port of Dylath-Leen. When there, they employ the Men of Leng, disguised in turbans, as their go-between and stay hidden below deck, less the merchants of Dylath-Leen learn the terrible secret of with whom they are dealing.

This is some serious stuff. That's very similar to the moon beast we saw in the woods out there. Is it possible those woods have some kind of connection to this "Dreamland"? Everyone seems to just want to forget this, but I can't. I know things are happening now. I have to learn more.
Last edited March 8, 2018 5:23 pm
Mar 8, 2018 5:54 pm
September 8th, 1930

I haven't written in a while. Been busy healing and learning. A new member has joined our little coterie. His name is father bill. He seems alright. We chat and make introductions for a while, and then I see Roderick from across the way. He is dress different but its very much him. I go to talk to him. He doesn't seem to recognize me at all, and flatly blows me off. He claims to have gotten lost out there, wandering in the fog. Then Blaine found him and brought him back. I know that's bullshit though. He then takes off. Something is clearly wrong here. As a matter of fact, his accent was gone completely. He didn't dress or talk the same at all. But he did tell us that Blaine was back at school too. I don't trust this. I'm following roderick for a while. He takes an obviously circuitous route, and then goes to Professor Harold s Office. He knocks one time and just walks in. While I was off following, Jon found a newspaper clipping saying more people had been killed around cobbs corner.

After noting that Professor Harold may be involved, angel and I come up with a plan to get him out of his office so we can investigate him. Angel will take him to lunch to "apologize" for being involved in the fiasco while I search his office. They plan lunch for friday while I continue to search the library. I find a reference to a book called the dhol chants that is supposedly attributed to the men of leng. But its in the restricted section. I will have to figure out how to get access. So I go to speak to the head of the library, Dr Armatige. Luckily he likes me and tells me he will give me a supervised hour of reading tomorrow. This is so exciting.
Last edited March 8, 2018 6:05 pm
Mar 8, 2018 6:10 pm
September 9th, 1930

I go to my appointment with Dr. Armatige. He sets the book in front of me and watches me read. Its in some ancient german dialect that I can read next to nothing of. But I do get a bit, and an picture that I have redrawn here.

"The Men of Leng are a species of primitive Satyr-like beings indigenous to the Leng plateau, which they call "Y'Pawfrm e'din Leng", which resides within the Dreamlands."

I fervently thank the Dr and volunteer my services to help the library. Anything to show my gratitude and possibly have further access. This is all of importance that happens this day.

Over the next several days we notice that all the members of our group are back at school. Even the ones we know to have been taken by the creatures.
Mar 8, 2018 6:20 pm
September 12th, 1930

Today is the day we attempt to investigate the professor. The plan works and I get in. I find his personal diaries and look into them about the time of the expedition. FOC (Federated Oil and Chemical) is funding these expeditions. I wonder why. I don't find anything else of value really. A few birthday on a calendar. We make it out without being spotted and I go to the library to work. It's BS busy work, but I do it with fervor. I need to earn a reputation and trust here.

Once we are all back together I tell them about the sponsor of the trip. We discuss whether to contact them or not, but no real decision is made.
Mar 8, 2018 6:39 pm
Over the next week I notice Louis Gibbons, Jason Trent and Terrence Laslow in the library alot. Rod is there too, and leaves everytime I see him. Blaine is also skipping all his classes. Jon finds some info on Federated oil.

A huge international company formed in 1908, FOC is involved in the exploitation of mineral resources including oil, coal, natural gas, and others. They also manufacture raw chemicals for industrial use. FOC has major facilities in Canada, Great Britain, Italy, and three in the United States, as well as smaller operations worldwide
Michael Abelard is the founder and current president of the board Horrendously wealthy in post crash America, he wields great financial and political clout, yet his personal life has been marred by tragedy after tragedy.
 His beautiful wife Maria died giving birth to a son who also didn’t survive the ordeal His only surviving son Michael Jnr was killed in a climbing accident in the Pyrenees. Abelard lost the use of his legs during the same accident Now confined to a wheelchair, he runs FOC with draconian vigor and retains the keen mind and ruthlessness of his youthful years.

September 18th, 1930
Someone attacks angel by pushing him down the stairs at school. The fall breaks his leg. He has no idea who it was. A few more weeks pass and nothing major happens. Angel is finally able to return to school, though he is on crutches.

