Looking For Numenera, Star Wars, Fate

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Feb 22, 2017 8:30 pm
I'm looking to play some futuristic, sci-fi-ish, techy game using one of the systems above.
I am new to FFG Star Wars Edge of the Empire... so, any GMs that are open to helping someone get started in that system would be much appreciated!
Feb 22, 2017 9:05 pm
I've been jonsing for some Numenera action, too. We should set something up. Any requests for type of Numenera game you might like to play in?
Feb 23, 2017 12:43 am
You thinking of running one Qralloq or looking to play?
Feb 23, 2017 1:01 am
I've been thinking idly about running one, but I don't have a game concept in mind yet.
Feb 23, 2017 1:06 am
I'd be interested in a Numenera game as well. Been toying with the idea of running a game here on it but have hesitated due to other RL commitments. If there's interest in doing the Cypher: Numenera OP (season 1 or 2) as a game, I could probably handle that...
Last edited February 23, 2017 1:10 am
Feb 23, 2017 1:08 am
I've always wanted to try Numenera too! I have the basic rulebook. How different is the Cypher system?
Feb 23, 2017 1:21 am
I think the terminology (class names, etc.) is different, but gameplay is the same. You can basically run all three games (including The Strange) with characters made from any of the games.
Feb 23, 2017 2:04 am
I would be pretty up to it, but I dont have the book
Feb 23, 2017 2:42 am
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
I've always wanted to try Numenera too! I have the basic rulebook. How different is the Cypher system?
It's basically the same. It has the Cypher system as the core rules, with different base classes (Nano, Jack, and Glaive), as well as setting-specific info. The games are totally compatible though.
Feb 23, 2017 2:49 am
This sounds cool. I have Cypher system and started a few games that fizzled out. I'd be up for trying this one too.
Feb 23, 2017 4:00 am
As @Naatkinson indicated, the Cypher system is the core mechanic to Numenera. Typically, you would have thought Monte Cook Games would have released the mechanics (eg Cypher) then produced setting materials (eg Numenera), but instead, they did the exact opposite. Numenera was first released and was both the setting and mechanic, then The Strange came out as an alternative setting using the same mechanics, then they released the Cypher System Rulebook, which embodied the base mechanics as well as providing instructions on adapting the mechanics to fit pretty much any settings. It's a very flexible mechanic system.

For those who aren't familiar with it, the Cypher mechanics can be boiled down to the GM deciding how difficult a task is (on a scale of 1-10) and the players can trigger things (ranging from skills to assets to putting more effort into it) to reduce the difficulty. Then the player rolls a d20 and if the result is equal to or greater than the difficulty times 3 (eg a Difficulty 4 requires rolling a 12 or higher), the player succeeded. And that's about it. Getting deeper into the mechanics targets the various ways the players can reduce the difficulty, but at the end of the day, it's not very complicated. It's really easy on a GM because they're only responsible for crafting the story/environment and assigning difficulties. Everything else is in the hands of the players (aka the GM never rolls the dice).

The other thing that defines the Cypher system (and how it gets its name) is how it leverages one-use items (dubbed 'cyphers') to give the players greater-than-average abilities. For example, a Tier 1 player isn't going to be able to teleport or levitate, but if they had a cypher, they could do so...once. It puts a lot of power in the players hands for thinking outside the box in an encounter and gives them 'spotlight moments' that are (IMO) necessary for a fun game.

Regarding the Numenera setting, it's what we might expect the Earth to be like a billion years into the future. There have been eight civilizations that have ascended and fallen, each leaving behind remnants of their brilliance. In this Ninth World, magic (called numenera) is pervasive, and while many can wield it or have been changed by it, few truly understand it.

I'll give it some more serious thought tonight and tomorrow, but I'm leaning toward starting up a game since there's such interest. And if I use the Cypher: Numenera OP materials (which is highly likely), it'd be easy enough for me to hand the reigns off to another GM (eg @Qralloq) if it becomes too much for me to run. The last thing I'd want to do is start something up and then have to pull the plug on it after only a couple of weeks due to an over-commitment on my part.
Feb 23, 2017 6:09 am
Sounds like we have critical mass for a Cypher/Numenera game.
Feb 23, 2017 2:29 pm
Well they've finished their schedule for Numenera documentation releases but there's probably more to expand on considering the world is one area plus Tides. If you like physical books they all look sexy. There's also Gods of the Fall for a setting~~~
Feb 23, 2017 3:00 pm
I have the Strange RPG, though haven't had time to read it fully. With Torment: Tides of Numenera releasing next week I feel like this might be a great time to get into the Cypher system.

