Jun 1, 2015 9:33 am
I know this issue often haunts any PbP game:
Sometimes people play alot of games, and may miss the moment when their turn is required in order to advance the game, or the opposite - some players could do repetitive actions.
My suggestion is optional Action completion checkup - tool, which could be "attached" to the game thread, and that could be adjusted by theese rules:
1. When GM posts thread, he decides to reset or not to reset Action count. He also can set AC to more than 1.
2. When player does post/action his count decreased by 1. If AC was 1, after one post his AC will be 0.
-AC could be set as counter just to inform the player that he have game which require his action, or could be set by GM as strict limit, that will limit posting in main game thread while AC = 0.
- GM could add +1 AC to any player/players using additional post (for example where player rolls nat20 and GM provides him extra action)
- GM could reset / set new AC pool for next round.
- Players can see if they have games where their reaction needed to advance the turn (AC > 0) under "Games which require your action" menu.
I hope the idea is clear and well defined.
Sometimes people play alot of games, and may miss the moment when their turn is required in order to advance the game, or the opposite - some players could do repetitive actions.
My suggestion is optional Action completion checkup - tool, which could be "attached" to the game thread, and that could be adjusted by theese rules:
1. When GM posts thread, he decides to reset or not to reset Action count. He also can set AC to more than 1.
2. When player does post/action his count decreased by 1. If AC was 1, after one post his AC will be 0.
-AC could be set as counter just to inform the player that he have game which require his action, or could be set by GM as strict limit, that will limit posting in main game thread while AC = 0.
- GM could add +1 AC to any player/players using additional post (for example where player rolls nat20 and GM provides him extra action)
- GM could reset / set new AC pool for next round.
- Players can see if they have games where their reaction needed to advance the turn (AC > 0) under "Games which require your action" menu.
I hope the idea is clear and well defined.