September 30th, 1930
Blaine has been found dead in his apartment, gunshot to the head. The police believe it to be suicide. The group seems to want to break in and investigate. I recommend a stake out instead. As we are preparing to go, i get a call from roderick. He needs me to meet him he says, alone. I don't trust this at all. I need to be extremely careful. But I will go meet him. He wants to meet at hangmans hill at 2315.

Hangman’s Hill is the highest point in the overgrown and bramble infested Old Wooded Graveyard, which lies on the southeastern side of Arkham. This lone hill got its name from an incident in 1704 when the citizens of Arkham hung a suspected witch named Goody Fowler. Since then, a legend has been passed on: if anyone is brave, or foolish, enough to spend the night alone on the hill on May Eve or Hallowmass, then they are visited by the ghost of Goody Fowler. Some say they have attempted the vigil and have seen nothing while others claim to have seen the specter. Of those who have seen Goody’s ghost, most admit to fleeing in terror and refuse to speak about what happened while others claim to have spoken to the shade. There are even stories about people who have gone to the graveyard to look for the witch’s ghost who were never seen again.
Your trip through the Old Wooded Graveyard is creepy, with low lying fog, strange shadows, and rustling noises; yet, Goody does not make an appearance.

Roderick Block is waiting for me on the hill in the cemetary. He has a pair of binoculars and watches my approach. He is alone.

Once he sees that I am alone he begins to tell me some things.

"My name is not Roderick Block, it's Keith Clark and I have a story to tell. It was 1921. I was vacationing with my family in the Vermont hills. I went on a nature walk, alone and found an interesting cave. I went in to explore. As it turned out, it was a mine belonging to a species not of this Earth, known to some as the Mi-Go. The mine was not abandoned. I was captured and threatened. In exchange for the safety of my wife and two children, I agreed to have my brain scooped out and placed in a cylinder. I know how it sounds, but this stuff is real. I don't know how I kept my sanity through this. My brain was placed in this body and with others impersonating those from your expedition, we were sent to the University on a mission for the Mi-Go. As soon as I got here, I started researching what happened to my family and found I was betrayed, they murdered my family." He begins to sob, hot angry tears, "Now I want revenge on these alien horrors."

I ask "I assume this means their brains of our friends were saved the same way? And what was your mission?" Give me some details to work with. I believe you, because you obviously are not Roderick. And i have seen enough strange happenings going on to not be flabbergasted by your story. But i need you to provide me some details of whats going on before i believe that your actually on my side."

He responds "I can't speak for them, I only know of my own experience. We were briefed on behaviours of our host bodies so no-one would know the difference, but all are not what they seem. William Noakes, Terrence Laslow, Harold Higgins, Clarissa Thurber, Louis Gibbins, Jason Trent and Professor Harold, all mi-go agents. They are planning on raiding Professor Learmonth's laboratory and office in the Science Annex as well as putting flames to sections of the Orne Library tomorrow night."

Then the Mi-Go agent in Terrence Laslows body appears in front of me out of thin air and points some type of device at me. I attempt to fight back and fail, but the Rod-go shoots at him, and gives me a chance to fight. I jump on the bastard and slash him with my knife. but Then something shocks me hard in the back. I fall off, still conscious until the other agents show up, and stomp on my head to knock me unconscious. I was captured.
Mar 8, 2018 6:48 pm
This part was told to me later. Rod-go gathered some of my friends for a rescue mission. Chuck (who I didn't know at the time) and father bill are the rescue team.

I awake tied on an old mattress. There are some people I don't recognize right off here with me. I finally recognize father bill. I get untied and look around for a weapon. I spot some weird contraption that one of the agents had used to shock me. I take it with me. We escape, and the Rod-go reminds me of the coming attack. We run back to campus. On the way I think I hear a gunshot. Perhaps the Rod-go couldn't live with being in a different body, but I don't know. I go off to the woods and investigate my new weapon. It appears to be a shock weapon, and has 8 remaining charges after testing.

We decide to meet at the library the next day. I refuse to hide as I know if they attack me in the open it will ruin their plans. Jon is here but will barely speak. I think he is losing his mind to all this. He does however tell that joseph has dropped out of school. There are so few of us left that know. Father Bill produces some books and a letter. I have copied it down here for further use.