As for the other systems on your wish list. I have been wanting more Star Wars in my life. I have been playing with the thought about running some Edge of the Empire.
Feb 23, 2017 3:07 pm
Regarding setting material releases for Numenera, the Bestiary 2 is still due (along with a few other things like a map book, novel, etc).

And if anyone is interested in The Strange, I saw MCG has launched another kickstarter for a boxed set version. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/a-strange-box)

There's also two more Cypher settings scheduled for release. Predation (which involves dinosaurs) and Masks (which is some sort of urban horror I think?).
Feb 23, 2017 3:25 pm
I like the Cypher system—I would have bought had it come out first and been content to pass on Numenera and The Strange. I'm not a huge fan of Chthulu-esque horror, mutation, or the Lovecraftian nature-bending, which seems to be the primary inspiration for MCG's various titles. But, I do like the Cypher system itself, and am happy to create my own worlds/settings/adventures.

I'd share GM a Numenera/Cypher/FATE game if that's what it takes. Or, if someone wants to run a Star Wars EotE game, because I want to learn that one... I'm ALL in.
Feb 23, 2017 3:35 pm
I've been thinking of running one of the Star Wars beginner games. I'll take a gander at some things this weekend and see what I can do.
Feb 23, 2017 4:10 pm
I'll defer to njohn858 running the organized play material, but if he passes, I'll commit to starting a Numenera game... There is an adventure I have that looks cool, and I've been wanting to get back into Numenera after watching the fan film The Strand.
Feb 23, 2017 4:10 pm
I would commit to running a starter set for FFG Star Wars, but I can not commit to running a full campaign right now. I'm nervous about over-committing myself (as I did in the past) and having to drop out of campaign games. But a Starter Set with a known end point would be fine.

I've run the EotE starter set a couple of times and I've introduced several players to the system. I also have the new(ish) The Force Awakens starter set if that interests anyone. If we have 3-5 players who want to learn the FFG SW system, I'm happy to run/teach.
Feb 23, 2017 4:29 pm
@Friar_Tuk: I'm in! I started reading the (nearly 100 pages of) character creation in the EotE book, and thought—I need someone to walk me through this. I don't need a lengthy campaign, just need to understand character creation, run through some encounters and see how to interpret the myriad dice combinations.
Feb 23, 2017 4:45 pm
Character Creation can be found through YouTube videos. Your career might have additional specialization in a splat book that's already out as well. I sat down with the book and a character sheet and went through section by section for 'grock' it myself.

Interpretation of the dice will not always be the same for the same roll. GMs may change it up, as well as the player.
Jumping over a wall might be a simple task. GM calls for an easy Athletics check, character might propose coordination (GM makes the call if that's kosher). Do they get a boost up from another character? Do you have climbing gear on for some reason? Is this really important you're on the otherside so you flip a destiny point from the pool. Once the pool of dice is established you roll and GMs usually interpret things since the results aren't analogue they aren't always the same.

You can get over the wall no problem, you could get over the wall and 'tweaked' your leg on the way down, someone notices you on the other side thinking you're up to no good and draws attention to you. You could run into the wall having tripped on the way up and notice from the ground a few pallets you can stack to get over easier, or you run into the wall and hear a beast growling behind you when you realize smaller off spring off to your side and you're up for an alleyway scrap. That's not even all the possibilities since it's not a pass/fail system.
Feb 23, 2017 5:15 pm
Godric says:
@Friar_Tuk: I'm in! I started reading the (nearly 100 pages of) character creation in the EotE book, and thought—I need someone to walk me through this. I don't need a lengthy campaign, just need to understand character creation, run through some encounters and see how to interpret the myriad dice combinations.
Here's a community created program that helps a lot.

Feb 23, 2017 5:19 pm
@Godric I'll happily teach the basics. Its a very fun system, one of my favorites. A winning combination of crunch and narrative gameplay. The dice influence narrative, but don't run it. Players have a lot of room to influence narrative and environment. Lends itself well to an improvisational GM.

@Remnant has the gist there; he knows his business as a player in this system for sure!

I'll start a new thread for folks to jump in if they are interested. It would be cool to get all beginners.
Last edited February 23, 2017 5:19 pm
Feb 24, 2017 3:00 am
I spun up a Numenera game (Season 1 of the OP) if anyone wants to jump in.


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