Kalajel here.

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Apr 30, 2015 2:25 pm
Hello everyone.

I'm kalajel, real name Daniel. The name might sound familiar to a few of you; I was one of the contributor for the Musha-Shugyo fanzine back in 2009. I've also made a few fan contribution to the Dungeonslayers and 1PG games in the past. I tend to start up on too many project and rarely finish anything. XD

So I'm here to hang out with you guys. Hope to make lots of friends here. :D
Apr 30, 2015 2:41 pm
Another Dungeonslayers player.... Welcome, welcome!!
Apr 30, 2015 2:43 pm
Hi Kalajel, and welcome! Sorry for the trouble you had registering... the site's still got kinks that need working out. And I totally get what you mean about starting up projects; I'm glad I eventually got GP off the ground.

Any system in particular you're looking forward to playing? Or just here for the community?
Apr 30, 2015 2:49 pm
Keleth says:
Hi Kalajel, and welcome! Sorry for the trouble you had registering... the site's still got kinks that need working out. And I totally get what you mean about starting up projects; I'm glad I eventually got GP off the ground.

Any system in particular you're looking forward to playing? Or just here for the community?
lol, looks like I found a kindred spirit then. :P
Oh, I was brought here by the Dungeonslayers forum, so I'm interested in trying chocokiko's DS game, but I'm willing to give anything a chance. Who know, if I end up finishing one of my projects (mostly I tried to make games which doesn't rely on the d20), I might come here to playtest those one of these days...
Apr 30, 2015 2:52 pm
Thanks :-) So thats two new users on my record. Wonderful...
Just apply for the game... We still need a healer :-)
And I'll gladly join a playtest...
Apr 30, 2015 3:50 pm
We actually have a few game devs here on GP, at various levels of activity, and I created a forum section specifically so gamedevs could talk about development, discuss stuff, and eventually get to playtesting.
Apr 30, 2015 6:54 pm
Hello Kalajel! Nope you're completely unfamiliar to me as I for some reason don't pay a lot of attention to things that I should... like who's doing what and making things that might be fun!
Regardless, welcome :)
Maybe you can lend/get assistance with some projects while you're here, you never know
Apr 30, 2015 10:14 pm
Thanks Experience. This might have to wait a bit though as I am currently recovering from an operation (on top of other events which happened in my life lately), so I am taking things a bit on the slow side lately. But if help is offered, you can bet I will accept it! ;)
May 1, 2015 6:40 am
Get well soon and best whishes!

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