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Ability Scores
Customized ability scores - Standard 27 point buy (PHB 13)
* 4d6 drop the lowest, down the line: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha.
* If the sum of all the bonuses is below +2, you may re-roll.
* Scores may be reduced and improved by trading 1 point for 1 point. However, no score may be raised above 8 and no score reduced below 13.
* After adjusting scores, you may replace any one of them with a 16.
* You start the game with 1 inspiration point if you roll your stats. :fistbump: :explosion:
Hit Points
Take the standard per level or roll. If you roll, you may re-roll 1's and 2's, but then must take the result of the re-roll. Take the max at 1st level as usual.
Roll for your starting wealth by class (PHB page 143) or take the starting equipment options gained from your background and class.
Human and Variant Human only.
Each subrace has their own language. Yuoric is considered the "common" tongue. If a character speaks a language, it cannot always be assumed that he can read and write the language. The ability to read and write is far less common in this game setting than in more advanced settings. Many people raised in civilized lands (The Nadrilian West, The Markelands, Kortella, Pylosean, Esosan, and Voldruv) can puzzle out simple writings they encounter, but intermediate and more advanced writing may be indecipherable to them depending on their upbringing. Those from the barbaric, rural, or less developed lands (Gaeirmund, The Danneinkiff, Ingvael, Korsi, Bishtaan, Heshba, Jbail) are quite likely to be effectively illiterate. It is up to the player, based on background, feats, intelligence, and proficiencies, to decide whether or not their PC is fully literate.
[ +- ] Written Languages
Written Languages
There are a limited number of established writing systems in this setting.
Nadrilian-Yuoric: The most prevalent in the starting region is the Nadrilian-Yuoric alphabet. Strangely, it is called Nadrilian by most Yuoric scholars, and called Youric more often by non-Yuorics. This is the default written language. Most characters with literacy will be literate in Nadrilian-Yuoric.
Other symbolic / alphabet systems currently in practice include:
Archalasian: a historical writing of western Faolan used by Pylos, Kortella, Voldruv, and to a lesser extent Esosan. Originated in the ancient empire of Archalasia, which crumbled and broke apart nearly a 1000 years ago.
Zutaran: an historical writing used in the East, especially in Sarcera, and quite frequently in Jbail. Originated in the ancient empire of Zutar, which was crushed and dispersed by Imperial Otessa around 6 centuries ago.
Otessite: a writing that has endured since the time of Imperial Otessa and still exists now in the reduced province of modern Otessa, called Indomitable Otessa by its supporters and Lesser Otessa by its detractors. This writing system is partially hieroglyhic in its design. Its other symbols are complex, making it very difficult to learn by most. A derivative version of this written system was transplanted to the lands of Arkkad in the distant past. It has many similarities, but it differs to some extent. This set of symbols is called the Sabusi hieroglyphs.
Alijanian: a very foreign and unusual type of writing from distant Far East Alijan. It is extremely detailed and depends on very fine management of brush strokes with special paint brushes. To the Western cultures, it is a very foreign style of writing, but has gained some exposure because of the small displaced communities of Alijanian refugees who have settled in the Alornic Sea region.
Human Subraces
The different kinds of humans are cultures more than true subraces. Choose one of these subraces.
TODO: Add example names to each subrace[ +- ] Human, Yuoric (+1 Con, Int, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Yuoric
The most expansive, most highly developed culture of the setting, and certainly the dominant and most influential culture in the civilized regions just outside the West Marches region. The Yuoric people share a common language even though many of the customs of their separate kingdoms are quite diverse, and they have a history of clashing between themselves intermittently. Modeled roughly after the early Holy Roman Empire mixed with some idea of the colonization of the western hemisphere by Western Europe.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Athlete, Linguist, Lucky, Martial Adept, Resilient, Sentinel, Skilled
Language. You speak Yuoric and 1 other language of choice among Gaeirmundi, Pylosean, Kortellan, or Dannein.
