Aug 16, 2015 1:15 am
Well, I think I should really start putting my stuff on here eventually, even if I haven't got a full working game yet, I figure I can still get feedback. So I'll start with Zombocalypse here for now. I might start a new thread for one of my other games later...
Character Creation
• Step 1, Primary Attributes
You first need to distribute the following dice; 1d12, 1d10, 2x 1d8, and 1d6, among the 5 following attributes. Do not roll the die; simply note the die type you put in each of the following Attributes.
For example; a strong, tough hero could have Meat 1d10, Grace 1d8, Guts 1d12, Brains 1d6, and Wit 1d8, while a fast and smart hero could have Meat 1d6, Grace 1d12, Guts 1d8, Brains 1d10, and Wit 1d8.
• Meat: Meat is a representation of your character's physical strength, vigor, and power. It is the "muscle" and the "meat on your bones". If something needs to be bashed-in, lifted, pushed, or shoved, Meat is called for.
What is Meat used for in game:
Determining Blood.
Determining Encumbrance.
Calculating melee damage.
Meat is the key attribute for melee Combat Skills.
Meat can be used in ranged combat with firearms to resist recoil.
• Grace: Grace is your overall nimbleness, coordination, agility, and dexterity. If something needs to be done quickly, with deftness, or with finesse, Grace is called for.
What is Grace used for in game:
Determining Speed.
Grace is the key attribute for ranged Combat,Skills.
Grace is the key attribute used for Acrobatics; the primary defensive skill.
Some Perks can make Grace more useful in melee combat.
• Guts: Guts represents your physical fitness and vitality. It is your metabolism if you will, which helps measure your overall toughness and fortitude. If something needs to be resisted or performed for a prolonged period of time, Guts is called for.
What is Guts used for in game:
Determining Blood.
Determining Death.
Determining Breath.
Determining Spirit.
Natural Healing.
Various rolls to resist injuries, diseases, illnesses, and infections.
• Brains: Brains is your mental attributes which represents knowledge, intelligence, willpower, and common sense. It is your ability to process information and rationalize things, and it can also somewhat equate to education, life experience, street-smart, and reasoning. If something needs to be observed, deduced, learned, understood, or explained, Brains is called for.
What is Brains used for in game:
Determining Spirit.
Determining Humanity.
Determining starting amount of Character Points.
Resist Fear and Despair.
Resist Deceit and Intimidation.
Brains is the key attribute used for most Knowledge, Medical, and Technical Skills.
• Wit: Wit represents, how charming and sociable your character is. A high Wit will make people feel at ease and comfortable around your character and can be attributed to any one or more of the following; charisma, good looks, empathy, or a strong sense of confidence or personality. If someone needs to be calmed, reasoned with, lied to, seduced, or otherwise tamed or coaxed, Wit is called for.
What is Wit used for in game:
Determining Death.
Determining Humanity.
Determining Relationships.
Wit is the key attribute used for most Entertainment and Social Skills.
Wit is the key ability used in helping other survivors regain lost Spirit.
• Step 2, Secondary Attributes
You then must figure out your derived attributes, this is usually done by adding a set number to one or more die roll from your primary attributes. A note on rounding; unless noted otherwise, Zombocalypse use mathematical rounding for fractions (i.e. Fractions of 0.49 or less are rounded down while fractions of 0.5 or more are rounded up). The derived attributes and how to calculate them are as follows;
• Blood: 10 + total of a Meat and Guts rolls. Blood is your overall health and the amount of punishment you can take. When damage is scored, subtract it from your Blood. When you run out of Blood, you faint and keep loosing more Blood until you reach your Death score, at which point you die.
To determine your Blood score, roll your Meat and Guts dice, add them together, and add 10 to this total. This will be your maximum Blood.
