Feb 25, 2018 10:15 pm
Bloodstone was one of my favorite settings in Forgotten Realms.
I am looking at starting a new game based in the northeastern section of the campaign setting.
Let me know if you are interested
1st level. Point Buy (27). Almost any race, class combo is welcome from the Wizards printed books, Unearthed Arcana is possible with my approval.
I post almost everyday, during regular business hours Mountain time. I would like players that can post at least once a day, minus any hectic schedule conflicts etc.
Bloodstone Lands are the hard North of Forgotten Realms setting. It is geographically north of the Moonsea and protected by some impressive mountain ranges. The Gelana Mnts. divide the nation in half with the civilized Damara on the East side and untamed Vaasa on the West. Some years ago, bloodstone was discovered in the mountains. The discovery of bloodstone started a mining boom, and the region got considerably wealthy. At its peak, a dark power known as The Witch King rose up, rallying local leaders, bandit armies, undead and monstrous humanoids. The Witch King fractured the lands in a long ten-year war. A group of heroes helped turn the tides. As the story goes, the adventurers went to the pits of the Abyss to confront the source of the Witch Kings power. In the aftermath the Paladin, named Gereth Dragonsbane, married the king's daughter and he now sits on the throne in Bloodstone Village. He is trying to untie the lands under one kingdom. Winters are hard now that the once precious bloodstone is considered cursed.
I am looking at starting a new game based in the northeastern section of the campaign setting.
Let me know if you are interested
1st level. Point Buy (27). Almost any race, class combo is welcome from the Wizards printed books, Unearthed Arcana is possible with my approval.
I post almost everyday, during regular business hours Mountain time. I would like players that can post at least once a day, minus any hectic schedule conflicts etc.
Bloodstone Lands are the hard North of Forgotten Realms setting. It is geographically north of the Moonsea and protected by some impressive mountain ranges. The Gelana Mnts. divide the nation in half with the civilized Damara on the East side and untamed Vaasa on the West. Some years ago, bloodstone was discovered in the mountains. The discovery of bloodstone started a mining boom, and the region got considerably wealthy. At its peak, a dark power known as The Witch King rose up, rallying local leaders, bandit armies, undead and monstrous humanoids. The Witch King fractured the lands in a long ten-year war. A group of heroes helped turn the tides. As the story goes, the adventurers went to the pits of the Abyss to confront the source of the Witch Kings power. In the aftermath the Paladin, named Gereth Dragonsbane, married the king's daughter and he now sits on the throne in Bloodstone Village. He is trying to untie the lands under one kingdom. Winters are hard now that the once precious bloodstone is considered cursed.