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Jul 23, 2018 2:39 am
Hello all!

Stumbled on this site and thought it was worth looking into a bit. I'm not new to RPG's or pbp, but I am new to this site so an introduction seemed in order.

I've been playing roleplaying games for about 19 years on and off. Got my start growing up after a friend introduced me to AD&D 2nd Edition which was the thing at the time. Really got heavy into gaming during high school with White Wolf and all the World of Darkness game lines; being a big horror fan those really appealed to me. For a time, I tapered off with playing anything and surprisingly it was D&D 4e that dragged me back in and acted as a springboard for me learning all about the OSR, story games and all kinds of things.

For me, the storytelling aspect of RPG's is what appeals to me most, so I've always enjoyed trying all kinds of different systems and styles and generally find something to appreciate in every game though I have my personal favorites. I have always had a soft spot for play-by-post since narrative tends to take a greater focus in that format despite the slower pace.

Currently, I've been lucky to be a part of a public meet-up group based out of our friendly local game store.

However, it has also been a source of some frustration for me lately. For the past two years or so, all anyone seems to want to play is D&D 5e. I think it's a great game (to me it feels like a Greatest Hits album of D&D elements), but there are all these other games I'd like to run or try playing alongside that as well. Unfortunately, the fervor in our area for 5e is so great that we've reached a point where it feels impossible to get a group going for anything else. Players won't even give stuff a shot and just tell me "let us know when you give up and run 5e again."

I miss World of Darkness. I've really been intrigued with Numenera and the Cypher System. There's stuff like Shadow of the Demon Lord that really twists standard D&D convention on its head to do some interesting stuff and any number of other cool sounding OSR games.

Basically, I can't find willing people to play these games locally. And so here I am.
Jul 23, 2018 3:15 am
Welcome Kharis. Youll find lots of the 5e is where it's at ties here, as well as lots of people who want to experiment.

I'm alot like your description of yourself, and love The Strange and the World of Darkness. I actually leaned about Numenera here on Gamers Plane, and how to play it here.

Actually I learned how to play 5e here, too.
Jul 24, 2018 2:59 am
Thanks for the welcomes!

I've tossed up an interest check in the Games Tavern for a little horror game called Rats in the Walls. Figured I would go ahead and dip a toe in the water.
Jul 24, 2018 3:25 am
Hello and welcome!
Jul 24, 2018 3:34 pm
Welcome, Kharis!
Aug 1, 2018 5:34 pm
Welcome. It's sounding like a spot might be opening up in JackPace's NYC By Night Vampire game. If you're interested send him a PM
Aug 1, 2018 11:40 pm
Hello and welcome.

I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 5th edition seems to be really popular here and making games with other systems might be a bit hit or miss... The best advice I can give you is be persistent. If a game you wanted to start did not work, try again several weeks later (it took me 3 tries to get a Dungeonslayers game off).
Aug 1, 2018 11:53 pm
I am currently involved in 7 games here on GP, and only 1 is 5E (and it's not even "pure" 5E, it's Adventures in Middle Earth), so please do feel free to disregard kalajel's assertion.

And welcome to the site.
Aug 2, 2018 1:03 am
Aug 6, 2018 2:56 pm
Welcome Kharis! As the thread has alluded, 5e is popular here, but I think one of the cool things is the amount of non-5e that's around. I'll do some stats whenever I get a chance, to show how many games have had a post in the last month, aggregated by type; should make for some interesting statistics.

Regardless, I'm sure you'll find some gameplay to fit the type you want!
Aug 8, 2018 3:51 pm
Hi Kharis! I found GP in June and I'm really happy I did. The community is fantastic and full of nice people ^.^ I'm mostly a D&D player and was scared of learning other systems but since I've been here I've been introduced to FATE and Champions and it's been really interesting. I haven't played any WoD games since I don't usually like scary stuff but I LOVED the old Hunter: The Reckoning video games and got into the setting so much that I bought some of the sourcebooks just to read them LOL.

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