• Death: Total of Guts and Wit rolls ÷ 2 (rounded down) + 1. Death is the value of "negative Blood" you must reach in order to die, taking into account how tough you are as well as your will to live. Once you reach 0 or negative Blood, you faint and begin dying, loosing more Blood until someone either saves you, or you reach a negative amount of Blood equal to your Death score.
To determine your Death score, roll your Guts and Wit dice, add them together, divide the total by 2, rounding it down, and then add 1 to this total. This will be the amount of "negative Blood" score at which your character will die.
• Speed: 5 + roll of Grace. Speed represents your reflexes, reaction speed, and walking/running speed. It is used to determine initiative in combat and calculate your movement rate in meters.
To determine your Speed score, roll your Grace dice and add 5 to the total. This will be your Speed.
• Breath: 5 + roll of Guts. Breath represents your endurance and stamina. Things such as fatigue, hunger, illness, or overexertion will make you loose Breath. When out of Breath, you must rest for a while before you can do anything else.
To determine your Breath score, roll your Guts die and add 5 to the total. This will be your maximum Breath.
• Spirit: 5 + total of a Guts and Brains rolls. Spirit represents your overall resistance to intimidation, fear, depression, hopelessness, stress, boredom, etc. Things that can be hard on the psyche makes you loose Spirit. When Spirit reaches 0, despair has taken it's toll, leaving you insane or severely depressed, effectively taking you out of the game.
To determine your Spirit score, roll your Guts and Brains dice, add them together, and add 5 to this total. This will be your maximum Spirit.
• Humanity: 5 + total of a Brains and Wit rolls. Humanity is an abstract measure of how desensitized you are to all that madness going on around you, of how much of your humanity you managed to retain in all that senselessness. It also measures how others perceive you and can affect your Relationships.
To determine your Humanity score, roll your Brains and Wit dice, add them together, and add 5 to this total. This will be your current Humanity (it can increase above this score).
• Encumbrance: 3 + roll of Meat. Encumbrance shows you how much equipment you can carry without tiring yourself out or injuring yourself.
To determine your Encumbrance, roll your Meat die and add 3 to the total. This will be your maximum Encumbrance.
(Optional Rule) Fate Reroll
Since there's so many Secondary Attributes to be rolled, it is quite possible a character gets a subpar character because of many bad rolls. The Fate Reroll option gives the player the ability to reroll a single Secondary Attribute if he so wishes, keeping the second result even if it's worse than the first. Note that the Fate Reroll does not apply to Character Points or Relationship Points.
For more forgiving campaigns, give 2 or 3 Fate Rerolls, but no Secondary Attribute can be rerolled more than once. Another option would be to allow them for Character Points and/or Relationship Points as well.
Yet some other options is to allow the player to keep preferred result or maybe even allow a Secondary Attribute to be rerolled up to twice.
• Step 3, Hit Locations
After that, you must assign an amount of Blood to each hit locations. You must also calculate each limb's disable threshold which is 50% the amount of Blood allocated to each location (see the combat section for the effects of disabled locations);
Head: 25%.
Arms: 25% (rounded down) each.
Torso: 75%.
Legs: 50% each.
You will notice that all hit locations added together comes to 250%. This does not mean that the character actually has 2.5 times more Blood than what was rolled in step 2; if you take enough Blood spread across your various hit locations equal to your Blood total, you still faint (and possibly die of blood loss and shock if you reach your Death score)…
• Step 4, Skills, Perks, and Flaws
Finally you must figure out the amount of Character Points (CP for short) you begin with. The character starts with an amount of CP equal to a roll of Brains ÷ 2 + 10 (roll your Brains die, divide the total by 2, then add 10 to this total).
Skills cost 1 point per rank (max. 3 ranks in a single skill at character creation).
Perks cost 2 points each.
Alternatively, Character Points can be saved to be used later in game.
