Mar 22, 2018 2:22 am
Unfortunately the title doesn't allow me enough space to put the systems in! lol.
I am fishing around for interest in a Dresden Files Accelerated or Tiny Dungeon game. I've ran pbp in the past but I haven't ran anything pbp recently. I had just started to return to an old haunt when Cruvis pulled me over here. My current interest in gaming in general has been in Fate, Savage Worlds, and Tiny Dungeon. If you can't tell in my later years I have moved away from the crunchier games...
I've had this idea to run an Urban Fantasy game for awhile using a modified (obviously) version of the old Dungeon Magazine AP Age of Worms but since I haven't read those modules in many years (and I am now in a game based off them so I want to avoid remembering to much about them) I thought that a reskinned Carrion Crown would also fit. This idea has been in my head for years now but I never really got around to running it. I just recently brought a copy of the Dresden Files Accelerated rules (I've had my original DF books since they released but I like the Accelerated rules a lot too) and thought it would make for a good campaign. Ancient Evil begins to awaken and all kinds of forces old and new get pushed into a frenzy over it... sounds perfectly Dresden Files.
Alternatively I have been wanting to give Tiny Dungeon a run since I got the pdf in February. I saw that a Tiny Dungeon Rise of the Runelords game got off the ground and I thought that would be a good mix... Tiny Dungeon and Paizo APs... I'd be interested in giving it a run. I have every Paizo AP up to Giantslayer (including the old Dungeon APs), plus third-party ones Way of the Wicked, War of the Burning Skies, and Scales of War (4e yikes... 13th Age makes it all better though!). And so many other things... Red Hand of Doom, so many old 2e modules...
Clearly I need to get some gaming in...
I am fishing around for interest in a Dresden Files Accelerated or Tiny Dungeon game. I've ran pbp in the past but I haven't ran anything pbp recently. I had just started to return to an old haunt when Cruvis pulled me over here. My current interest in gaming in general has been in Fate, Savage Worlds, and Tiny Dungeon. If you can't tell in my later years I have moved away from the crunchier games...
I've had this idea to run an Urban Fantasy game for awhile using a modified (obviously) version of the old Dungeon Magazine AP Age of Worms but since I haven't read those modules in many years (and I am now in a game based off them so I want to avoid remembering to much about them) I thought that a reskinned Carrion Crown would also fit. This idea has been in my head for years now but I never really got around to running it. I just recently brought a copy of the Dresden Files Accelerated rules (I've had my original DF books since they released but I like the Accelerated rules a lot too) and thought it would make for a good campaign. Ancient Evil begins to awaken and all kinds of forces old and new get pushed into a frenzy over it... sounds perfectly Dresden Files.
Alternatively I have been wanting to give Tiny Dungeon a run since I got the pdf in February. I saw that a Tiny Dungeon Rise of the Runelords game got off the ground and I thought that would be a good mix... Tiny Dungeon and Paizo APs... I'd be interested in giving it a run. I have every Paizo AP up to Giantslayer (including the old Dungeon APs), plus third-party ones Way of the Wicked, War of the Burning Skies, and Scales of War (4e yikes... 13th Age makes it all better though!). And so many other things... Red Hand of Doom, so many old 2e modules...
Clearly I need to get some gaming in...