Mar 3, 2018 5:22 pm
Hello all,
Several months ago I bought the first edition of Bolt Action half off (along with Tomorrow's Wars but that's a game for another thread) and fell in love with the system: simple yet elegant, the battle is chaotic until the very end and the winner is not always clear up until the moment the victory conditions are finally met. I've also heard Lindybeige on youtube speak a lot of good about Crossfire: no rulers or tape measurers used for movements, it works on an obstacles-to-obstacles system. So I was wondering, what is your favorite WWII miniatures wargame and why?
Several months ago I bought the first edition of Bolt Action half off (along with Tomorrow's Wars but that's a game for another thread) and fell in love with the system: simple yet elegant, the battle is chaotic until the very end and the winner is not always clear up until the moment the victory conditions are finally met. I've also heard Lindybeige on youtube speak a lot of good about Crossfire: no rulers or tape measurers used for movements, it works on an obstacles-to-obstacles system. So I was wondering, what is your favorite WWII miniatures wargame and why?