Optionally, you may select one or more Flaws to gain Perks on a 1 for 1 basis. There is no limit to this, but if you are not careful, you will soon find yourself with a character that is unplayable. As a quick rule of thumb, unless you were incredibly lucky when rolling your Secondary Attributes, you should stick to only 1 or 2 Flaws…
Character Creation
• Step 1, Primary Attributes
You first need to distribute the following dice; 1d12, 1d10, 2x 1d8, and 1d6, among the 5 following attributes. Do not roll the die; simply note the die type you put in each of the following Attributes.
For example; a strong, tough hero could have Meat 1d10, Grace 1d8, Guts 1d12, Brains 1d6, and Wit 1d8, while a fast and smart hero could have Meat 1d6, Grace 1d12, Guts 1d8, Brains 1d10, and Wit 1d8.
• Meat: Meat is a representation of your character's physical strength, vigor, and power. It is the "muscle" and the "meat on your bones". If something needs to be bashed-in, lifted, pushed, or shoved, Meat is called for.
What is Meat used for in game:
Determining Blood.
Determining Encumbrance.
Calculating melee damage.
Meat is the key attribute for melee Combat Skills.
Meat can be used in ranged combat with firearms to resist recoil.
• Grace: Grace is your overall nimbleness, coordination, agility, and dexterity. If something needs to be done quickly, with deftness, or with finesse, Grace is called for.
What is Grace used for in game:
Determining Speed.
Grace is the key attribute for ranged Combat,Skills.
Grace is the key attribute used for Acrobatics; the primary defensive skill.
Some Perks can make Grace more useful in melee combat.
• Guts: Guts represents your physical fitness and vitality. It is your metabolism if you will, which helps measure your overall toughness and fortitude. If something needs to be resisted or performed for a prolonged period of time, Guts is called for.
What is Guts used for in game:
Determining Blood.
Determining Death.
Determining Breath.
Determining Spirit.
Natural Healing.
Various rolls to resist injuries, diseases, illnesses, and infections.
• Brains: Brains is your mental attributes which represents knowledge, intelligence, willpower, and common sense. It is your ability to process information and rationalize things, and it can also somewhat equate to education, life experience, street-smart, and reasoning. If something needs to be observed, deduced, learned, understood, or explained, Brains is called for.
What is Brains used for in game:
Determining Spirit.
Determining Humanity.
Determining starting amount of Character Points.
Resist Fear and Despair.
Resist Deceit and Intimidation.
Brains is the key attribute used for most Knowledge, Medical, and Technical Skills.
• Wit: Wit represents, how charming and sociable your character is. A high Wit will make people feel at ease and comfortable around your character and can be attributed to any one or more of the following; charisma, good looks, empathy, or a strong sense of confidence or personality. If someone needs to be calmed, reasoned with, lied to, seduced, or otherwise tamed or coaxed, Wit is called for.
What is Wit used for in game:
Determining Death.
Determining Humanity.
Determining Relationships.
Wit is the key attribute used for most Entertainment and Social Skills.
Wit is the key ability used in helping other survivors regain lost Spirit.
• Step 2, Secondary Attributes
You then must figure out your derived attributes, this is usually done by adding a set number to one or more die roll from your primary attributes. A note on rounding; unless noted otherwise, Zombocalypse use mathematical rounding for fractions (i.e. Fractions of 0.49 or less are rounded down while fractions of 0.5 or more are rounded up). The derived attributes and how to calculate them are as follows;
• Blood: 10 + total of a Meat and Guts rolls. Blood is your overall health and the amount of punishment you can take. When damage is scored, subtract it from your Blood. When you run out of Blood, you faint and keep loosing more Blood until you reach your Death score, at which point you die.
To determine your Blood score, roll your Meat and Guts dice, add them together, and add 10 to this total. This will be your maximum Blood.
• Death: Total of Guts and Wit rolls ÷ 2 (rounded down) + 1. Death is the value of "negative Blood" you must reach in order to die, taking into account how tough you are as well as your will to live. Once you reach 0 or negative Blood, you faint and begin dying, loosing more Blood until someone either saves you, or you reach a negative amount of Blood equal to your Death score.
