Crimes and Punishment in Eberron (5e)

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Nov 7, 2018 3:14 am
You are required to hear this song before reading any further.

In the grand city of Sharn crime is rife and many take advantage of it. The Sharn watch does little to intervene as most would rather not be murdered or are corrupt, turning a blind eye in exchange for a cut of the pie. In this campaign you will play as lawbreakers whose sentence has already been dealt, given a second chance with some "community service". House Tharashk is in need of bounty hunters, and right now you either accept their generous offer, or spend the rest of your days a prisoner.

Expect a healthy mix of RP, intrigue, music, and combat. There will be a decent amount of humor and lightheartedness despite the morally ambiguous nature of the game. I'm looking for 5 people, ideally a mix of regulars and some newcomers. Character generation will be fairly involved, some group collaboration would work very well for this game. In addition I'm keen on implementing Norts martial maneuvers to give martials some more tools to play with. It essentially removes the battlemaster class, and instead gives everyone access to their maneuvers, plus some new ones. But wait, isn't that just a straight up buff to fighters? Yes, yes it is. I have a copy that I can share with everyone who joins the game.

Game details can be found here.
Nov 7, 2018 6:27 pm
Sounds like fun. I'm not great on my Eberron lore, but I like the collaborative character gen. I'd be down to give it a try
Nov 12, 2018 10:12 am
This looks like a dream come true. If you don't mind a newbie to this forum I have been playing tabletop RPGs (DnD, WoD, Shadowrun, Eclipse Phase etc.) for about 15 years now. I am quite familiar with Eberron setting, even read Dreaming Dark trilogy. I am from Ukraine but my English is pretty good.

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