Multiple Notes in Same Post

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Aug 13, 2015 5:49 am
So I recently tried to post this post with notes to individual members of my group. All notes are only to a single person but after I hit post, it conflates certain notes to multiple users. I copied the post I wrote with individual users in the notes but once I post hopefully the bug will recreate itself.

Urki: Down off in the valley, the torches spread out in a single rank along the forest. They police the forest for as long as you watch.
themightykobold sent a note to mikelzap
Ai Shan: The long police line of torches in the forest finish their sweep and begin to convene again in the village. The hobgoblins set another hut on fire as they head back up the mountain.
themightykobold sent a note to mikelzap,heirophant
Fēng: The torches far below begin to sweep the lower levels of the mountain stronghold. You can hear the occasional shout drift up to your roost as teams are sent around the base of the mountain.
themightykobold sent a note to Jabes.plays.RPG
Kildrak: The teams of hobgoblin torches encircle the base of the mountain and eventually rendezvous where they separated. They move up a tier to the middle mountain and begin their encircling again.
themightykobold sent a note to mikelzap,heirophant,foolsmask
Cassandra: The hobgoblins finish their loop of the middle mountain and you can hear some squabbling from down below. Most of the torches are snuffed and you can see the few that still remain head back to the various barracks from which they originated.
themightykobold sent a note to mikelzap,heirophant,foolsmask,harlandski
Aug 13, 2015 11:56 am
I'm sorry, I don't follow. Are you saying you wrote one note to one person, but it ended up visible to more than one person? I don't quite understand the problem.

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