Homegrown Heroes Adventuring Academy

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May 1, 2017 5:17 pm
I've opened up an 'experimental' 5e game. It has room for a bunch of people, but will play in small sessions. So if all 20 people join up, it'll be like having 4 or 5 total tables being run at the same time. So not all 20 people running together. :)

The idea is for folks to be able to come in and test out any fun or funky homebrew things and possibly learn about parts of the system you may not have used before. Never tried a caster? Come sling magic missiles! Not sure if that mechanical man fighter you dreamed up would play well? Let's take a whack at it. Want to build a dwarven grappler that solves all his problems by squeezing things? Get a grip here! Want to try something, find you hate it, want to try something else? Sure, why not! The goal is to have fun and test some things out.

One important thing is I currently have no plans or thoughts on a large interconnected story that pits you against the gods. Think intro quests in any RPG/MMO you've played. That's right, you'll be killing wolves, hunting down runaway prisoners, possibly even delivering a wagon full of grain to Ol' Missus Clary.

Link here.
May 1, 2017 10:54 pm
I've applied! Time to test that Arcane Fury (and maybe some other ideas I've been kicking around) :-D

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