I tell everyone present what I learned from the Rod-go. Then I go to see Dr. Armitage and warn him of the attack. I tell him I found the Mi-Go in my research. He knows better, but knows what the Mi-Go are. He also doesn't look to well. He goes to his private collection and grabs a tome called Nameless Cults. He gives me some gloves, and shows me this page in the book.

The image is carefully drawn in ink, credited to Khannea SunTzu. Much of the page is gibberish, or at least a language that Mathis does not recognise, but there are some scrawled notes in English. The "Mi-go" described as large, pinkish, fungoid, crustacean-like entities the size of a man; where a head would be, they have a "convoluted ellipsoid" composed of pyramided, fleshy rings and covered in antennae. They are about five feet (1.5 m) long, and their crustacean-like bodies bear numerous sets of paired appendages. They possess a pair of membranous bat-like wings which are used to fly through the "aether" of outer space. The Mi-go can transport humans from Earth to Pluto (and beyond) and back again by removing the subject's brain and placing it into a "brain cylinder" as an isolated brain, which can be attached to external devices to allow it to see, hear, and speak. The text also mentions a group called The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign that hunt down the Mi-Go. There are also random notes scrawled, "Him Who Is Not to Be Named", Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath.

He tells me the language of is sanskrit, and again asks how I know of the Mi-go. I took some notes for later translation.

(this is a placeholder for said notes, as they were never shown to me OOC)

I tell him I heard about it from a patient at the hospital that one of my friends is in. I then ask him about the Zoogs, and show him my sketch. He says to me "Listen very carefully Mathis, there are things stalking this land not of this earth and there are things waiting to come. Stay clear, for the sake of your mind, knowledge of these things can destroy you. Tell no-one of these things you have seen. Study if you must, but keep it to yourself, lest you end up in Arkham Asylum with your friend."

I leave, but go back and take a chance warning him about the attack on the library and lab. He gives me a revolver and says to do what we must.

When I come out I see my friend Alma Garvin in the library. I try to get her to leave as I know the attack is coming. Turns out angel who is in the hospital, was ranting about me. So she had to come check on me. (She is a nursing student) I try to tell her that what he was talking about was real. She obviously doesn't believe me. So I show her the weapon I stole and about the coming attack. She still won't believe. So I introduce her hoping the group can help convince her. Then I notice a strange women eaves dropping on our group. I confront her and she gets lippy. I call her on her BS, and tell her to either get in or get out. The sit down. Alma asks for the gun, so I give it to her. "Jane" is still be dodgy, but is sitting and listening. I begin by telling them about the mi-go and the men of leng. I tell them all about Mi-Go brain transplant agents. "Jane" wants to leave, and I warn her of the dangers. Alma stays. Most of the others think I am crazy as well. Boy will they only learn the hard way.

"Jane" talks to a library assistant and then to clive, and leaves. Alma goes back to her dorm to rest. We plan to meet at 7.

I continue to prepare for the attack. They go through the books found in blaine's room. In them they find a note about the mysterious ore. Atomic Weight: 322.430532 Atomic Number: 124
Specific Gravity: 31.4 (making it about 1.6 times heavier than gold or uranium).
Color: exhibits pleochroism, as it appears to have two colors, these being green and black.
Luster: metallic to pitchy and dull.
Texture: in its raw state it has a very rough texture reminiscent of sandpaper. In addition, it possesses a greasy feel, even after it has been worked into other forms.
Transparency: crystals are opaque. Crystal System: isometric, 6/m bar 4 3/m
Crystal Habit: large botryoidal, dark, lamellar reniform aggregates. De ned octahedral and cubic crystals are few.
Cleavage: rare in any direction due to the overall brittleness involved.
Hardness: on the Mohs scale of hardness it would rate greater than ten for its resistance to scratching—harder than diamond. (In the 1930’s, nothing known to man can scratch it.)
Malleability: the Brinell test is useless for determining its overall toughness as there currently isn’t a hard enough metal to make an impression in it.
Reactivity: it is unaffected by extremes of air, moisture, acids, or solvents. When exposed to detonation however, it undergoes a rapid chemical change followed by an explosive reaction.
Associated Minerals: none.
Melting Point: 8420° F (compared to the current record
holder Tungsten, which melts at around 6170° F).
Other Characteristics: non radioactive; very brittle, once its threshold for stress has been reached it shatters instead of bending. They think the metal is called Pasquallium.