[ +- ] Human, Dannein (+1 Str, Con, or Wis; Feat; The First Gods)
Human, Dannein (dan-NAY-in)
A rugged, rural people, indigenous culture of the Andra Peninsula, mostly from a large swath of rugged land called the Danneinkiff. Danneins have a variety of community styles because of differing responses among clans to the gradual encroachment of new culture and more advanced civilization, namely that of the Yuorics of the Markkelands. Ranging in community style from warring barbarian clans to remote farming villages to moderate-sized towns that are largely blended with the neighboring Yuoric cultures of the Marke Lands. Modelled loosely after the ancient Celts and highland Irish and Scottish clans.
The First Gods (correspond to The Celtic Deities, found in PHB Appendix B, pg. 298) are always associated with the Dannein people, reflecting their uncivilized, rural culture. Dannein druids serve the First Gods and play an important role in Dannein culture, if a conflicted one - serving as the community's religious leader to be followed and trusted yet also to be weary of as they are self-serving and treacherous.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Alert, Durable, Great Weapon Master, Observant, Savage Attacker, Tavern Brawler, Tough
The First Gods. You have access to the Druid class, provided you meet that class's Background restrictions.
Language. You speak Dannein and Yuoric.
[ +- ] Human, Kortellan (+1 Con, Int, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Kortellan
From Kortella, a prosperous land of rich soil inland and several prominent ports along the coast. Located across the small Alornic Sea, south of the Andra peninsula, the most common neighbor to the Youric Marke Lands. Modeled loosely after Italy/Sicily.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Actor, Charger, Mounted Combatant
Language. You speak Kortellan and Yuoric.
[ +- ] Human, Pylosean (+1 Str, Dex, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Pylosean
From Pylos, a series of busy ports along a rugged and hilly coastline. Modeled loosely after Greece.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Grappler, Linguist, Shield Master
Language. You speak Pylosean and Yuoric.
[ +- ] Human, Esosanean (+1 Dex, Int, or Wis; Feat)
Human, Esosanean
From Esosan, a land of rich farming and famous ports. Modeled loosely after Spain.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Defensive Duelist, Sharpshooter, Resilient
Language. You speak Esosanean, Yuoric and have and intermediate fluency in either Pylosean or Korsian.
[ +- ] Human, Alijanian (+1 Dex, Con, or Int; Feat; Alijanian Martial Arts)
Human, Alijanian
From far eastern land of Alijan. Though geographically distant from the Andra peninsula, a population of notable size lives in some of the coastal cities there. Several groups of Alijanians migrated to the Markkelands and Kortella by extremely long journey in unusually small boats, during a relatively small window of time about a generation or two ago. This then is a geographically displaced people who are partially integrated with the cultures of a different region. Modeled loosely after China
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Constitution, or Intelligence.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Durable, Mobile, Skulker
Alijanian Martial Arts. You have access to the Monk class, provided you meet that class's Background restrictions.
Language. You speak Alijanian and Yuoric.
[ +- ] Human, Gaeirmundi (+1 Dex, Con, or Wis; Feat)
Human, Gaeirmundi
From island archipelago of mountains and jungles, collectively called the Gaeirmund. Communities mostly made up of tough and resourceful primitive clans, many of whom are skilled small boaters, though have not historically built larger boats built for crossing larger bodies of water like the Mighty Moctura Sea. For several generations, there has been some blend with the Yuouric culture at the northern most ports of the Gaeirmund islands, as these port cities serve as waypoints along the route across the sea from the western continent of Nadril to Andra and Faolan. Modeled loosely after the Pre-Columbian Central and South America.
Note: Some Gaeirmundi communities are highly integrated in the high civilization of the Yuoric Kingdoms and their waypoint fiefdoms dotted along the coastlines of the Gaeirmundi Isles. Their cultures and demographics have become largely blended with the local Yuorics. Other Gaeirmundi communities, mostly the ones who live deeper inland or on the islands further south in the archipelago, remain remote and separated from the higher developed cultures of the west.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Keen Mind, Durable, Observant
Language. You speak Gaeirmundi and Yuoric.
