Aug 27, 2017 1:40 pm
What a great season it's been to start to skim and study rpg's. For the past ten years I've been swirling around trying to figure out what I'm interested in playing and homebrewing and I'd like to share a model I'm considering. Loosely inspired by social work scopes of practice of micro, mezzo and macro levels, I am gravitating toward a model of organizing my design and play.
Micro level would be the individual and small group level of play. The bulk of tabletop rpgs.
Mezzo level play could include or not include micro level play, but is at the scope of organizations, governments or other more involved groups, cultures and institutions. It's the level of guilds, municipalities, unions, syndicates, clans and societies. This is where I'm trying to figure out my design and play theories and practices. It really was inspired by Ars Magica V's covenants and advancement play that became sessions and play of their own. But the old AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide had considerations of maturing and advancing of play when it started listing strongholds and henchmen to lead, etc.
I've been inspired recently by my recent discoveries of Strands of Fate's chapter on organizations and the Fate Fractal, Pathfinder's Ultimate Campaign and Downtime rules and a Reddit post on organization or mezzo level play that have included other title-dropping ideas of checking out Reign (can't wait), Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, Stars Without Number, Rogue Trader and Adventurer Conqueror King system. There's even an RPGGeek thread on the boardgame Battlestations that sounds like it relates well to what I'm talking here.
Macro level play would be the level of nations, kingdom, multinational corporations or interstellar federations. This might include the Microscope rpg or other similar developments in a campaign. I never got it past character design and opening posts but I was pretty excited to start a Numenera campaign that would include some Microscope RPG gaming to develop politics and culture among the nation-states and institutions of the Steadfast and the Beyond.
So what do you think of the model? What experiences of mezzo level play have you seen or experienced? I'm excited about some potential design sketches and have been impressed by learning about West Marches style campaigning, too. Would love to see a West Marches inspired mezzo campaign design but with a few different details but still trying to figure out what I'm looking for. : )
Micro level would be the individual and small group level of play. The bulk of tabletop rpgs.
Mezzo level play could include or not include micro level play, but is at the scope of organizations, governments or other more involved groups, cultures and institutions. It's the level of guilds, municipalities, unions, syndicates, clans and societies. This is where I'm trying to figure out my design and play theories and practices. It really was inspired by Ars Magica V's covenants and advancement play that became sessions and play of their own. But the old AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide had considerations of maturing and advancing of play when it started listing strongholds and henchmen to lead, etc.
I've been inspired recently by my recent discoveries of Strands of Fate's chapter on organizations and the Fate Fractal, Pathfinder's Ultimate Campaign and Downtime rules and a Reddit post on organization or mezzo level play that have included other title-dropping ideas of checking out Reign (can't wait), Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, Stars Without Number, Rogue Trader and Adventurer Conqueror King system. There's even an RPGGeek thread on the boardgame Battlestations that sounds like it relates well to what I'm talking here.
Macro level play would be the level of nations, kingdom, multinational corporations or interstellar federations. This might include the Microscope rpg or other similar developments in a campaign. I never got it past character design and opening posts but I was pretty excited to start a Numenera campaign that would include some Microscope RPG gaming to develop politics and culture among the nation-states and institutions of the Steadfast and the Beyond.
So what do you think of the model? What experiences of mezzo level play have you seen or experienced? I'm excited about some potential design sketches and have been impressed by learning about West Marches style campaigning, too. Would love to see a West Marches inspired mezzo campaign design but with a few different details but still trying to figure out what I'm looking for. : )
Last edited August 27, 2017 6:17 pm