Star Wars: Chance Cubes and Sabacc Dreams [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
The adventures of the crew of the Star of Dac as they ply the space lanes of the Outer Rim.

Mostly Edge focused game with a off-canon setting as detailed below:

Most of the named main characters (Lan, Leia, Luke, Vader) died during the battle of Endor. The Empire and rebellion were still going and retreated to lick their wounds.
A year later there was a massive engagement at Jakku where the Empire came out the worst of it.
Various surviving Moffs and other influential Imperials began infighting to try and establish control over the Empire. COMPNOR (Commission for the Preservation of the New Order) started producing a number of motivational holo's featuring the Emperor to quell the lies that he had died (allegedly)
The Rebellion have reformed into the Alliance of Free Worlds and are using the unstable conditions within the Empire to accelerate the liberation of systems. Nominally systems are given the choice of joining the Alliance or going their own way but there are rumors that they are using less than savory methods to pressure systems into joining (probably just more COMPNOR propaganda....maybe).
Other factions in the galaxy (Hutt's, Black Sun, etc) are using the confusion to quietly expand their spheres of influence. Only a matter of time before things come to a head with them and either the Imperials or the Alliance.

Most of the above is pretty much meta information and may be subject to change dependent on how the story develops. Will be up to players how much of that their characters know/believe/think is garbage

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Characters will be created as per the standard rules, most official FFG sources will be allowed


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