How do I start my game (as GM)

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May 15, 2018 8:10 pm
Sorry everyone for the silly question, but I have a game open now with a bunch of applications for it.

When I have selected and approve the players for the game, what happens next? How do we get to our private forum and how do I see people's character sheets etc?

Is there a resource for this?

:) thanks in advance and hope you all have a great day!
May 15, 2018 8:17 pm
Once you have the game created and are ready to start, you should see your game in the Forums page. You can go there and then start creating threads to run the game in.

You should also see a link to Forums under the Game Details page :)
May 15, 2018 8:18 pm
Once your players are accepted, they can submit character sheets to your game, which you can then approve. You already have your forum setup; on any game page, at the bottom of the window is a red bar with a bunch of links, one of which should be "Forum". You can also go to the forum root page and find it there, labeled by the same name as your game.
May 15, 2018 10:11 pm
I wanted to take a moment and give Ian_PC some praise here. I really appreciate the effort he put into his Game Details page when he created his game. If I were not at my self imposed limit to active games, then I would jump at the chance to join that game. Well done, Ian_PC.
May 16, 2018 3:27 pm
Naatkinson says:
Once you have the game created and are ready to start, you should see your game in the Forums page. You can go there and then start creating threads to run the game in.

You should also see a link to Forums under the Game Details page :)
Thank you so much Naatkinson, Keleth and Linus.

I have one more question there - is there a recommended structure for Star Wars FFG games on Gamers Plane?

When I was GM of a Discord game we had 4 channels:

- Out of Character / General
- In Game / In Character
- Dice Rolls
- Resources

I'm not sure if that structure makes sense here.
May 16, 2018 3:35 pm
Ian_PC says:
Naatkinson says:
Once you have the game created and are ready to start, you should see your game in the Forums page. You can go there and then start creating threads to run the game in.

You should also see a link to Forums under the Game Details page :)
Thank you so much Naatkinson, Keleth and Linus.

I have one more question there - is there a recommended structure for Star Wars FFG games on Gamers Plane?

When I was GM of a Discord game we had 4 channels:

- Out of Character / General
- In Game / In Character
- Dice Rolls
- Resources

I'm not sure if that structure makes sense here.
Generally what I do as a GM is:

1. A thread for the gameplay to actually occur. I eventually start new ones as the story progresses, labeling them as Chapters. This makes it easier to look back on the game rather than have 500 pages of posts in one thread. Rolls are done within each individual post, so having a separate forum for those isn't necessary
2. An out-of-character thread. This is used for out-of-character questions, announcements, and chatter.
3. Character Creation. This is self-explanatory, I think :)
4. I usually have a Story subforum that contains a list of NPCs, events, setting information, etc. that might be needed for reference later on

I hope this helps!
May 16, 2018 3:49 pm
Just to echo Naatkinson, here. Within each Chapter's forum, I recommend dividing up the main story threads into Scenes. So a thread doesn't become too large and difficult to reread at a later date.

Main Forum for your game
> OOC Forum
> Character Creation Forum
> Chapter 1 Forum
-->Scene 1 thread
__--> in game posts
--> Scene 2 thread
__--> in game posts
> Chapter 2 Forum
-->Scene 3 thread
__--> in game posts
--> Scene 4 thread
__--> in game post
May 16, 2018 4:03 pm
Linus says:
Just to echo Naatkinson, here. Within each Chapter's forum, I recommend dividing up the main story threads into Scenes. So a thread doesn't become too large and difficult to reread at a later date.

Main Forum for your game
> OOC Forum
> Character Creation Forum
> Chapter 1 Forum
-->Scene 1 thread
__--> in game posts
--> Scene 2 thread
__--> in game posts
> Chapter 2 Forum
-->Scene 3 thread
__--> in game posts
--> Scene 4 thread
__--> in game post
Thank you both very much!

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