Sep 4, 2014 6:49 pm
I know avatars have been discussed a few times now. I posted about it back in January during our initial bug hunting. I also notice that Candi posted about it in Candi's ever growing... I definately support the suggestion of having character avatars specifically linked to character sheets that show when posting in any games that character is in and having a general avatar that shows when posting elsewhere ob the board but I realize that will require some research and programming on Keleth's part. This post is because. i recently uploaded an avatar to use as my character image and it is not displaying with any of my posts or on the gamers page. When I go to my UCP I can see the avatar but it does not show elsewhere. I did not receive any error messages of any kind and again it does show on my UPC. I see that Keleth, Darthnerdus, and Candi all have working avatars, so I thought i would bring this up. Did I mess up or is there still a bug waiting to be squashed?