[ +- ] Human, Korsian (+1 Str, Dex, or Int; Feat)
Human, Korsian
From Korsi, rugged badlands that are a mixture of plains, craggy rock formations, and arid deserts. Conditioned to a tough lifestyle and frequent war, they are often quick to draw swords. Have been in a grinding, seemingly endless war against the more powerful Esosan for generations. Also defend against roving dessert raiders from Bishtaan, and fight frequently among themselves in internal feuds along regional and familial lines. Modeled loosely after Algeria.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Tavern Brawler, Athlete, Dual Wielder
Language. You speak Korsian and Yuoric, and have an intermediate fluency in either Esosanan or Bishtu.
Rare Foreigners
Many lands are extremely far away from the region of the West Marches, across vast oceans and huge expanses of land. Even some lands that are closer than others do not have cultural trends that project their people out for foreign ventures in the far west. The people from these regions are less likely to be featured in the stories of western expansion on the continent of Nadril, and definitely do not frequent the region of the campaign in any significant number. These sub-races are reviewed briefly below however and are selectable for play, but only with a strong background that explains how they traveled so far and are such an exception. All Dark Thrones races may face discrimination or racism, but these foreigners could be at higher risk of feeling ostracized, looked upon suspiciously, or at least standing out as strange to others because of their rarity.
[ +- ] Human, Arkkadi (+1 Str, Con, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Arkkadi
From exotic southern land of Arkkad. Varied environments but mostly jungles and vast mountain ranges. Location of ancient but highly advanced and apparently widespread cultures now lost, with only the ruins of their imposing architecture remaining. Modeled loosely after the ancient lands of Nubia, Kush, and Central Africa.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Savage Attacker, Tough, Healer
Language. You speak Arkkadi and 1 language of choice among Yuoric, Gaeirmundi, or Otessite.
[ +- ] Human, Bishtu (+1 Dex, Wis, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Bishtu
From the dessert and arid plains of the Bishtaan Lands. An area sparsely populated with loosely connected nomadic clans who move around their rugged area, sometimes clashing with/sometimes trading with one another and their neighbors. Modeled loosely after the early nomads and Bedouin tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.
A disjointed group who lacks common purpose, yet they seem to be eternally a thorn in the side of any civilized society who tries to overtake them or the large tract of land through which they range. Over the centuries, the Bishtu clashed against the mighty empires of Archalaesia, Zutar, and even Ancient Otessa. Those strong nations are either gone now or exist only as a shadow of their former glory. The strength of the Bishtu as an organized civilization is as weak as it ever was, yet the Bishtu raiders still ride through their rugged lands with no lack of strength.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Dual Wielder, Mounted Combatant, Mobile
Language. You speak Bishtu and 1 other language of choice among Zutaran, Heshban, or Korsian. If your character speaks Yuoric, it will be at intermediate fluency. Alternatively, you can design a background story that describes a way that the character learned to speak fluent Yuoric in his/her past. If so, you do not get to choose an alternate language from the list above.
[ +- ] Human, Heshban (+1 Int, Wis, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Heshban
From Heshba, a varied land of rugged hills, rolling plains, and softwood forests. They are known to be less likely to travel outward as they maintain close affinity to their land and specific customs. Modeled loosely after Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Skilled, Observant, Resilient
Language. You speak Heshban and 1 other language of choice among Yuoric, Zutaran, Bishtu, or Kortellan.
[ +- ] Human, Ingvaelor (+1 Str, Con, or Wis; Feat)
Human, Ingvaelor
From the brutal lands of Ingvael, a cold region in the northern reaches of the Andra Peninsula. Most of its forest are evergreens and it is snow-covered much of the year. A land of hearty barbarians who seem to be constantly at war with one another, and at times threaten the northern lands of the Danneinkiff. Modeled loosely after Dark Age Scandinavia.
