Page break code?

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Aug 16, 2018 6:36 pm
I'm new so I apologize if this is already somewhere else, I tried to find it but I couldn't track it down. But when I generate a character the text field ultimately smashes everything together and includes < /br > but breaks it up .

Is there any page break code that is allowed to be used so our text isn't so mashed together and garbled up? I've tried < br> and < p>
Last edited August 16, 2018 6:37 pm
Aug 16, 2018 6:41 pm
This site uses square brackets.

You could try {linebreak} but with square brackets. There are formatting buttons above the text box.
Aug 16, 2018 9:08 pm
For security reasons, HTML isn't allowed in any text field. Which box are you adding new lines to but isn't showing up in? They should all parse new lines into breaks. Can you show me an example of what's going wrong?
Aug 16, 2018 9:27 pm
Sure: Here is how the character background section looks like (the < /br> came from the system). Note how it is all mashed together. edit note: Looks like it removed the < /br> tags when I posted it here

so the rough idea: [br] as a kid, he was born into nobility, some nobleman from Pelagia and a noblewoman from House Nalju of Serenno. The family split time between the sectors, prepping their son for a career in politics. That was until they discovered his inherent force user abilities. They privately funded a tutor via the recommendation of Master Altis (as he was one of the few masters open-minded enough to allow for such a thing) using their influence in the Senate. He served as a Legislative Assistant to the Senator of Seranno for a few years while this was going on until Count Dooku led Seranno and a number of planets into the Confederacy of Independent Systems. His family was forced to withdraw from the Galactic Senate and instead of returning to Seranno they left to their estates in the Tapani sector and did their best to remain out of the war. While he was in it for himself he did assist the Altisian Jedi on a number of occasions before they vanished (shortly after Order 66) from the eyes of the Empire.
Last edited August 16, 2018 9:28 pm
Aug 17, 2018 12:40 pm
Sorry, to clarify, can you show me the specific example where it's happening? It'll be easier for me to debug if I see the original rather than a proxy.
Aug 17, 2018 3:17 pm
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're asking then. If you generate a character and create a background it removes any line breaks and mashes the text altogether. If you need a screen shot of it I'll have to do that when I get home.
Aug 17, 2018 3:21 pm
I'd ideally like a link to the character. That way, I can check it out in the database as well as the result. It may be a bug specific to that character sheet type, or a bug in general to character sheets. The more information I have, the better I can work out a solution. In this case, I'm suspecting it's the specific character sheet type.
Aug 17, 2018 6:58 pm
ahh ok

Here is it

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