Gamers Plane Dreams

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May 18, 2018 2:33 am
Last night, middle of the night, my dreamself just remembered that I had joined a few games, made and submitted characters, posted once, and then forgot about those games. In my dream, this realization seemed to be like two weeks later, and I suddenly was panicking that I had let a bunch of people down who were no doubt waiting on me. I could even picture the characters and the backstories I had created.

So I wake up, and knowing it was just an anxiety dream (like the ones where you have a test you forgot to study for), I still couldn't get it out of my mind. So I actually got up, grabbed my phone, and carefully scrolled through all 12 games I'm a player in. All caught up. Stupid brain.

Anybody else have dreams about GP, anxiety or otherwise?
May 18, 2018 2:41 am
Not sure if you ever did the research, but dreams such as yours, or realizing you have to go back to high school, jr high, or elementary school, etc. happen when your brain is fixated on something for which you believe that you are unprepared.

It doesn't have to be related to the subject of the dream. It's just that an expression of the subconscious worry about being unprepared sometimes happens via dreams like that. For me, it was always realizing I had gone entire semesters ignoring important college courses and finals were that day. Ever since I learned why I had those dreams, I have never had that kind of dream again.
Last edited May 18, 2018 2:41 am
May 18, 2018 2:49 am
I PbP in my sleep too, my friend. I interpret this as me wishing I could game more than I'm actually able to in my waking hours.
May 18, 2018 4:32 am
I think you and Jabes are in way too many games... :P

But yeah, I get those weird anxiety dreams to from time to time where I realize I haven't studied for an exam I have to take in high-school... which is kind of weird because high-school ended in '94 for me...

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