SW:EotE campaign looking for one more player

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Apr 16, 2018 2:45 pm

I'm hosting "The Jewel of Yavin", an official module by Fantasy Flight Games for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.

We are about to start already, we just need one more member. Currently, we have a Hired Gun:Mercenary, a Technician:Outlaw Tech and a Explorer:Driver. We have a player who stated to be a Smuggler:Charmer but didn't say nothing in a couple of days and hadn't done any character yet.

Soooo, anybody willing to roll in?
Apr 18, 2018 11:31 am
We are full again. Thanks!

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Last edited April 18, 2018 11:32 am
Apr 26, 2018 5:47 am
We are open again for one spot. The player who came has posted just once in all week and we are looking for a more active player. Our minimum would be 4 posts per week.

We are actually ending the prologue individual stories for each character, so the new player would join to the chapter 1 as soon as they end.
Apr 26, 2018 12:08 pm
I’ll take the slot if it’s still available

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