Humble Bundle at it again - Warmachine RPG

Oct 25, 2017 7:57 pm
Hmm, interesting. while I am curious about Iron Kingdom (a friend of mine did told me a lot of good about it), I'm not really interested in Warmachine or Hordes... I still have 13 days to make up my mind, I'll think about it...
Oct 26, 2017 8:57 am
Well the RPG is a lot of fun and the setting has a lot of meat to it (it started off as a d20 RPG setting back in the 3e days, the wargame came later). This version of the RPG is based on the Wargame rules so most of the stats in the Wargame can be used in the RPG with very little work on a GM's part. Additionally the RPG books are very fluff heavy and give a lot of info to help flesh out the world which is always nice from a perspective of having it as a resource for running the game. The only downside of the game I found when I was running it is that the maths is a bit broken once your players start getting to the higher XP levels - I literally had one PC I could not his with any (and I mean ANY) of the monsters/NPC's published in the rule books but we had several months of play before that issue raised it's head.

I've got most of the RPG books already but I'm still thinking about picking this up as the price of the top end (£11/$15) is insanely good value even just for the novels that come with the bundle and you also get a copy of the Warmachine: Tactics PC/MAC game at the mid tier ($8) which, again, is worth getting the bundle for if nothing else.
Oct 26, 2017 12:51 pm
Yeah, but isn't it a bit of a waste to buy a digital copy of some wargames? It's to like you're getting the miniatures to go along with them, which is usually a huge part of the whole wargame... Also, where do Hordes fit into the whole IK/Warmachine mythos? Or is it something completely different?
Oct 26, 2017 2:59 pm
Well out of that bundle only 2 books are for the Wargame (Warmachine:Prime, Hordes:Primal) and they're the old wargame rules at that, 13 for the RPG (2 core rule books (one for the 'Civilised' rpg setting and the other for the 'Wilds' setting) and the rest are an assortment of supplements and adventures), 27 novels (single stories or anthologies), the PC/Mac game and a few assorted money off coupons for things like the board game and LCG.

Hordes are the monster races, for the rpg they are reflected in the Unleashed rulebook - whereas the Warcasters in the IKRPG/war machine can control mechanised 'warjacks' into battle the warlocks in Unleashed/hordes control Warbeasts (monsters basically). In the Iron Kindoms rpg you're playing characters from one of the several civilised nations who use magic fuelled technology (very steam punk) whereas in Unleashed the characters are members of the more wild races who use magic in a more organic fashion.
Oct 26, 2017 3:05 pm
One last thing the main rulebook for the Iron Kingdoms RPG is currently on Drivethrough RPG for $29.99 (down from $59.99) so for roughly half what you can pick up that one book at a sale price you get another 12 books for the RPG plus all of the other's an insane bargain to be honest.

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