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May 3, 2015 7:30 am
BTW: What technics/tools are you using for the site?

Plain PHP + Mysql? A Framework?
Whats your favourite editor?
How do you do unittesting? If you don't - why the hell not?
Are you using some sort of Issue tracking?
What VCS are you using?

I'm curious bcause I'm a web developer, too... I might have an idea or two to improve your prcess and save you work in the longer run.

You might be interested in using Selenium for web testing or maybe yu could use the testing component of the symfony framework.

Automated testing is everything today. Web tests take longer to run but if you run them once a day and keep them updated you'll find most bugs before they reach the user. For that you shuld have a separat test instance running. That culd be as little as a Raspberry Pi box. That's a miniature computer running linux that is availabe for less than $40. That would keep the processor and memory load from your development machine.
Ideally thse tests are triggered every time you are submitting to your VCS.
You should really invest in automating as much as you can. You might als think of some automatic build tool that triggers the tests and is capable of automaic deployment.

Setting all that up costs time at fist but saves you 100 times as much later on.
May 3, 2015 7:35 am
If you have your codebase at Bitbucket you can get a whole suite of tools for about $40 a month and you could also recruit programmers volunteering some work... (If you don't want to pay you'd have to make your code public to get help.)
I have worked with Atlassin products professionally and they are gooood...
Last edited May 3, 2015 7:37 am
May 3, 2015 3:44 pm
So for Gamers' Plane, we're running PHP/MySQL/Mongo, using jQuery and AngularJS on the front end. Most of the code is custom built, using a sudo-framework I've built over years of freelancing. I personally use Sublime for text editing. For VCS, I am running on BitBucket, as they offer free private repos. Me and framework have been a weird combo: I've learned a few over the years, but having started my work in WordPress, I always seem to have gone there; I never commonly used a framework until a job 4ish years ago, and it was some Russian framework, hard to use, terribly documented. I am learning Laravel for use on the API.

So unit testing is something I keep meaning to learn, but never get to. I know its important, and I suspect its like Grunt (which I recently started using): I don't quite get how useful it is right now, but once I start using it, I'll wonder why I never did.

I'm always up for advice. Due to some RL issues, I've had an... "interesting" career. I've been coding for over a decade, and I can code up a storm, but I only recently (< 2 years ago) learned about creating more effective release flows (such as Grunt).
May 3, 2015 4:11 pm
I'm a fan of Sublime myself :-)

I have been coding professionally for 7 years... Privately double that :-) And I'm doing the opposite. I have been wirking for one of the biggest german internet companies with 8000 employees worldwide for 6 years and now i work for a small enterprise with 25 employees...
I don't know Grunt yet but I'll have a look. I like the symfony framework a lot. It is a system of independent building bricks and has a huge community. So I won't run into issues on the framework itself.
All my private repos are on Bitbucket :-)

Unittesting is not really hard. It comes naturally with refactoring and code maintenance. You can also gamify it by using a good code coverage tool and code quality management. Just take pride in high values.
And when refactoring you are putting your code in relatively small easily manageable blocks. If you aim for functions and methods that do exactly one thing only with about 15 to 20 lines of code each the testing is simple. And if the small blocks work you can start testing higher level constructs using the small blocks.

There is a wonderful website you might like, too. Code Wars
There you can train on small tasks... and unittesting is built in for both yourself to test if the code works right as well as to test your solution.

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