Greenhorn Here

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Nov 3, 2018 3:51 am
Hello! I am very, grossly new to this. I was invited to a DnD 3.5e group last year, we played a few times and then drifted out. I was into it and want to play again. But, I can't dedicate an hours-long block every week to play. I just discovered PbP and it seemed like it would be great to try.

I'm willing to try any game, and I'm a fast learner. So, sign me up!
Nov 3, 2018 3:53 am
Nov 3, 2018 7:21 am
Nov 3, 2018 1:02 pm
Welcome, Juza! Not a lot of 3.5 gets played here on Gamers Plane, but there may be a t-shirt in my house that says: "3.5 Til I Die".
Nov 3, 2018 3:11 pm
Hello and welcome!

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