Shadowshunters/ Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devic

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Dec 12, 2017 9:37 pm
Greetings friends,
I don't know how many, if any, of you are fans of the TV show shadow hunters or the books that it is based from. I am, as well as my fiance. I have been trying (aka pulling what minimal hair I have, out.) for so long to get her to play RPGs with me, to no avail. However I have been thinking that a game based around this world would be a fantastic way for convince her to try.
Does anyone know of any that currently exist or would be interested in giving me a hand homebrewing a D20 based system for this? I have never homebrewed anything before so would need a little assistance just getting it off the ground.
Thanks in advance everyone!
Dec 12, 2017 10:14 pm
I don't watch TV so I had to duck-duck-go that. My first impression is that it sounded a bit like some bad fanfiction, but hey, it's probably actually good...
As for a system which might allow to play that. Anything which is generic or universal (GURPS, Savage Worlds, Heroes, Basic RPG, Cortex, etc.) will probably allow you to make the game you truly want to make. I'd suggest against using D20. While it works fine for D&D, it tends to be clunky for anything else...
If you're willing to maybe mix Shadow Hunters with other supernatural-type shows and consider they're all part of the same extended universe, you might want to try Urban Shadows. Or perhaps, you can come up with your own hack of the Powered By The Apocalypse System...
Dec 12, 2017 10:17 pm
I love the book series it's based on. I was let down by both the movie and the current TV series.

That said, it would be awesome to play an RPG in that setting. I'm not 100% sure if there's something out there that would currently function for it, but if you are looking to do a D20 skin, it could probably work. Though, realistically, a different dice engine may make more sense. There's a lot of work moving forward for this, but I would be happy to be involved!
Last edited December 12, 2017 10:18 pm
Dec 15, 2017 12:38 am
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have only ever played with a D20 system, however if it would make the game clunky or unenjoyable then obviously we would be better off to go with another form.
Like I had mentioned, I have never done this before and am unsure where to start and any advice or guidance will be greatly appreciated.
Dec 15, 2017 1:46 am
So my wife and I chatted about this concept on the way home the other night (she's a big fan of the series as well).

Here's the rough spitball idea that we blabbered out.....

Using more of a Vampire the Masquerade means of dealing with levels. You gain experience, and with that experience you can "purchase" upgrades to stats, abilities, etc. For example, Shadowhunters could spend experience to purchase a permanent rune or learn how to scribe stronger temporary runes.

In general, it seemed like from a player perspective, you'd have 5 possible classes:
Shadowhunters - Flexible role depending on their Rune/Mark choice.
Warlocks - Magic-users that focus on blasting and obfuscation spells
Witches - Magic users that focus on restorative and control spells
Werewolves - Physical combatants that can shift into a wolf for enhanced ability.
Vampires - Physical combatants that can restore their own health through vampiric means.

Non-human (or partial human) creatures would only be NPC creatures, generally speaking.

Rune System - Shadowhunters would be able to manage two levels of runes: permanent and temporary. They would need to slowly purchase permanent runes. Temporary runes could be grouped into types (restorative, general enhancement, battle enhancements, etc). Players could spend experience to increase their competence in a group, which would give them access to higher level runes of that type. These runes would be for specific function (increased strength for 1 hour, hardened skin for 1 hour, etc etc).

Magic System - For Warlocks and Witches, the idea was for non-Vancian magic (no specific spells, but rather you can pretty much have the magic do whatever you'd like, gated only by how much energy/potency you wanted to dump into the casting). They would spend experience to allow them to expend more effort in the casting. For example, spending three "units" or whatever would cause you to do 3x the damage of the base casting. Warlocks wouldn't be able to heal people with magic, Witches wouldn't be able to cause direct damage with magic.

Weres and Shifting - The ability to shift would be their scalable mechanic. They start off being able to shift for very short bursts, and can spend experience to extend that amount of time or for additional times before resting. Also, possibly spending experience for enhanced abilities (stronger claws, thicker skin, etc).

Vampires and the Feeding - Vampires would have a higher general strength and the ability to drain their victims at times to restore a little bit of health. Numbers and such would obviously need balancing.

We didn't get too deep into what kind of stats that people would have or what kind of a dice system would make sense. In my head, I saw it more like Vampire (roughly: you put points into abilities/stats/etc. That equates to the number of D10s that you roll for that check. The more results you have over 7, the more successful you are.)

We discussed things like the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices being magical items you could involve in the story.

Things like rare steles that could improve the effectiveness of certain runes.
Dec 18, 2017 2:15 pm
That's awesome!!!!! I showed my fiance (the one who get me into this endless pit of a universe ;) ) we were thinking perhaps having fey characters as well. Physical fighters with silver tongues.
Last edited December 18, 2017 2:16 pm
Dec 18, 2017 2:44 pm
I put up a thread in the Game Development forum (here) to keep talking this through, so it isn't blowing up the Game Tavern for everyone. :)
Last edited December 18, 2017 2:44 pm

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