Playtesters wanted for a variety of 5e subclasses!

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Oct 28, 2018 2:49 am
Hey all, a friend and I have been working hard on creating a whole bunch of subclasses for D&D 5e. Eventually we're going to release them in a product on the DMs Guild, but right now we're at the point that we really need some playtesters!

Note: This is NOT a campaign. It's a series of short, fast-paced playtests at a variety of levels.

Details on the game page: The Unrivaled Playtesters of Loremaster Shem

Oct 28, 2018 12:33 pm
Very interesting! I have applied.
Oct 29, 2018 1:52 am
I want in! I love casting classes and new stuff in general!
Jan 27, 2020 1:33 am
I had to abandon this game about a year ago, much to the sadness and shame of myself and misfortune of the players. But the good news is that I am back and ready to roll some new dice. Old players, you're certainly welcome back, with many apologies for my absence. New players, please come and see that Carcabob and I have doubled the number of subclasses we have available for playtest! More than 20 now, and with more on the way. We also have an entirely brand new class coming soon (with its own dozen or so subclasses) that we'll need tested.

So yes, we want you to come play! Anyone who feels like DMing for these new player options is also 100% welcome.

Within the game is also a link to a Discord where Carcabob and I have some discussions (and sometimes more pbp games there using Avrae), so you'd be welcome to that. And everyone who helps out by testing or even just through discussion will be thanked in our product when it finally comes out. We now have an art director, so slowly but surely we're getting there!

Hope to see you in the game! Here's the link to some details.
Jan 27, 2020 12:26 pm
You have been accepted, mighty Caesar :)
Jan 30, 2020 5:10 am
Just as a heads up for anyone looking for a game, we've got a good group of players participating in this one, and more are always welcome!
Feb 4, 2020 1:18 am
Here is a list of all the subclasses we currently have playable and ready to playtest...

Barbarian: Path of the Cosmic Juggernaut

Barbarian: Path of the Dragonheart

Bard: College of Animism

Bard: College of Verisimilitude

Cleric: Debt Domain

Cleric: Ruin Domain

Druid: Circle of the Skies

Fighter: Ardent

Fighter: Swordsage

Fighter: Vanguard

Monk: Way of Hellfire

Paladin: Oath of Enlightenment

Paladin: Oath of Heroism

Paladin: Oath of Obligation

Ranger: Bounty Hunter

Ranger: Predator

Rogue: Primeval Stalker

Rogue: Ruffian

Sorcerer: Rakshasa Bloodline

Sorcerer: Slaad Symbiote

Warlock: The Riddler

Wizard: Box Magic

Wizard: School of Transfusion

And some that will soon be available...

Bard: College of Revelry

Druid: Circle of the World Tree

Monk: Way of the Iron Grasp

Warlock: The Verdant One

Warlock: The Clockwork

(and Pact of the Graft for warlocks)

If any of these sound interesting, come read them and give some feedback!
Last edited Feb 4, 2020 1:18 am
Feb 8, 2020 10:31 pm
I'd love to have a peek at this.
Feb 9, 2020 8:15 am
Interesting: You announce the Clockwork Warlock, and two days later Wizards release a UA with the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer...
You got spies at Wizard!
Feb 12, 2020 5:46 am
evecar_solaris says:
I'd love to have a peek at this.
You're certainly welcome to come have a look!
Feb 12, 2020 5:49 am
Caesar says:
Interesting: You announce the Clockwork Warlock, and two days later Wizards release a UA with the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer...
You got spies at Wizard!
Haha, if we do I won't say. But we started work on our Oath of Heroism long before WotC put out their own in Unearthed Arcana. It was fun to see what was similar and what was different.

As for Clockwork, I just think that 'Clocklock' is more fun to say ;) But in all seriousness, the mechanics of their sorcerer and our warlock have very little to do with each other.

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