Jul 26, 2017 4:20 am
Hey Keleth, I don't know if this is a bug or just not implemented or just a personal problem. I use the sites emails more as simple notifications and rarely open them, as they mostly consist of new posts or PMs; in my wake up autopilot mode, I deleted all the emails I got overnight and didn't really give a second thought to the game invite. Now here's where the problem comes in: There is nothing that shows you, that I could find, games you've been invited to other than the email; I did eventually find the game I was invited to after checking through all the newest games here. A simple fix from my end, simply read the emails, but I do know in some cases of people not checking their emails that often. This pertains to submitted characters, as well I believe; you only get a email telling you a character has been submitted, nothing else.