How to run intrigue

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Nov 11, 2017 12:48 pm
I had a conversation recently where intrigue games/play style came up. While I would love to run/play a game such as this, I know this would be difficult. I'm wondering what sort of advice, anecdotes, etc anyone would have to share.
Nov 12, 2017 3:26 am
It's all about the set-up. Create a situation with fairly standard social norms, boundaries, expectations, punishments... and loopholes.

And that's all not nearly as hard as it sounds, just find a premise that sets your PCs directly in the middle of such a situation. High society, academic, political, business... all kinds of general settings that meet that criteria. Just gotta find the premise that wraps your PCs into that setting inexorably, create a couple of conflicts, and let the rest work itself out.
Nov 12, 2017 4:09 am
I think a good way to execute intrigue in a game is to have questions lead to more questions. The reasons for things in an intrigue game are mired in shadow, hidden from the view of society at large. So, as you start digging, clues start to point at different people but the deeper you go, the less certain you are of those clues. Until you get to root of the issue, and then things get clearer.

Intrigue pairs well with politics so having lots of NPCs with lots of different goals exchanging favors back and forth trying to further their own goals while setting others back would help. The muddier the waters, the more room for intrigue you have, I think.
Nov 12, 2017 9:04 am
Sounds like some great stuff to think on. Thank you. :)

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