On the Docket

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Mar 8, 2018 4:44 pm
I'm currently in 'only' 7 games and running three and two of those are one shots to test the system. Just curious for late spring/summer/fall what people are planning to run I've been mulling these over some since I started the site I think.

For me:
After watching Longmire I kind of want to do A Thin Blue Line (Paranormal Police/Detective Theme) and transplant from Michigan to Wyoming.

GeneSys Mystery One Shot: No aliens from Yhg 5 or super powers, just normal people trying to solve a mystery (kidnapping).

GeneSys Romance/Drama: Intergalatic High School/Academy life. RP heavy and a little tongue and cheek plus tests.

Dungeon World: Try rebooting the game again maybe less people.

Fifty Shades of Deadpool (lot of dust on this one): Concept, Deadpool was on a job and now he's looking at himself or herself... actually shards of own his personality he realizes trying to figure out what happened and what was he doing for the job. (Random roll of 1d10 to get a version of Deadpool). Deadpool meets 'The Hangover'.
Mar 8, 2018 4:51 pm
There's no way I can fit GMing another game into my schedule, but I badly want to run (or play) a game of Blades in the Dark. Especially now that the player-kit is out, it'd be easy to get ppl new to the system involved.
Mar 8, 2018 4:52 pm
@Remnant: You know, I really enjoyed your DW game while it lasted.
Last edited March 8, 2018 4:53 pm
Mar 8, 2018 5:22 pm
Blades in the Dark has a nice looking physical book.

@ Jabes
If you enjoyed playing a god in Dungeon World check out Gods of the Fall. 'But don't take my word for it.'
Mar 8, 2018 5:34 pm
If you like Dungeon World (or any of the PbtA games), you should check out Blades beyond its cover art and internal layout.;P

What I didn't/don't like about PbtA was the core dice mechanic, and Blades fixed that for me.
Mar 8, 2018 6:01 pm
Blades is on the face to face docket, we're cycling Agents of Oblivion, ETU, and Invisible Sun next quarter. It's on the books behind 7th Sea and 13th Age Glorantha.
Mar 8, 2018 6:21 pm
I'm playing in 10 (2 are on slowdown, 2 more are your GENEsys one-shots), and running 4 (and these have no set end conditions).

I've been thinking about running another game this year, but nothing has jumped out at me yet. I do raise my eyebrows on:
- 7th Sea is on Bundle of Holding again, and I've never played.
- Fantasy Age / Dragon Age I would like to try again - I'm only casually familiar with DA lore, and the loyal fan base requires respecting the material, so might lean toward FA and a 3rd party setting or a canned module.
- Pathfinder 2e play test in August might be awesome.
Mar 8, 2018 6:27 pm
I can second the sentiment of gods of the fall. It was one of my favorite games to play for my in person group and one i considered running on here at one point. Its worth a shot if you ever get the chance to play it
Mar 9, 2018 1:36 am
As far as "running things" in the future, I'm looking heavily at running a Paranoia-meets-Space-Station-13 "West Marches in Space with TREASON!" style game using Lasers & Feelings (and more specifically its fantastic hack by Dan Suptic, Lasers & Treason).

For something more serious, I love Shadow of the Demon Lord. It's everything I wanted in 5e while still being as close to "Dark High Fantasy" as you can get, I feel. I'd love to play and/or run something sometime with it, if I could drum up enough interest.

Next on my potential agenda list is Masks: A New Generation, a PbtA Teen Superheroes styled game. I'd rather play this one, but I've had some ideas on the back-burner for a while for running a game.
Mar 9, 2018 2:11 am
I've always been interested in Shadow of the Demon Lord. I thought it looked really cool when they had the Kickstarter. I ended up getting Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed of and a couple other PDFs for it. Really interesting narrative system with crunchy brutal combat. I think it would work well for PbP
Mar 9, 2018 2:22 am
It's very neat, and I love the class progression system and the streamlined, brutal combat, yeah :D. It goes from the very basic, old-school approach starting as just a Race, then a Race + Basic Class (Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue), the more Advanced, the finally a Master Class. It's a nice, smooth progression, and I feel like even if the DM isn't a Heartless Bastardâ„¢ the players really get a sense of accomplishment; like they've earned everything they did through hard work, planning, and a bit of luck.

