Interest Check: Star Trek Adventures...

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Dec 14, 2017 10:48 pm
It started out as a friendly conversation - until suddenly there was no one left with which to talk! The personnel of Federation Deepspace Research Station 39 has disappeared. The crew of the USS Damocles MUST find out why - before they too are among The Vanished.

So this is an interest check to see if anyone would be interested in experiencing an old FASA Star Trek module updated for use with the recently released 2d20 Star Trek Adventures system from Modiphious Entertainment. For ease of play, I have pregenerated characters for those who wish to play to use. Ideally I'd like 6 to 8 players, but can run with as few as 3. I've run this mission a several times already, and have it pretty well set for the 2d20 system.

For me, I am considering an interview of sorts - the group will see me in action as a GM and decide whether or not I'm worth the time and interest. Feedback will be welcome.
Dec 15, 2017 2:18 am
Hi, I'm quite interested in this. I had tried to get a game going during beta testing last winter (not many takers), and then joined a game recently, but the GM disappeared. I swear its (probably) not me!
Dec 15, 2017 10:29 am
Hopefully I get a couple more bites, Qralloq. For everyone else, maybe this will help:

The 2d20 system has an easy learning curve. When player's wish to achieve something, they attempt a Task. A Task is performed as follows:

1. GM determines which Attribute and which Discipline (think broad areas of skill) are appropriate for the Task being attempted. Player's may suggest a combination, but GM has final say. The sum of the Attribute and Discipline set the Target Number of the Task, a number from 7 to 17.

2. The GM sets the Difficulty of the Task. This is any number from 0 - 5, with the rare, extreme case taking it higher. Most difficulties will be 1.

3. GM and Player determine if character has any applicable Focus (talent within a narrower set of disciplines, such as Warp Field Dynamics, Survival, Bureaucracy, and so forth). This can increase a player's chance of success.

3. Player chooses whether or not to increase their 2d20 die pool, by purchasing from 1 to 3 additional d20 by spending Momentum (helps keep matters moving in favor of players), Threat (kind of like Momentum, but for GM use to throw additional complications in the path of the players), or Determination (kind of like Fate Points, temporarily increasing player agency).

4. The Player rolls their d20. Each die that rolls less than or equal to the Target Number scores a single success.
a. If their is an applicable Focus, each die roll equal to less than the Discipline used for the Task scores two successes. No benefit for multiple foci.
b. If their are no applicable Focus, each die that rolls a 1 scores two success.
c. Each roll of a 20 causes a Complication.

5. The number of successes scored is compared to the Difficulty, with success occurring if the number of success scored are equal to or greater than the Difficulty. Fewer successes than the Difficulty results in failure.
a. Any successes scored in excess of the Difficulty become Momentum.

6. GM describes the outcome of the Task, after which effects from any Complications are applied.

Pretty simple mechanic.
Last edited Dec 15, 2017 10:31 am
Dec 19, 2017 1:15 am
This is just a bump. I will give this a couple more days. If I don't get at least two more showing interest, I will pull something else from The Vortex.

I can tell you The Vanished is well-suited for PbP - very character and story driven, combat is minimal and dependent upon the choices of the crew.
Dec 19, 2017 1:51 am
I hope you get enough people. I would love to join, but I'm already in two games and trying to make a third one happen. I think there are others that may be like me.
Dec 19, 2017 3:54 pm
Hi, As mentioned on G+ I am interested. What era is it set in?
Dec 19, 2017 6:51 pm
It's not era specific, however, I have run it set in the TNG era primarily. So that gives me two, need one more I can get the ball rolling.
Dec 21, 2017 11:04 am
I am interested. I have the book, but haven't had time to digest it yet (though I have read Conan 2d20 so I know the basics).
Dec 21, 2017 11:51 am
SWEET!! I see SelectiveAmnesia already asked to join (accepted). I sent invites to Qralloq and ChaosOverfiend. This will be the first time I have run a play by post game, I may stumble a bit. I will have a separate forum for OOC chatter as well as for feedback.
Jan 2, 2018 5:33 pm
Dytrrnikl, I have never played the system. I assume I know the universe enough. I would love to play. Any availability and would you require each player to own the book? I am happy to give you a character concept if you want to throw a character together and learn me the rules as we go?

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