Impossible Landscapes [ EDIT ]

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"CAMILLA: What impossible landscapes wait beyond the cracked corners of this false world?"

-The King in Yellow, Act II, Scene IV

"Impossible Landscapes" is the first campaign for Delta Green the Role-Playing Game. It centers on Robert W. Chambers' 1895 book "The King in Yellow", elements of which also appear in such game books as "The Unspeakable Oath", "Delta Green: COUNTDOWN", and fiction books such as "Sosostris", "Ambrose", and "Broadalbin".

This campaign focuses on a missing woman, a mysterious play that drives people insane, an asylum, a country that doesn't exist, and the end of the world. Agents skate the edge of a mystery that unravels their existence and struggle to find a way back from a fictional country called Carcosa.

"Impossible Landscapes" focuses on surreal horror, like that found in "The OA", "The Shining", "Twin Peaks", "Jacob's Ladder", "Lost Highway", or "The Ninth Configuration". Agents confront monsters, but monsters from the depths of the human mind. These threats are as endless as imagination and as insubstantial as smoke; making them infinitely deadlier than any ancient, slumbering, Lovecraftian god.

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A link to character sheets will be provided in the Agent Creation thread.

The first operation is set in Manhattan, New York, in the summer of 1995. The players are Delta Green Agents brought in to catalog the articles of the
missing painter in a Manhattan art co-op.

What is Delta Green?

Ask any two Delta Green agents "What is Delta Green?" and you'll get two very different answers. It is an enigma. Its mission requires concealing itself from the public, from the rest of the U.S. government, and even, sometimes, from its own agents.

It is likely that even a veteran agent has met fewer than five Delta Green operatives. That's it. There are no cubicles. No secret bases. No newsletters or human resources intranets. No badges or letterhead. Every team is spread out, coming together only when a mission demands it.

Details about the leadership are off-limits. If there is a headquarters, you've never seen it. If you do know more, you know to keep it to yourself. Such knowledge could get people arrested or killed. The group is more like a secret society than an agency of the federal government.

Every Delta Green agent spends most of his or her time working a "real" job. Many are FBI, CIA, or military, but nearly any profession can be found in Delta Green's ranks.

The "standard professions" typically recruited by Delta Green tend to be Anthropologists/Historians, Computer Scientists/Engineers, Federal Agents, Physicians, Scientists, and Special Operators.

Additional professions might include: Criminal, Firefighter, Foreign Service Officer, Intelligence Analyst, Intelligence Case Officer, Lawyer/Business Executive, Media Specialist, Nurse/Paramedic, Pilot/Sailor, Police Officer, Program Manager, Soldier/Marine.

There are also dozens of federal and military agencies detailed between the Agent's Handbook and a supplement called The Complex, with additional options for more specific Professions (for example, you might work for U.S. CBP Border Patrol as a Federal Agent, and use the Federal Agent breakdown; or, you could work for CBP SOG/BORSTAR, which has a unique skill spread.)

The standard professions are more than sufficient to get the job done. If you have an idea for something very specific ("I wanna play a Navy DEVGRU operator!" Well, you can!), let me know and I'll dig through the resource books to see what's offered.

Character generation will be laid out step by step in the game forum.


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