Note: Ingvaels are hated by most Danneins and the feeling is most often mutual. Yuorics from the Markeland Kingdoms of the Andra Peninsula also dislike Ingvaels by and large, though the Yuorics of the old Nadrilian West know little about them.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Great Weapon Master, Medium Armor Master, Savage Attacker
Language. You speak Ingvael and 1 other language of choice among Yuoric or Dannein.
[ +- ] Human, Jbailian (+1 Dex, Int, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Jbailian
From a land at the easternmost edge of the Alornic Sea. A crossroads region between east and west, known for its culturally diversity, exotic trade, and intrigue. Modeled loosely after Lebanon.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Skilled, Observant, Linguist
Language. You speak Zutaran, Yuoric, and 1 other language of choice among Voldruvan, Heshban, Murmaran, or Kortellan.
[ +- ] Human, Kapek (+1 Dex, Con, or Wis; Feat)
Human, Kapek
From Kapekchia, a very distant land of rolling prairies and steppes. Modeled loosely after Mongolia.
Note: Kapeks have often been at odds with Alijania, if not openly at war with this neighbor. This though is the faraway actual land of Alijania. The displaced Alijanians who populate the Alornic Sea region and some of the other ports of the far West are not actively in conflict against Kapekchia or Kapeks to any degree.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Keen Mind, Mounted Combatant, Medium Armor Master
Language. You speak Kapek and either Alijanian or Seetan. If your character speaks Yuoric, it will be at intermediate fluency. Alternatively, you can design a background story that describes a way that the character learned to speak fluent Yuoric in his/her past. If so, you do not get to choose a secondary language from the list above.
[ +- ] Human, Mumaran (+1 Con, Int, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Murmaran
From the lands of Murmar, a shrewd and militaristic people of the near east. Modeled loosely after Turkey.
Note: Murmar's ancient rival is nearby Voldruv. The countries are always at enmity one with another and often in open conflict. The people from both lands often dislike, distrust, or even hate one another.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Inspiring Leader, Polearm Master, Sentinel
Language. You speak Murmaran and 1 other language of choice among Yuoric, Voldruvan, or Zutaran.
[ +- ] Human, Pakti (+1 Dex, Con, or Wis; Feat)
Human, Pakti
From the remote and rugged land of Paktia, home of primitive but resourceful tribal clans known for their ferocity and tenacity.
Modeled loosely after Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan.
Even within their own land, Paktis have two primary languages, Wuri and Chamkan. Which language is spoken by each group is split along clan lines. Few outsiders understand the differences between the Wuri and the Chamkan sub-cultures, but the Paktis themselves certainly do. The groups are often suspicion of one another at best and locked in generational and fatal blood feuds against one another at worst, depending on the region. Yet both groups consider themselves Paktis and have also been known to unite against common enemies when threatened or invaded by outsiders.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Durable, Mobile, Alert
Language. You speak one of the two Pakti languages, either Wuri or Chamkan. As a secondary language, choice of either Zutaran, Bishtu, or the other Pakti language that is not your primary. If your character speaks Yuoric, it will be at intermediate fluency. Alternatively, you can design a background story that describes a way that the character learned to speak fluent Yuoric in his/her past. If so, you do not get to choose a secondary language listed above.
[ +- ] Human, Sarceran (+1 Dex, Int, or Cha; Feat, Sarceran Martial Arts)
From an exotic eastern desert land called Sarcera. These people engage with the Yuouric Markkelands, Kortella, and Pylos through sea ports at the end of long overland trade routes. Modeled loosely after Persia.
