Character generation details, part 1

Sep 15, 2015 2:42 pm
Generate initial characteristics
Jorune characters have 12 "characteristics:" ability scores or stats that form the foundation of all that you do in the game.
They are split into three groups, which is important only during character generation.

For this game, you may choose to roll your initial characteristic scores, or use points to buy your scores.

Rolling scores
If you roll your scores, go into your character's forum thread and use the forum die roller to roll 4d6 and take the top 3 results. Do this four times and assign the resulting scores to the four characteristics in that group, in any order. Then repeat this process for the other two groups. You should end up with 12 characteristics with values between 3 and 18.

Point buying
If you choose to buy your scores with points, you have 50 points to spend for each group of four characteristics, which you may distribute in any order (but each characteristic must have at least 1 point). Use your character's forum thread to post your characteristic scores.

Group One:
Constitution: health, heartiness, endurance
Social: basis for interacting with others, and improving interaction skills
Color: a character’s aptitude with the crystal energy of the planet (isho)
Isho: how much isho a character has to wield for various effects (dyshas)

Group Two:
Strength: amount a character can carry, how hard a character hits
Education: Affects occupational choices, and determines number of skill points
Learn: determines the number of skills that can be improved, also basis for improving abstract thinking skills
Agility: measure of a character’s athleticism. Basis for improving athletic and melee skills

Group Three:
Speed: How fast a character can run
Aim: How accurately a character can fire ranged weapons; basis for improving ranged combat skills
Spot: ability to detect things visually
Listen: ability to detect things aurally or through vibrations

Having generated your initial characteristics, continue to part 2 to select your character's race.

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