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Jun 30, 2015 2:14 pm
Hi everyone~ I'm Sha. :)

I've been playing video games since I was a kid (born in '89), but I only picked up TTRPGs three years ago or so. At that point, I had just finished my degree and started living with someone who actually wanted to play TTRPGs. Since then I've played Pathfinder, D&D 3.5 & 5e, Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy, Shadowrun 5e, Eclipse Phase, SW: Edge of the Empire, World of Darkness, and GURPS.

I've also learnt Anima, Call of Cthulhu, Fantasy Craft, HarnMaster, Savage Worlds, Numenera, Legend of the 5 Rings, Pendragon, Sword World 2.0 (which I'm still translating for myself), and a bunch of others for inspiration in improving my other TTRPG campaigns and the video games I've been trying to work on.

In the end, I've been mostly sticking to GURPS and I suppose it's my favourite out of everything I've tried so far. With that, I've also been designated as the go-to GM, so.. I usually end up working on my IRL campaigns, my website, playing video games, or making some other game related thing whenever I have the motivation to get out of bed (which is horribly rare and difficult, btw).

But since I'm in a slightly motivated mood, this website was too tempting. I had to come join and check it out. Hopefully I'll get to be a PC for a change here. :D
Jun 30, 2015 2:53 pm
Welcome, Sha! You've certainly packed quite a few games into the last three years, that's awesome. I was just mentioning HarnMaster to someone the other day, glad to see people are still playing that one (I haven't played it since the late 90s).

Keep an eye out for open games, there are some with spots available.
Jun 30, 2015 3:00 pm
Welcome Sha. To think my simply answering a question on Twitter led to quick signup! I'm sure you'll find a game to join, and given your proclivity to GMing, hopefully you'll find/start some interesting conversations here!
Jun 30, 2015 3:06 pm
Welcome! Anima was quite the book to try to get the hang of. There's plenty of games going on here!
Jun 30, 2015 3:10 pm
Hello and welcome to GamersPlane! That's quite an impressive list of RPGs you have there for only being the last 3 years...kinda wish I could get my players to try more of them! What's your secret?! lol
Jul 1, 2015 10:08 pm
Hello there and wellcome!
In case you will want to play some Numenera you should know this place have alot of dedicated Numenera players.
Jul 7, 2015 5:01 pm
Hello and welcome! This is a really great place to try out new games or play old favourites - though it sounds like you've been doing pretty well with face-to-face games. For my part I'd love to try GURPS if ever you feel the need to GM a game :-)
Jul 17, 2015 3:07 pm
Hello and welcome.

Wow, you've been trying a lot of stuff in only 3 years.
Jul 28, 2015 11:23 am
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :D

I'm so sorry for being such a bum and not replying sooner. But I've finally gathered the courage to reply now! Hooray!
Qralloq says:
I was just mentioning HarnMaster to someone the other day, glad to see people are still playing that one (I haven't played it since the late 90s).
I have to say HarnMaster is quite awesome. I keep referring to it every now and then for different ideas. :D
ExperienceLtd says:
What's your secret?! lol
The secret to it is.. unemployment. :(

In the first year, we got through Pathfinder's Beginner Box, Crypt of the Everflame/Masks of the Living God/City of Golden Death Modules, and the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. Then we experimented with a whole bunch of other systems using our own made-up one-shots. Most of the time with those one-shots it was just us two - one of us would GM, the other would be the PC, and there would be opportunities for NPCs to follow along. If we decided the system was good, we'd pitch it to the others and.. a lot of them got shut down due to the systems being "different". Still, it was fun trying them out.

Then we all got through the D&D 5e Starter Set when it came out, which wasn't so difficult since there's an easy enough transition from Pathfinder. But then, everyone but us two found employment. That's when we finally got the courage to try GURPS and we've stuck with it since. However, we've come to realise it's going to be just us two 90% of the time from now on...

Still, it's fun. I don't pull punches and I throw everything the NPCs have got at him because I know he can handle it even though he's almost always on his own.

But still.. yeah.. ._. /awkward silence
Jul 28, 2015 11:54 am
Heh, don't fret! Unemployment is a large part of what led to Gamers' Plane!
Jul 28, 2015 1:09 pm
Yeah, no shame in being unemployed, especially if you use your time for such noble pursuits as gaming :-) I've been patchily employed this summer, and have made the most of it by joining lots of games on GamersPlane! The best part is that once you're in a game, it's pretty low maintenance from day to day, so even if work picks up, you can keep gaming!
Jul 28, 2015 7:56 pm
Yeah, no need to be ashamed of that. Been unemployed for years here because of medical reasons. Although I am planning my social reinsertion this fall. Hopefully, everything will go well. :D
Jul 31, 2015 5:32 pm
You should be totally ashamed of all the free time you have to play awesome rpgs! ok not really, that was jealousy and sarcasm.
I'd love to be able to actually sit down and play a game with friends, so enjoy the free time while you have it. Once a job eats up all of your time again, you'll miss slaying all those dragons!

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