To determine your Death score, roll your Guts and Wit dice, add them together, divide the total by 2, rounding it down, and then add 1 to this total. This will be the amount of "negative Blood" score at which your character will die.
• Speed: 5 + roll of Grace. Speed represents your reflexes, reaction speed, and walking/running speed. It is used to determine initiative in combat and calculate your movement rate in meters.
To determine your Speed score, roll your Grace dice and add 5 to the total. This will be your Speed.
• Breath: 5 + roll of Guts. Breath represents your endurance and stamina. Things such as fatigue, hunger, illness, or overexertion will make you loose Breath. When out of Breath, you must rest for a while before you can do anything else.
To determine your Breath score, roll your Guts die and add 5 to the total. This will be your maximum Breath.
• Spirit: 5 + total of a Guts and Brains rolls. Spirit represents your overall resistance to intimidation, fear, depression, hopelessness, stress, boredom, etc. Things that can be hard on the psyche makes you loose Spirit. When Spirit reaches 0, despair has taken it's toll, leaving you insane or severely depressed, effectively taking you out of the game.
To determine your Spirit score, roll your Guts and Brains dice, add them together, and add 5 to this total. This will be your maximum Spirit.
• Humanity: 5 + total of a Brains and Wit rolls. Humanity is an abstract measure of how desensitized you are to all that madness going on around you, of how much of your humanity you managed to retain in all that senselessness. It also measures how others perceive you and can affect your Relationships.
To determine your Humanity score, roll your Brains and Wit dice, add them together, and add 5 to this total. This will be your current Humanity (it can increase above this score).
• Encumbrance: 3 + roll of Meat. Encumbrance shows you how much equipment you can carry without tiring yourself out or injuring yourself.
To determine your Encumbrance, roll your Meat die and add 3 to the total. This will be your maximum Encumbrance.
(Optional Rule) Fate Reroll
Since there's so many Secondary Attributes to be rolled, it is quite possible a character gets a subpar character because of many bad rolls. The Fate Reroll option gives the player the ability to reroll a single Secondary Attribute if he so wishes, keeping the second result even if it's worse than the first. Note that the Fate Reroll does not apply to Character Points or Relationship Points.
For more forgiving campaigns, give 2 or 3 Fate Rerolls, but no Secondary Attribute can be rerolled more than once. Another option would be to allow them for Character Points and/or Relationship Points as well.
Yet some other options is to allow the player to keep preferred result or maybe even allow a Secondary Attribute to be rerolled up to twice.
• Step 3, Hit Locations
After that, you must assign an amount of Blood to each hit locations. You must also calculate each limb's disable threshold which is 50% the amount of Blood allocated to each location (see the combat section for the effects of disabled locations);
Head: 25%.
Arms: 25% (rounded down) each.
Torso: 75%.
Legs: 50% each.
You will notice that all hit locations added together comes to 250%. This does not mean that the character actually has 2.5 times more Blood than what was rolled in step 2; if you take enough Blood spread across your various hit locations equal to your Blood total, you still faint (and possibly die of blood loss and shock if you reach your Death score)…
• Step 4, Skills, Perks, and Flaws
Finally you must figure out the amount of Character Points (CP for short) you begin with. The character starts with an amount of CP equal to a roll of Brains ÷ 2 + 10 (roll your Brains die, divide the total by 2, then add 10 to this total).
Skills cost 1 point per rank (max. 3 ranks in a single skill at character creation).
Perks cost 2 points each.
Alternatively, Character Points can be saved to be used later in game.
Optionally, you may select one or more Flaws to gain Perks on a 1 for 1 basis. There is no limit to this, but if you are not careful, you will soon find yourself with a character that is unplayable. As a quick rule of thumb, unless you were incredibly lucky when rolling your Secondary Attributes, you should stick to only 1 or 2 Flaws…
Last edited August 3, 2017 1:16 am