Character generation details, part 2

Sep 15, 2015 3:09 pm
You've generated your characteristics. The second step to character generation is to pick a race for your character.

The available races are listed below. Choose one, or if you want to be random, roll 1d6:
1 - Human
2 - Boccord
3 - Muadra
4 - Crugar
5 - Woffen
6 - Bronth

Human: barely furred bipedal sentient creatures, most between 1.5 and 2 m tall - they resemble small boccord. Proliferating across most of Jorune, humans have formed many nations around the world, and many believe they are descendants of people of an ancient empire, called "Earth," though otherwise their creation myths vary. The Earth empire was more advanced than any current society, and relics of this empire, called "Earth-tec" can sometimes be found and are greatly prized. Some say that "Earth-tec" can only be used by humans, and many nations have a healthy respect for the human realm of Burdoth, whose army is equipped with many Earth-tec items. (note to players: humans are genetically identical to humans on Earth today). Humans have no tra sense and cannot interact with or shape isho. Humans get +2 to SOCIAL and EDUCATION ranks, -2 to COLOR rank

Boccord: barely furred bipedal sentient creatures, most between 2 and 2.5 m tall - they resemble large humans. Boccord can all trace their ancestry back to their homeland of Ros Crendor. Boccord have great endurance and have a cultural value for living in harmony with nature, though their interactions with isho are limited to a strong capacity to interfere with dyshas. They have no unified creation myth. Boccord get +2 to CONSTITUTION and STRENGTH ranks.

Muadra: barely furred bipedal sentient creatures, most between 1 and 1.5 m tall - they resemble small humans or tiny boccord. Long ago, their beliefs tell them, a muadra named Gends was taught by a shantha sholari (teacher) to use isho, and that knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. Long persecuted by all races who feared them for their ability of isho manipulation, muadra do not have a homeland, though many have settled in the Sobayid region of southern Burdoth in the past generation. Many muadra had parents or grandparents who were in the Maustin Caji, a tribe/army of militant muadra who waged war across the continent and nearly brought several nations to ruin 50 years ago. In the end, the Maustin Caji were defeated by Burdothian forces armed with Earth-tec. After that war, the muadra were scattered across the continent, and it is only in recent years that muadra have been allowed residency in Burdothian cities again. Of all the PC races, muadra can learn the most isho abilities. Muadra get -2 to SOCIAL and STRENGTH ranks.

Crugar: strong, independent feline quadrupeds who can also walk bipedal for short periods of time, crugar have the proper amount of fur. They are carnivorous except for the durlig they must eat (as all PC races must). Standing upright, most crugar are between 1.5 and 2 m tall. Running on all fours, crugar are the fastest of the PC races. Crugar can all trace their ancestry back to their homeland of Temauntro, though crugar traditionally believe that they were descended from the first crugar, Iscin, back in the dawning of time. Iscin the father created all the furred races of Jorune, but the crugar were his first and his favorite children, whom he created in his image. Iscin the Father was opposed by Bomoveris the Tempter, who was a human. Bomoveris tricked Iscin’s son Choundra into killing his father/creator, and crugar have largely despised humans ever since. They’ve also had to deal with prejudice from the other "Iscin races," who blame the crugar for Bomoveris’ crime. Choundra led his crugar siblings across the world, away from the accursed place where Bomoveris had caused Iscin to be slain. Crugar are in tune with the flow of isho enough that some of them have learned the lightning blast dysha. Crugar get +3 to LISTEN, +2 to AGILITY, +1 to SPOT, -2 to SOCIAL, ISHO, EDUCATION, and AIM ranks, and -4 to COLOR

Woffen: sociable, canine furry bipeds, most woffen have the proper amount of fur, and most adults stand between 1.5 and 2 m tall. Their sociable natures and a genetic predisposition to alcoholism can result in woffen drinking to excess, which results in their losing their fur in large discolored patches. Woffen love the sea, and though they tend to rove, most can trace their lineage back to either the woffen island realm of Lundere or the southern country of Anasan. Woffen have a version of the Iscin mythology, but in their version, the crugar Choundra rebelled against Iscin the Creator (a woffen) and threw him down. After this, Choundra threw Iscin’s other children out of paradise, and they spent many generations wandering the planet in search of a home. Woffen can eat a herb that loosens their hip joints, allowing them to run on all fours nearly as effectively as a crugar. They are in tune with the flow of isho enough that many of them have learned the power hold dysha. Woffen get +3 to LISTEN, +2 to AGILITY, and -2 to SOCIAL, ISHO, EDUCATION, AIM, and SPOT ranks.

Bronth: massive, ursine bipeds, bronth are very furry. Adult bronth stand fully erect between 2.5 and 3 m tall, but they rarely stand fully erect, instead hunching down a half meter shorter. Most Bronth hail from or can trace their lineage back to their homeland of Dobre. They also have a version of the Iscin mythology, in which a vague being called Iscin created them and then abandoned them. Being the eldest, Choundra the crugar tried to take over as head of the family, but he grew corrupt and enslaved the others, and they were mistreated and abused until the woffen and bronth could escape. Once the bronth found the fertile realm across the sea, they settled in Crendor and Dobre, while their woffen cousins, ever restless, roved on for generations more. In general, the bronth value honor, freedom, and hospitality, with many working to end slavery on Jorune. Few develop much affinity with isho, though they can sense it well enough that many learn to unweave others’ dyshas. Bronth get +4 STRENGTH, +3 LISTEN, +2 AGILITY, -2 SOCIAL, ISHO, EDUCATION, AIM, and SPOT, and -4 COLOR rank.

Selected which race you want to play? Then continue to part 3.

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