Mar 31, 2018 8:54 pm
Hey there! I'm putting together a rag tag crew of scoundrels, explorers and fortune seekers to set off on a once in a lifetime adventure!
Starting adventure: Star Wars EotE "Escape From Mos Shuuta" (beginners adventure).
Schedule: Play by post starting as soon as we have a full group, ideally posting once per day, once every 2 days at the most.
My role: Friendly and enthusiastic Player :)
Need: GM + 2-3 extra players (a new GM who needs practice would be totally fine or an experienced one who wants to mentor a group)
Next steps: starting as soon as we have a full group, plus I'm completely open to any thoughts.
Starting adventure: Star Wars EotE "Escape From Mos Shuuta" (beginners adventure).
Schedule: Play by post starting as soon as we have a full group, ideally posting once per day, once every 2 days at the most.
My role: Friendly and enthusiastic Player :)
Need: GM + 2-3 extra players (a new GM who needs practice would be totally fine or an experienced one who wants to mentor a group)
Next steps: starting as soon as we have a full group, plus I'm completely open to any thoughts.