As I continue around the library a plan begins to form. Chuck and Bill go back to blaines apartment on a hunch about some down feathers they find. They find the diary of daphne devine. In it is this letter.
Also is an important note to find Jethro Cratchett and ask about his fathers journals. They should have some relevant information. The rest of the journal is more local legends of cobbs corner.

We finish prepping for the attack, choosing to defend the library and not the science wing as it would spread us to thin. At 2200 things start going crazy outside. everyone starts fighting. During the distraction the main doors are blown off the building by some form of explosive. Then the Jason Trent suit wearing Mi-go agent steps in with the William Noakes look alike. They shoot some kind of ice gun at the guards, but fail to hit them. The guards loose the dogs to attack. One dog is down, and the guards continue the fight. Upstairs there are some gunshots and such, but we manage to defend the library.

We did note that their strange guns used extreme cold as a weapon. Both the guard dogs were frozen solid. It also was noted that it has a limited range. It appear as if professor harold was killed in the attack, as well as professor learnmouth. All his papers and minerals are gone, as well as his wife killed in their home. Alma was kidnapped and lost her mind. And the cops are investigating us. But it appears we are gonna be ok.

Last edited March 8, 2018 8:26 pm
Mar 8, 2018 9:26 pm
I'm not sure the date anymore. It seems so unimportant. But its been a few weeks since anything of note happened. The last major thing was saving the library. Federated oil has reached out to us to set a meeting. Apparently they have taken an interest in us. I try researching them and can find nothing really. And given that I have been able to find books on unknown worlds and monsters, that seems suspicious. But maybe I was just having a bad day. I don't know. I go to the meeting, ready for anything. Alma shows up here, it appears she it getting better. Mr. Pasqualle is here as well. He buys everyones dinner. He then tells us he works directly for the head of FOC, Michael Abelard. Mr. Abelard wishes to meet us directly, and has sent him to arrange it. I agree to meet, as well as the others. We get on a plane and fly inland, due west for a couple hours. We land on the water, at a private plane dock at FOC. We are on the detroit river, near detroit michigan. We are checked for weapons, which I have none but my tools in my bag. I put it in the trunk to put them at ease. Then the door opens and Mr. Abelard is in the car. He invites us in to have a discussion. In case i didn't write this down earlier, Janes name is actually evie. She is here in the car as well. He tells us of an accident that killed his son and took his legs in a camping trip. This "accident" was actually a Mi-go Attack. Now he hunts them using the power of FOC. He wishes to know our stories of the Mi-Go attack on the school. I told him We discovered that the MI-GO were involved in the events taking place in the quiet rural town. And they were none to happy about it as it seems. From what I can tell there is some kind of rare metal up there that they need. Our expedition up there uncovered some of it, as well as lore about things they would rather not have known. So they abducted the majority of the students, replaced their brains with agent brains, and sent them back to the school to destroy the science center and the library. The science center was targeted for its discovery of the rare metal, and the library due to the restricted section having books that have the MI-GO and their relationships recorded in them. One of the MI-GO agents came to my rescue along with some of my companions when I was captured.
However when I was captured I was able to steal this. I am fairly certain it is one of their weapons. It will deliver a nasty shock. Anyway, they kidnapped and attacked to try and cover up the discovery of themselves and their precious metal. That's all i know for sure.

He knew I was the last remaining member of the original group. All others have lost their minds. or Died. He has asked us to join his group and go back to vermont to study the Mi-go. He promised to pay us well, give us all the equipment we could need, and to smooth things over with the school. I graciously agreed. Chuck and Alma quit. He got in touch with the church and got them to release father Simon back to us. I won't be the last from the original group after all. Once we are all back at FOC headquarters I am told about Mrs. Matherson. She is the leading scientist on all things Mi-go.
Last edited March 9, 2018 8:08 pm
Mar 10, 2018 1:32 am
Important to note that there has been mention of the 9th planet, which up until earlier this year (1930) was not known to exist.
. This ‘new’ planet was named Pluto.

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