Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition

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May 3, 2017 12:10 am
Hey Guys,
I'm new here, and new to PBP in general, but I wanted to give it a shot. I've been running a successful Mage: the Awakening 2e game with my gaming group for the past 7 months, but we're gearing up for a brief hiatus. I want to keep my head in the game, and play with the concepts and mechanics a bit while we hit the pause button, and this feels like a pretty great place to do it. So would anyone be up for playing with me?

And how the heck do things operate around here?
May 3, 2017 2:04 am
Hi SpookySpectre. I would love to play Mage. I recently ran a two year Changeling: The Lost campaign, with some major NPCs who were mages, but I played the mage rules fast and loose, but it would be good to learn them for realz.

If you're looking for advice on running a game, you started off right. Advertise in the Game Tavern.

Next, you'll want to start a game. (GAMEs above, then Start a Game). Check out the World of Darkness character sheet - I think it is set up for nWoD, but you could also use a Custom sheet (just a text box).

Then in the game forums, start a thread on what you want from characters.
May 3, 2017 2:59 am
Alright, awesome. I'll check that out.

We've been running with the 2nd edition books for a few years now, and I'm a pretty big fan. I started role playing with Vampire:the Masquerade, so the White Wolf/Onyx Path game lines are near and dear to my heart.

I hope there is some interest. I'd be curious to see how PBP alters/develops my style of GMing
May 3, 2017 3:08 am
This is my concept, just to give a little more insight into what I'm planning.

Plot Summary
It is the summer of 1987 in Maple Hill, New Jersey and the Wise who have set up shop there are hip deep in a new Mystery. Time does not follow the same rules in Maple Hill; it fluctuates and moves in a wholly unnatural way. But that is not the only concern among the Maple Hill Consilium. There are also rumors of a young cabal of malcontents who are planning to move against the Hierarch and her Councilors. Can the Consilium make peace with these young Mages? And what is the cause these time distortions?

There was a time when Maple Hill, New Jersey wasn’t so special. It was seven square miles of streets and homes, churches and bistros, elementary schools and playgrounds, and it was as interesting to the wise as stereo instruction manual. There were no members of the Wise that called Maple Hill home, and those that Awakened there rarely stayed for very long. It was a magical dead zone. Until ten years ago.

Everything changed for the quaint South Jersey borough in January of 1977, when a 7 year old boy named Jimmy Guthrie went missing. After days of combing the nearby Pinelands, Local authorities began to fear the worst. In July, after Jimmy had been missing for over 200 days, the family held a funeral service. A week later, an Acanthus was passing through Maple Hills. He found Jimmy Guthrie.

The boy was trapped in time. Held in place by some supernal energy, Jimmy Guthrie was unable to move, unable to speak, and unable to age. He was so close to home—-in his own front yard—-but the sleepers looking for him couldn’t bear to see him. Their minds rearranged his presence—-preferring to believe in a missing boy than a boy trapped time—-and soon they started to avoid the spot altogether. His parents moved away and no new buyers stepped forward. But for the Mages that would soon swarm to the area, Jimmy stood as a reminder of the first Mystery of Maple Hill.

The Acanthus and her cabal set up shop in Maple Hill, curious about the lost boy and the supernal energies surrounding him. And a few months into their studies they found that Time irregularities were all around. Members would find themselves frozen in time, the only moving figures in a town of living statues. Others would get caught in a time loop, living through a short span of time over and over again. And then there were the Abyssal horrors that seemed to surround these events. Were they causing the time anomalies? Or were they a symptom?

Soon cabals were flooding into Maple Hill en masse, eager to experience the time distortions and to study the events surrounding them. A Consilium was established and Maple Hill flourished into a thriving community. But before long problems began to surface. The Mages that Awakened in Maple Hill after 1977 were considered to be inept and uneducated, as the town lacked any formal structure until the arrival of the current Consilium. They were looked over for Consilium titles, and Cabals with Maple Hill Mages were often taken less seriously then Cabals with a more vivid history. Soon, the Maple Hill Mages were shunned and cast out as social pariahs. Many left the borough. But Some stayed to form their own Cabals, to push against the outsiders who would remove them from their home.

You will play the malcontents, the young Mages who raise their fist in salute to rebellion. A cabal of Mages who dare to demand equal rights in their own home. You were born here, but you are treated as if you are somehow less. By birthright Maple Hill is yours, friends. Stand up and take it.
May 3, 2017 3:28 am
Yes, please! Mage is the one White Wolf game I've always wanted to play and never had an opportunity. I am definitely interested.
May 3, 2017 3:38 am
WarDomo says:
Yes, please! Mage is the one White Wolf game I've always wanted to play and never had an opportunity. I am definitely interested.
Awesome! I'm glad there are some people interested.

I went ahead and created a game... So I don't really know what happens next. But I'm eager to find out :)

Edit: It seems to have posted two identical games? I set one to "closed." hopefully that solves the problem.
Last edited May 3, 2017 3:41 am
May 3, 2017 3:45 am
You'll need to either post a link to the game or send out invites to players.
May 3, 2017 3:49 am
WarDomo says:
You'll need to either post a link to the game or send out invites to players.
Good to know.

Will this link work?
May 3, 2017 3:51 am
Link to the open one.

Spooky, you should be able to delete the other one by scrolling near the bottom, there should be a 'RETIRE GAME' option; click 'I want to close and retire this game!', that should fix it and avoid any confusion.
May 3, 2017 3:53 am
HypCo says:
Link to the open one.

Spooky, you should be able to delete the other one by scrolling near the bottom, there should be a 'RETIRE GAME' option; click 'I want to close and retire this game!', that should fix it and avoid any confusion.
Done! Thanks for the tip!
May 3, 2017 3:57 am
Welcome to GP, SpookySpecter! You might find the New Player Guide helpful.
May 3, 2017 3:59 am
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Welcome to GP, SpookySpecter! You might find the New Player Guide helpful.
Hey thanks Jabes! I'll be reading that, for sure :)
May 3, 2017 4:07 am
Nice, love the setup. I've clicked 'Apply', and I'll start mulling over character options.
May 3, 2017 4:09 am
I too will throw in my hat. I've played Mage a few times and White Wolf in general a whole bunch in my career. I work from home so my post frequency shouldn't be a problem. ;)

I'll apply and hopefully I'm a good fit.
May 3, 2017 2:13 pm
Awesome, guys! Will character applications be posted here, or will they be visible in the game itself?

Thanks for helping out a newcomer. I appreciate the hand-holding.
May 3, 2017 2:20 pm
When people apply to your game, they'll show up on your game details page and you can accept the players.

Then, once they've created a character and have submitted it, you'll see that submission on the game details page as well. Then you can review the character sheet and choose to accept the character or not. Once accepted, they have the ability to choose to pst as that character in your game.
May 3, 2017 3:19 pm
You can set up a character creation forum within the game. (CLICK Forums -> (game name near bottom of page)). There we can discuss our ideas in advance of actually crafting them.
May 3, 2017 3:38 pm
Alright, I've approved the players and created a thread in the main forum to start thinking about characters :)

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