But I digress. If anyone hasn't ever heard of SotDL, it's worth a read, and it's fairly affordable - and deliciously hefty! - if you want a physical copy.
Mar 10, 2018 4:11 pm
Running 2 and playing in 5 (and waiting on my next round in West Marches), but all 5 have been taking turns slowing down To varying degrees.

My only plan for playing new games are tenuous at best and really more of a wish list:

- There was some talk of a Wraith V20 game, but I forgot about the time frame.
- I also have that copy of Call of Cthulhu that I won in the last anniversary contest and have yet to crack open.
- I also would love to give Blades in the Dark a try
- Oh! and Fate because I've never played and I have a game I want to run (see below)

Thing I want to run:
- I have always had this grand plan for an Exalted hex crawl, but there's not enough interest there.
- I have an idea for an Atomic Robo RPG one-shot but it's Fate-based and I'm a bit intimidated to run a system I've never played before
Mar 11, 2018 5:18 am
Don't hold your breath on Wraith 20. I backed it (it was funded in December of 2014) and only just received the typo-filled backer PDF recently. The final version probably won't be out for a bit. I would love to get a game of this going once it's out though.

I'm running one game, and currently playing in three. Two of those are moving very slowly. However, if possible I'd love to give Savage Rifts a try. I have both Savage Rifts and the Savage Worlds core book, but I'm not sure how much interest there is in this game.
Mar 11, 2018 7:59 pm
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
... I'd love to give Savage Rifts a try. I have both Savage Rifts and the Savage Worlds core book, but I'm not sure how much interest there is in this game.
I've never played Savage Rifts (or Savage World, either!), but I love me some Rifts a la Palladium. I'd be interested in giving both a whirl if there really is significant enough interest :)
Mar 11, 2018 11:18 pm
I love Shadow of the Demon Lord so much! We just finished a campaign that went all the way up to level 10. It was so much fun.

As far as games, I'm getting my playing and running itches scratched, currently. In the future, I'll probably want to run Mouse Guard 2e and Torchbearer. I'd really love to get create a sandbox with the help of some players and then have some fun running around in it. I don't know what setting or rules I'd use for that, though.
Mar 11, 2018 11:58 pm
Yessss. Another Demon Lord Devotee!

Man, Mouse Guard has been on my watch list for a very long time ever since a friend introduced me to the comic and I had the chance to read through the Known Lands supplement. As an aside on the whole "Sandbox" style game, Torchbearer and Mouse Guard would make a great concept for something like that if there were enough folks interested, and I'd totally be on-board with helping put something like that together. Demon Lord would also make a fantastic West March-styled game, though I fear the character turnover would make things more difficult :p
Mar 12, 2018 1:35 am
We played Mouseguard here last year. As awesome as the setting and flavor were, and as much as we loved our characters, it didn't work well. There is a negotiation element between players before each action round that just took way to long to do anything, and without it, we were useless against simple threats. At the table, it would work great. In pbp, those negotiations can take more than a week, every round, and really bogged the game down.

Edit: If you can find a work around for that bit of the system, it would be an amazing game on play by post.
Last edited March 12, 2018 1:45 am
Mar 12, 2018 2:25 pm
Aaah yes... Batmouse... XD...
Mar 12, 2018 3:07 pm
Heh, all this talk of SotDL... I just purchased the main rulebook, Companion, and Companion 2 books. Time for me to get to reading.
Mar 12, 2018 4:23 pm
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
I'm running one game, and currently playing in three. Two of those are moving very slowly. However, if possible I'd love to give Savage Rifts a try. I have both Savage Rifts and the Savage Worlds core book, but I'm not sure how much interest there is in this game.
I'm a big fan of Savage Worlds and I'm running for my face to face group still with the system, switched settings since we had a player move to someone else's online player group for Night's Black Agent playtime. On here games kinda stall I've noticed, it's a fun system I think.
Mar 12, 2018 11:58 pm
Ninja_Dano says:
Heh, all this talk of SotDL... I just purchased the main rulebook, Companion, and Companion 2 books. Time for me to get to reading.
And so another victim falls prey to the Demon Lord ;)

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