"Post as" limited list

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Apr 21, 2018 7:32 am

I think I found myself a bug in the "Post as" list:

As I'm mastering a game, I've decided to create some different characters to make the game a little more dynamic, such a "Narrator", datapads, NPCs... all of them with their own avatars.

I just submitted my fourth character, as it is now when it appears in the story of one of my players. When trying to post, it does not appear in the "Post As" select menu.


I don't know if it's a known functionality, a bug or a "limit 4" in the SQL query. If this is it, how can I post as the fourth character?

Apr 21, 2018 8:12 am
Are you using mobile, or a desktop? Was the forum page refreshed after you added the NPC?

I have 6 NPCs in one game, and they all display in the drop-down menu. I just added a seventh, refreshed the forum page, and all seven appeared. I am on a desktop browser.
Apr 21, 2018 8:33 am
Yep, I refreshed a few times and now it doesn't appear yet. I can get by without it, but it's weird.

I'm using desktop btw.
Apr 21, 2018 8:53 am
Okay, I just noticed I didn't save the character's name inside its sheet, so it didn't appear, lol.

Sorry guys, you can close the thread!

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