Feature Request: Forum Search

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Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
If I am overlooking this feature, please slap me in the right direction, but I have several questions that I feel that someone has surely asked before, but I have not been able to find them. If a search of the forums could be available, I wouldn't need to waste people's time asking a recurring question. So, having a search feature for key words would be very nice.

My thus far unanswered questions: How do you change your user name? I've tried to in the Profile, but it never sticks.
Are there certain img file types allowed in posts? I've tried .jpg and .png but neither have worked.
Aug 22, 2018 8:23 pm
There is no search feature, yet. That is among the list of things Keleth would like to improve upon, time and energy permitting.

For images in posts, refer to this guide: https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/2665/
Note that while some of the example images no longer work, the basic procedures are the same.

As for changing your username, you'll have to consult with Keleth, or make a new account.
Aug 22, 2018 8:43 pm
Yah, the username bug comes and goes, and I haven't been able to pin it yet. It seems low enough priority as I can do it manually quickly for anyone who wants that I'll get it working in the upgrade but likely won't address right now.

Search will come eventually, I just have no knowledge or experience in writing search engines. I've bought some guides on Elastisearch, which once I get to go through, I'll apply to GP.

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