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DMCInactive forever!

Aug 20, 2015 3:27 pm
G'morning all!

I'm Craig. Long time D&D gamer, first time poster. I've played D&D since about 1997, and started DMing in 1999 in AD&D and made the transition to 3E in 2000. Didn't care much for 4E and lost the drive for gaming pretty much altogether, plus my group of friends drifted apart. Live happens, ah well. With 5E, the fires of creativity have been re-kindled and was turned onto this site on the forums of a podcast I've been listening to.

I did some form of play-by-post waaaaaaay back in the early days of the intardwebz, circa 1994. 28.8 modems, AOL chat rooms (any other RDI/Rhy'Din travelers here?) and posting content with other people, as well as live in-chat room sessions.

Anyways, that's me. Looking forward to having some fun again!
Aug 20, 2015 4:00 pm
Hello and welcome to GamersPlane, DMC. I'm also a child of AD&D, and also excited all over again about 5e. I'm pretty sure online gaming has changed a bit since 1994... :-) What exactly did you play back then? I've not been on GamersPlane long, but am enjoying several games in different systems, as well as the community vibe. The Gamers Tavern thread seems to be a good place to find new games in the offing, and D&D 5e games open up all the time.
Aug 20, 2015 4:01 pm
And welcom fellow Blockhead to this pbp site. Enjoy and read around the forum. I am sure you can get into a game soon.

DMCInactive forever!

Aug 20, 2015 4:21 pm
harlandski says:
Hello and welcome to GamersPlane, DMC. I'm also a child of AD&D, and also excited all over again about 5e. I'm pretty sure online gaming has changed a bit since 1994... :-) What exactly did you play back then? I've not been on GamersPlane long, but am enjoying several games in different systems, as well as the community vibe. The Gamers Tavern thread seems to be a good place to find new games in the offing, and D&D 5e games open up all the time.
Ah man, gaming back in the day on AOL was like the Wild West. I ran a drow for a while with some guilds, then went on my own and started up the Knights of Takhisis group there with my Lily Knight-turned-Cleric, Brice Thornguard. The RDIs (Red Dragon Inns) were pretty unregulated, and you had to filter through a lot of noise and just random people. Most of the good gaming took place in private rooms and forums. It was free-form, with each person piggybacking on what the other did. Took a fair amount of trust, which most of the time was just fine, since the people I played with were of the same mind.

Great memories, and am friends with a lot of them still to this day.
Aug 20, 2015 4:28 pm
Welcome Craig, glad to have you on board! Any particular system you're looking to dive into? And if you need a bit to get into the play-by-post games, there are a number of public ones which you can check out, and of course, the community that's building is better than anything I could have hoped for!

DMCInactive forever!

Aug 20, 2015 4:33 pm
Keleth says:
Welcome Craig, glad to have you on board! Any particular system you're looking to dive into? And if you need a bit to get into the play-by-post games, there are a number of public ones which you can check out, and of course, the community that's building is better than anything I could have hoped for!
5E for sure. I've been lurking around all morning, checking various game posts. I'll post interest when I find one that I like. Thanks! :D
Aug 20, 2015 5:02 pm
haha more are joining! I am being hopeful that this PbP site is better than the last one I was on
Aug 20, 2015 5:09 pm
MadMaxi says:
haha more are joining! I am being hopeful that this PbP site is better than the last one I was on
Me too! If you don't mind me asking what was wrong with the last one, I'd love to know so I can do what I can to make sure we don't go in that direction. You can post here, send me a PM, or send me an email.
Aug 20, 2015 5:41 pm
Hello and welcome.
Aug 20, 2015 7:44 pm
@Keleth Long story short they were very snobbish and just had this "Elitist" attitude. I went in as a newbie to PbP and did not receive a warm welcome...
Aug 20, 2015 7:50 pm
I think you'll find that attitude isn't prevalent here, and definitely not on the public forums.

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