WEG Star Wars First Edition

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Aug 17, 2017 2:07 pm
Yesterday Fantasy Flight Games announced that they will be re-releasing the original Star Wars roleplaying games rules from back in 1987. Sadly I was too young when they were released to enjoy them but they interest me now. I do believe I will purchase it when it comes out. Do any of you have experience with first edition? any glaring flaws? would you be interested in playing? I have a few other games running for now but maybe down the road I can run one on here.
Aug 17, 2017 4:23 pm
The setting is what drew me to that game when it was released. Stuck between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, nary a Jedi to be found, and a small rag-tag band of misfits trying to get by in a big crazy universe. And a lot of d6s.

Unfortunately, any critique from me will be colored in nostalgia, and it's been decades since I've looked through the materials (though I still have them). We used to run through games and adventures without any Jedi, mostly because we just didn't want to deal with Force powers, and anyone that did roll up a Force-Sensitive or Failed Jedi character usually found themselves out-distanced in effectiveness when a reliable trainer couldn't be found.

Then again, that was the setting. Any Jedi master besides Yoda was completely up to the GM to introduce, and it was supposed to come with all the bells and whistles of a powerful Empire bent on seeking out and destroying this person and anyone associated with them.
Aug 18, 2017 3:48 am
Sort of a plus one here. I played it in the late 80s and have the rules (though I re-aquired them within the past year or two, so I have 2nd edition rules). I'll buy whatever FFG re-releases. I'd need to re-read the rules (again) to see if I would like them better for PbP or not. I've found that their existing system is pretty good for PbP with some minor issues (e.g. Talents that are once per session or whatnot) -- and the narrative dice of FFG's system is both interesting and flexible.

Short version: nothing glaring that I remember. We had fun playing it back in the day around the table. Depending on my game load / work load / life load, I'd play a re-released WEG game if only to get a feel for it again and compare it in action against EOTE/AOR/FAD (sort of like I've done with TOR and AIME).
Aug 20, 2017 10:50 pm
The only west end game I ever played was ghost busters international and I loved the poop out of it. I probably wouldn't play in another game right now because I'm already stretched pretty thin with work (of course I might be persuaded if some gifted gm was looking to run a game of GBI), but I wholly support you in playing west end star wars on here. I just ask that you make it public, I would love to see how it goes.
Aug 21, 2017 3:33 am
Like the others I played WEG Star Wars a couple decades ago. Didn't really pay much attention to the mechanics back then, not as such anyway, the rules just were what they were. But I remember quite enjoying it, and being surprised how much fun it was to play non-Jedi.

I also know that the fan community created a "revised, expanded and updated" version of the rules that is well reviewed and loved by the community.

Wasn't clear to me if FFG was making any revisions to the ruleset, but... well it's there.
Sep 6, 2017 8:57 pm
I'm a big fan of the WEG D6 system for Star Wars, so I'd love to play someday

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