Aug 20, 2015 3:27 pm
G'morning all!
I'm Craig. Long time D&D gamer, first time poster. I've played D&D since about 1997, and started DMing in 1999 in AD&D and made the transition to 3E in 2000. Didn't care much for 4E and lost the drive for gaming pretty much altogether, plus my group of friends drifted apart. Live happens, ah well. With 5E, the fires of creativity have been re-kindled and was turned onto this site on the forums of a podcast I've been listening to.
I did some form of play-by-post waaaaaaay back in the early days of the intardwebz, circa 1994. 28.8 modems, AOL chat rooms (any other RDI/Rhy'Din travelers here?) and posting content with other people, as well as live in-chat room sessions.
Anyways, that's me. Looking forward to having some fun again!
I'm Craig. Long time D&D gamer, first time poster. I've played D&D since about 1997, and started DMing in 1999 in AD&D and made the transition to 3E in 2000. Didn't care much for 4E and lost the drive for gaming pretty much altogether, plus my group of friends drifted apart. Live happens, ah well. With 5E, the fires of creativity have been re-kindled and was turned onto this site on the forums of a podcast I've been listening to.
I did some form of play-by-post waaaaaaay back in the early days of the intardwebz, circa 1994. 28.8 modems, AOL chat rooms (any other RDI/Rhy'Din travelers here?) and posting content with other people, as well as live in-chat room sessions.
Anyways, that's me. Looking forward to having some fun again!