Sarceran culture has a strong focus on training centers where peasants learn basic unarmed combat and participate in civil service. They started centuries ago as peasant resistant groups and assassins who had to defend against and confront a powerful and corrupt aristocracy. Later in a war against Otessa, they served as unconventional war experts and sabotage experts in a long war that eventually broke up the Zutaran Empire into smaller parts. Now they have a history of martial training, and have secret societies and cults that trend towards the darker side of that, like assassination, infiltration and spying.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Sharpshooter, Skulker, Defensive Duelist
Sarceran Martial Arts. You are proficient with unarmed strikes and can use Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes. You have access to the Monk class, provided you meet that class's Background restrictions.
Language. You speak Zutaran and 1 other language of choice among Yuoric, Bishtu, Wuri, Chamkan, or Otessite.
[ +- ] Human, Seetan (+1 Int, Wis, or Cha; Feat; Hermatas Pantheon)
Human, Seetan From mysterious far eastern land of Nuuth Seeta, a land of varied religions, monastics, exotic medicines, dietary devotions, and ecclesiastical lifestyles that correspond to no other known cultures. Modeled loosely after India.
Seetan Budoheit: Seetan druids, also called budoheit (or singular budohe), come from devout religious communities, small sects devoted to a non-traditional pantheon called The Hermatas. Legend says that the grand masters of this religion are able to take the physical forms of tigers and monkeys! They live mostly in secluded conclaves far away from even the broader society of Nuuth Seeta, that is already extremely secluded from the rest of the world.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Healer, Resilient, Ritual Caster
The Hermatas Pantheon. You have access to the Druid class, provided you meet that class's Background restrictions. (Background story should include devotion to The Hermatas Pantheon and at least familiarity with the corresponding religious communities)
Language. You speak Seetan, Yuoric, and 1 of any other language of choice.
[ +- ] Human, Sekeri (+1 Str, Dex, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Sekeri
From the lawless lands of Seker, modeled loosely after Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somolia.
Once a peripheral province of the ancient empire of Zutaran, this vast region was largely populated by the descendants of displaced Arkkadis. Centuries ago captains emerged from the oppressed poor populace and led revolts throughout the province. They slew their Zutaran governors in bloody spectacle and collectively cut ties with the Satraps of Sarcera. The empowered local leaders laid claim to the mighty citadels that their former aristocracy had built and guarded them as prize locations in the austere and arid environments. These former oasis settlements are now worn-down and partially ruined strongholds managed by ruthless and often paranoid warlords. The settlements around them are communities wrought with abject poverty, debauchery, thuggery, deception, and slavery. However, the access to rare springs of water and the surprisingly resilient trade markets still make these dangerous autonomous cities destinations among the people traveling the hostile lands, and even among bold foreign explorers, prospectors, and especially mercenaries looking for work.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Skulker, Charger, Athlete
Language. You speak Zutaran and choice of either Bishtu or Arkkadi. If your character speaks Yuoric, it will be at intermediate fluency. Alternatively, you can design a background story that describes a way that the character learned to speak fluent Yuoric in his/her past. If so, you do not choose a secondary language from the two listed above.
[ +- ] Human, Voldruvan (+1 Con, Int, or Cha; Feat)
Human, Voldruvan
From exotic mountainous land of Voldruv, at a corner of the Andra Penninsula. Located geographically at what could be a junction point between East and West, but culture remains rather reclusive and inward-looking. Sometimes called the Land of Secrets, parts of it is shrouded in the mystery held by its long-running noble lines. Modelled loosely after Romania.
Note: Voldruv's ancient rival is nearby Murmar. The countries are always at enmity one with another and often in open conflict. The people from both lands often dislike, distrust, or even hate one another.
Ability Score Increase. +1 to Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma.
Feat. Gain one feat of your choice from: Skulker, Grappler, Ritual Caster
Language. You speak Murmaran and 1 other language of choice among Yuoric, Voldruvan, or Zutaran.
We have a few house rules that enhance feats and equipment. You may want to review these when considering your character build.
Last edited August 1, 2017 7:29 am